20 years 1 month

Not just a user of Universal Hub, I'm the founder! Been doing Internetty Boston stuff for ages now (long enough that I started out with a gopher, and who remembers that?).

You can reach me at [email protected].

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
9/8/24 - 8:30 pm I like the cut of your JIB Did technical glitch knock WRKO off the air for two hours? Station's morning conspiracist reports voices in his head are telling him it was Biden sabotage 22
9/8/24 - 3:47 pm The filing also doesn't detail ... Company charges forward with large-scale power-storage building in Brighton 44
9/8/24 - 12:49 pm Obligatory musical reference Company charges forward with large-scale power-storage building in Brighton 44
9/7/24 - 12:03 am Yes! Venerable Brookline breakfast place closing down 23
9/6/24 - 4:59 pm The bedes ... Venerable Brookline breakfast place closing down 23
9/6/24 - 2:03 pm Ooh, I completely missed the heron! It's a serene morning on the Charles and then a couple of young deer get the zoomies 6
9/5/24 - 3:34 pm Yes it does! Chim-chim-cheree: Boston's only Jewish chimneysweep hangs up the broom after 70 years 8
9/5/24 - 3:33 pm Did you notice the name of the publication that interviewed him? Chim-chim-cheree: Boston's only Jewish chimneysweep hangs up the broom after 70 years 8
9/4/24 - 5:55 pm OK, so what happened then? Man sought for attack at a South Boston bar that sent victim to the hospital 8
9/4/24 - 10:19 am True, but ... Flaming truck loaded with flammable sealcoating on 128 ties up traffic for miles around - even in Readville 6
9/4/24 - 9:55 am Here's the official definition Erin Murphy to stay a Boston city councilor 21
9/3/24 - 2:21 pm Just updated the OP Entire T system comes to a halt, something with the power system at fault 13
9/3/24 - 1:41 pm OK, granted, the bulls are on the Boston side of the line ... In South Brookline, Jewish congregation, neighbors battle over whether congregation's proposed new home is just too large 29
9/3/24 - 1:39 pm Fortunately ... In South Brookline, Jewish congregation, neighbors battle over whether congregation's proposed new home is just too large 29
9/3/24 - 11:19 am You might want to tour the area some day In South Brookline, Jewish congregation, neighbors battle over whether congregation's proposed new home is just too large 29
9/3/24 - 11:13 am No, they don't In South Brookline, Jewish congregation, neighbors battle over whether congregation's proposed new home is just too large 29
9/3/24 - 11:01 am Um ... In South Brookline, Jewish congregation, neighbors battle over whether congregation's proposed new home is just too large 29
9/3/24 - 9:58 am I sense some hostility there ... Arboretum wants to replace parking spaces with trees at one Roslindale entrance 15
9/2/24 - 8:42 pm Yep Why Suffolk County voters elect a clerk for the state's highest court 4
9/1/24 - 8:51 pm We must still have the album in the attic Big white sky bird 8
8/31/24 - 2:34 pm Not necessarily No bull: Roslindale bovine was actually a steer, but now has a name and is looking for a home 26
8/30/24 - 8:21 pm Not a big market for single people on Centre Street Apartment building proposed off Centre Street in West Roxbury with no affordable housing, but way more parking than city now calls for 54
8/30/24 - 11:32 am She did! Apartment building proposed off Centre Street in West Roxbury with no affordable housing, but way more parking than city now calls for 54
8/30/24 - 11:29 am Yeah, because one thing Centre Street needed was another bank Apartment building proposed off Centre Street in West Roxbury with no affordable housing, but way more parking than city now calls for 54
8/29/24 - 10:34 am Fixed State's highest court says experience matters and picks somebody with actual legal experience as one of its two clerks; Suffolk County voters next week will pick the other 18
8/28/24 - 10:33 pm Headline changed, story updated Old TV tower, radio studios could make way for apartments on Leo Birmingham Parkway in Brighton 29
8/28/24 - 3:30 pm The thing near WBZ Old TV tower, radio studios could make way for apartments on Leo Birmingham Parkway in Brighton 29
