Member for 15 years 10 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 4/19/17 - 11:23 am St James Ave, Copley A lot of streetcars 38 7/17/14 - 4:42 pm At least he saw the low clearance sign Oh, nuts: Truck loses brakes, careens across Beacon, plunges onto Common 65 7/15/14 - 4:52 pm Sounds reasonable Mayor declares war on parking-space saver app 45 12/18/13 - 9:33 am TOR Maybe his parents smelt of elderberries 19 11/26/12 - 3:49 pm Mystic River movie When trolleys roamed the earth 28 11/26/12 - 3:14 pm Changed building When trolleys roamed the earth 28 11/14/12 - 12:14 pm Bollard failure? Needless to say, the driver was arrested 17 9/10/12 - 9:21 am I personally love the Do traffic signals make Boston pedestrians more Massholish than their counterparts in Cambridge? 64 5/29/12 - 1:56 pm "Well I'm all broken up about that man's rights" No ifs, ands or butts: Court rules cops can't pull your underwear down in public if the lumps in it are soft 22 4/26/12 - 9:53 am Not buying it Arroyo: Why not public recycling bins next to trash cans? 8 1/25/12 - 9:56 am Lower density = higher infrastructure costs Anger at the T 15 12/12/11 - 4:15 pm Picture When Atlantic Avenue had an el 5 10/18/11 - 5:14 pm Jamaicaway? MBTA commits to shoveling out bus stops this winter; state to consider lefthanded snowplows for populated parkways 28 9/22/11 - 2:25 pm Freight T riders should brace for substantial fare increases 60 9/22/11 - 11:09 am Is it just me, or does it The safe sitting on the sidewalk at 2 a.m. attracted officers' attention 4 9/15/11 - 2:51 pm We could just widen all roads Massholes don't like acknowledging somebody else has the right of way 151 9/15/11 - 12:10 pm Check out this site with some bike safety tips Massholes don't like acknowledging somebody else has the right of way 151 9/7/11 - 1:51 am Really? Making the case for replacing mammoth overpass with at-grade crossing in Forest Hills 71 9/6/11 - 2:42 pm Potential bikers Making the case for replacing mammoth overpass with at-grade crossing in Forest Hills 71 9/5/11 - 11:22 pm True Boston vs. San Francisco 38 9/5/11 - 10:00 pm They're quite different, no doubt there Boston vs. San Francisco 38 9/5/11 - 7:21 pm Compare with Europe Boston vs. San Francisco 38 9/5/11 - 5:08 pm Hills Boston vs. San Francisco 38 9/5/11 - 1:04 pm Customer Service and cleanliness may be better Boston vs. San Francisco 38 8/30/11 - 1:38 pm Not to mention... How bicycle cops secure their bikes 33 8/24/11 - 11:11 am All too easy to steal a bike in broad daylight More T stations to get bike parking 14 7/20/11 - 2:24 pm Full station No, JP not being bypassed by bike-rental network because everybody there already has a bike 27 7/20/11 - 2:00 pm Not quite the purpose of the bike share No, JP not being bypassed by bike-rental network because everybody there already has a bike 27 7/18/11 - 4:31 pm Walk signals Is City Hall serious about cracking down on red-light-running bicyclists? 65 7/14/11 - 3:05 pm Other infractions Is City Hall serious about cracking down on red-light-running bicyclists? 65 6/30/11 - 10:48 am Cornhill Imagine if City Hall were replaced with a large arch 23 6/30/11 - 10:32 am Bay State Road Imagine if City Hall were replaced with a large arch 23 6/29/11 - 4:21 pm Interesting Imagine if City Hall were replaced with a large arch 23 6/29/11 - 12:07 pm No elevation change? Imagine if City Hall were replaced with a large arch 23 5/27/11 - 12:45 pm Speeding too When Massholes park their cars, they stay parked 11 5/18/11 - 4:02 pm Well, yes, I am making a bit Watertown to Belmont: Suck it and leave our trackless trolleys alone 31 5/18/11 - 1:33 pm Diesel Engine vs Power Plant Watertown to Belmont: Suck it and leave our trackless trolleys alone 31 5/17/11 - 10:22 am Ironically, I found when I How you can tell you've entered JP's Little Amsterdam 14 4/2/11 - 2:14 pm A tunnel would be better Should state replace crumbling Forest Hills overpass or just tear it down altogether? 30 4/1/11 - 2:00 pm Actually, an at grade bridge used to exist here Should state replace crumbling Forest Hills overpass or just tear it down altogether? 30 2/15/11 - 5:52 pm Taxes Pressley: Not giving teens tools to deal with sex would be cowardly 26 2/10/11 - 11:34 am Drive-in movies?? Another day, another proposal to spruce up City Hall Plaza 4 2/9/11 - 6:42 pm Check out the frontline program on Walmart as well Menino to Wal-Mart: You're welcome if you provide good wages, benefits 9 1/25/11 - 1:42 pm Depending on length of commute, might not need showers 'The only reason the bus that I was able to fit on stopped is because we went in the street to get her to stop and let us on' 77 12/22/10 - 10:31 am Modern Urban Renewal? $1.2-billion project to remake downtown Quincy 16 12/20/10 - 4:09 pm Well played Bruins fans were skating on thin ice with alleged Garden stunt 20 11/9/10 - 4:22 pm Narrow Gauge Rail Trail Nearly plowed into by a bicyclist near Kenmore Square - on the sidewalk 94 11/3/10 - 2:17 pm Streetview before Explosion in Readville destroys one home, damages others 14 10/29/10 - 11:46 am less true further from downtown The real problem with Boston's high-tech startup community? Not enough boozy shmoozing 8 10/21/10 - 1:53 pm Real globe article Allston neighborhood group would rather have abandoned gas station than pizza place that serves beer and wine 69 Pages123next ›last » My articles