20 years 1 day

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
11/15/13 - 7:14 pm need to find this guy... Teddy bear with a keytar 3
11/14/13 - 8:41 pm Oak Island? Inbound train on Newburyport line hits, kills man in Revere 69
10/1/13 - 9:44 am wellington to state... Red Line shut down, but you can't blame Boehner for that 41
2/8/13 - 6:21 pm the eggs! THE EGGS!!!!! The human French Toast Alert 4
2/8/13 - 6:19 pm what they forgot The Groveland Diner French Toast Blizzard Survival Kit 2
8/27/11 - 9:19 pm not gay. Best not to be reading books about airplanes on an airplane if your skin isn't pale 36
12/23/10 - 11:24 pm you weren't the only one... Need some proof Bank of America sucks? 34
12/23/10 - 11:22 pm precisely Need some proof Bank of America sucks? 34
12/23/10 - 11:16 pm marriage civil unions discussion Need some proof Bank of America sucks? 34
3/4/10 - 10:09 am Coast to Coast AM! Rushing to get new radio-station Web site up 21
10/28/09 - 11:04 am thank you ron. Cannonball distress in Cambridge 13
10/28/09 - 10:22 am Please... someone correct me if i'm wrong. Cannonball distress in Cambridge 13
10/22/09 - 10:07 am cartoon on the main page Next time, consult the English department 4
9/17/09 - 8:38 am i do too Boston a walking city? Visiting Brit says 'hah!' 61
9/17/09 - 8:33 am it happenened in the middle of the street... Boston a walking city? Visiting Brit says 'hah!' 61
9/1/09 - 1:56 pm yes! Nomination for Best Globe Story Comment of the Year 12
8/14/09 - 1:58 pm toats gonna "Twelfth Night" on tour 4
8/14/09 - 12:50 pm it wasn't me! "Twelfth Night" on tour 4
7/20/09 - 7:54 am you were in my neighborhood... Hey, why didn't anybody ever tell me Newburyport is cool? 15
7/7/09 - 2:10 pm ooooooh Rebel Shakespeare Company touring Hamlet in Boston 10
7/7/09 - 9:31 am Winter's Tale & Hamlet updates... Rebel Shakespeare Company touring Hamlet in Boston 10
7/6/09 - 11:16 pm that's the right site... Rebel Shakespeare Company touring Hamlet in Boston 10
7/6/09 - 8:45 pm i95 pain Not a good day for highway driving north of Boston 4
3/17/09 - 1:03 pm alex beam.... How many clueless mainstream media types does it take to whine about Twitter? 5
2/11/09 - 11:09 am you're absolutely right.... Mayhem erupts in suburbs 8
2/11/09 - 11:00 am Salem incident Mayhem erupts in suburbs 8
2/10/09 - 1:50 pm if you have Onstar... And the silicon chip inside her car gets switched to overload 39
2/9/09 - 12:13 pm nah... The man who wants to make Shepard Fairey obey 39
2/9/09 - 12:07 pm Fairey and the Steelers The man who wants to make Shepard Fairey obey 39
2/5/09 - 9:34 am hit the 57 with the heel of your hand... 1980s Tylenol killer traced to Cambridge and Somerville? 23
2/5/09 - 9:28 am what does I'd almost think Dennis and Felger are closeted but ... 16
2/4/09 - 10:01 am fan clubs Live Nation's inconvenience fees 4
2/2/09 - 1:22 pm thank you Stop him before he starts texting behind the wheel 28
2/2/09 - 10:38 am No Reservations... Eating a pig's head 2
2/2/09 - 10:32 am why do we need more laws? Stop him before he starts texting behind the wheel 28
1/7/09 - 3:45 pm he is! Sloth not a good attribute for a lawyer 3
1/7/09 - 3:44 pm thanks Hello, caller - you're live in the courtroom 18
1/7/09 - 10:54 am if we're talking FTalert for merrimack valley Maybe we need two French Toast Alerts 11
12/12/08 - 9:33 pm old south No First Night celebrations at Old South Church 2
10/21/08 - 7:06 pm correct... Globe writes story about YouTube video, doesn't link to it 14
10/21/08 - 12:48 pm my guess is... Globe writes story about YouTube video, doesn't link to it 14
10/21/08 - 9:27 am salem insider... Globe writes story about YouTube video, doesn't link to it 14
10/6/08 - 5:51 pm one box of teabags Could you get by spending just $21 a week on food? 26
10/6/08 - 5:49 pm they aren't Could you get by spending just $21 a week on food? 26
10/6/08 - 4:05 pm my kids like ramen Could you get by spending just $21 a week on food? 26
10/6/08 - 3:01 pm is that for an individual? Could you get by spending just $21 a week on food? 26
10/6/08 - 9:41 am she got her wish! Moral dilemma solved 7
10/3/08 - 1:23 pm i'd like to read The smoot turns 50 5
9/29/08 - 11:36 am agreed Where's our Kyle? 17
9/29/08 - 11:22 am football, it ain't soccer Where's our Kyle? 17


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
2/8/13 - 2:47 pm The Groveland Diner French Toast Blizzard Survival Kit
1/26/12 - 10:33 pm Create a Cook Hosting FREE Open House Jan 28, 1-4pm
5/7/11 - 8:03 pm 48 hour film project
3/9/11 - 11:54 pm Summer Camp Shakespeare
1/11/11 - 3:09 pm French Toast Alert is Celebrated in other parts of the USA
8/19/10 - 6:06 pm Much Ado About Rebel Shakespeare
8/27/09 - 9:34 am Rebel Shakespeare in Wellesley tonight...
8/14/09 - 12:18 pm "Twelfth Night" on tour
7/20/09 - 3:00 pm Thank you, Arlington!
7/16/09 - 7:25 am Rebel Shakespeare - time change on Saturday
7/6/09 - 8:57 pm Rebel Shakespeare Company touring Hamlet in Boston
9/10/08 - 10:52 pm Jim's Big Ego "free*" -- listen, love it, buy it for free*
9/3/08 - 12:49 pm Boston Harbor Islands...
8/10/08 - 8:20 pm Romeo & Juliet on tour
2/20/08 - 8:46 pm Eclipse!
2/10/08 - 1:44 pm Thundersnow!
12/13/07 - 7:49 pm Rte 1 North by Kappy's...
5/4/07 - 3:58 pm Fake Psychologist Found Guilty. Oh, and by the way ... she was a stripper!
4/9/07 - 4:57 pm Dino Rage
3/15/07 - 7:53 pm Why I am not happy with Angelina
2/11/07 - 4:11 pm Hopefully they're all insane at the NWS in Taunton...
12/18/06 - 5:28 pm Pop Go The Ladies
10/7/06 - 8:18 pm Tigers & Champagne, Oh My!
10/7/06 - 8:16 pm Tigers and Champagne
9/27/06 - 7:23 am Christy 2006 cartoon ad
9/15/06 - 3:17 pm Homeless Shelters Servicing Children
6/23/06 - 9:38 pm new puppy
6/20/06 - 9:19 am Guster Booze Cruise
1/18/06 - 4:09 pm Stormy Sky and Some Eeka
10/7/05 - 7:33 pm Heart Transplant Right Now -- Go, Walt! Go!
8/15/05 - 6:59 pm MDC Concrete Menagerie
8/15/05 - 6:57 pm MDC Concrete Menagerie
3/16/05 - 2:42 pm What Happened to Jim?
3/16/05 - 2:39 pm What Happened to Jim?
2/28/05 - 5:37 pm Category Four Kill Storm