8/28/24 - 11:46 am That area ... Board likes proposed Allston apartment building but tells developer to come back with some more open space on the lot 7
8/28/24 - 10:30 am Plenty of trees to hide in and grass to eat Bully! Roslindale bovine found alive; he found contentment behind the American Legion Highway Walgreens 28
8/27/24 - 5:42 pm Livestock not allowed in Boston Bully! Roslindale bovine found alive; he found contentment behind the American Legion Highway Walgreens 28
8/27/24 - 11:55 am Nice try, but no Second Amendment gives you the right to walk around in public with a switchblade, court rules 34
8/26/24 - 5:39 pm There are 168 hours in a week Forest Hills residents and cemetery battle 35
8/26/24 - 4:29 pm He addresses that Jehovah's Witness files second suit over his firing as a Boston cop for refusing Covid-19 shots, tests 84
8/25/24 - 10:40 pm Another one City Council candidate hates bike lanes so much she parked in one, screw bicyclists, but it didn't end well for her 58
8/23/24 - 1:59 pm The coming of the ManhattAnts The ants of September came early 4
8/22/24 - 8:58 pm Aw, is your masculinity hurting? Moakley Park gets a spot where kids can learn to ride a bike 16
8/22/24 - 5:59 pm Syvlester Jr. is pointing at me and going "For shame" Troubled Union Street bar closed for good after incident involving its manager and his girlfriend in his basement office 11
8/22/24 - 1:19 pm No members of Oasis will be involved in the decision Troubled Union Street bar closed for good after incident involving its manager and his girlfriend in his basement office 11
8/22/24 - 11:58 am They'll need a daycare Massive redevelopment in the works for 31-acre Gillette site: Housing, commercial space and parkland that will double as a bulwark against rising seas 29
8/22/24 - 10:36 am Yep Massive redevelopment in the works for 31-acre Gillette site: Housing, commercial space and parkland that will double as a bulwark against rising seas 29
8/21/24 - 6:42 pm Just a wee bit of difference ... Fields Corner gets crusty over proposed Papa John's 28
8/21/24 - 11:26 am Especially ... NPR explains it all, Massachusetts music edition 70
8/21/24 - 10:14 am Boston journalism Vast swarms of amorous flying ants are flitting around tonight, landing in ears and hair, raining on cars and dropping into people's frappes 12
8/21/24 - 12:02 am Ew! Vast swarms of amorous flying ants are flitting around tonight, landing in ears and hair, raining on cars and dropping into people's frappes 12
8/21/24 - 12:00 am Sad Globe photo cutline Vast swarms of amorous flying ants are flitting around tonight, landing in ears and hair, raining on cars and dropping into people's frappes 12
8/20/24 - 4:42 pm Imagine owning a pool under it all Vast swarms of amorous flying ants are flitting around tonight, landing in ears and hair, raining on cars and dropping into people's frappes 12
8/20/24 - 3:33 pm Maybe, maybe not Man who lost his job as police commissioner after just two days loses suit over his firing 12
8/19/24 - 12:39 pm Sorta Keeping abreast of the news 31
8/19/24 - 11:42 am Decided not to cover it myself Keeping abreast of the news 31
8/19/24 - 10:38 am OK, enough Five shot in Franklin Park 43


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
12/19/24 - 8:52 pm Man who sued Boston, State Police after a city dog officer and troopers visited his apartment is charged with repeatedly abusing his pet
12/19/24 - 7:43 pm White Stadium controversy continues to kick around
12/19/24 - 3:06 pm Wrong-way Toyotathon continues: Yet another Toyota driver winds up on Green Line tracks
12/19/24 - 2:45 pm Alleged grinning idiot with a paving stone sought for smashing up Navy Yard venue, forcing it to cancel holiday events
12/19/24 - 2:21 pm Glory be: Closed Hyde Park bridge might re-open to traffic next week
12/19/24 - 1:00 pm Dominican restaurant could soon open in long vacant space at Blue Hill and Talbot avenues where a steak place and then a pot shop were planned but never opened
12/19/24 - 12:02 pm South End woman's death was murder, police, family say
12/19/24 - 11:27 am Election roundup: Trump flag waver and Rand Paul fanboi running for Ed Flynn's seat
12/19/24 - 9:58 am Oncologist who oversaw test of Kendall Square company's cancer drug to pay more than $3 million for insider trading
12/18/24 - 4:54 pm Line-cutting rage at Brighton club ended with literal back stabbing, DA says
12/18/24 - 4:17 pm Car fire makes a hash of traffic around the Science Museum
12/18/24 - 4:01 pm Hyde Park nail salon catches fire
12/18/24 - 3:57 pm Police hunt the grinch who stole a purse during a Christmas toy drive
12/18/24 - 12:11 pm Firefighting academy renamed after former leader who always held his trainees to high standards
12/18/24 - 11:01 am Election roundup: Some Boston council seats could be contested next year
12/18/24 - 10:29 am Serial drug dealer from Dorchester gets 12 years in prison after getting caught selling meth in Boston and Cambridge
12/18/24 - 9:31 am Esplanade eagle
12/17/24 - 11:45 pm Man charged with armed robbery turned stabbing on Fernboro Street in Dorchester
12/17/24 - 4:44 pm Owners of unusual California-style house on Comm. Ave. in Brighton propose renovations - and six-story apartment building right behind it
12/17/24 - 1:39 pm Judge rules now retired Cambridge SWAT officer can continue his suit against the city for allegedly disciplining him for buying guns he thought were no good
12/17/24 - 10:47 am Orange Line Time Machine: The Don Bosco signs at Tufts
12/17/24 - 9:58 am Brighton Center ice-cream parlor scoots
12/16/24 - 11:55 pm Engineer at local chip company didn't just ship forbidden drone tech to Iran, he got his company to help Iranians develop a system to test more drone parts, feds charge
12/16/24 - 2:25 pm Chinese transplant surgeon gets 20 months for role in steroid money-laundering scheme
12/16/24 - 1:52 pm Mattapan man charged with 1992 murder for hire in Cambridge
12/16/24 - 11:33 am Boston Billy takes in his race
12/16/24 - 10:48 am Somerville eliminates parking requirements for new construction
12/16/24 - 10:23 am The man who brought a little cheer, and lots of hot dogs, to poor Boston children
12/16/24 - 9:34 am Let Freedom House ring
12/15/24 - 11:29 pm Everett newspaper to settle libel suit by mayor by paying him $1.1 million and then shutting down forever
12/15/24 - 12:53 pm Police detect drone flying too close to Logan, track it to closed shelter on Long Island, arrest two men for being dumbasses
12/14/24 - 10:26 pm Night drone over Plymouth
12/14/24 - 5:29 pm Landlord booting Harvard Square's last dive bar, which had been open since the 1950s
12/14/24 - 1:26 pm Two-alarm fire displaces 14 on Hazelton Street in Mattapan
12/14/24 - 11:30 am Dorchester man admits he got off a bus at Ruggles packing a loaded gun, magazines and plenty of ammo
12/13/24 - 4:19 pm Was only matter of time before another Boylston Street water main would shreve, crump and blow
12/13/24 - 3:41 pm Drunk New Yorker tries driving on E Line tracks but doesn't get far, police say
12/13/24 - 2:33 pm Feds join investigation into Muddy River oil spill
12/13/24 - 1:42 pm Affordable apartment building could be coming to Roslindale Square
12/13/24 - 1:04 pm Board says North Station club not to blame for Causeway Street brawls after a Halloween party there, but still plans a hearing on preventing further street melees
12/13/24 - 12:48 pm One of those fancier Taco Bells approved for Maverick Square
12/13/24 - 10:16 am WBUR drops its only news show devoted specifically to Boston
12/13/24 - 10:10 am Two Suffolk County jail guards charged with Covid unemployment and small-business fraud
12/13/24 - 9:27 am Woman found murdered in South End apartment
12/13/24 - 8:53 am Just a little drain clog, MassDOT says of flooded Ted Williams Tunnel
12/12/24 - 11:35 pm Somebody decides to empty a gun in the Bunker Hill development
12/12/24 - 11:00 pm Police in Cambridge are not calling you to threaten to arrest you for missing jury duty
12/12/24 - 3:42 pm Some Boston city councilors want to study how to better keep feds from getting hands on data collected by police, and not just about immigrants
12/12/24 - 1:27 pm O'Neill Tunnel became a river in yesterday's downpour
12/12/24 - 12:45 pm Roslindale market gets OK to become neighborhood center for ouzo and other hard Greek drinks