11 years 1 month

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
6/14/24 - 7:59 pm Sheena memories Teen shot after her high-school graduation in the Seaport, possibly by another graduate, still dressed in his cap and gown 35
6/14/24 - 7:54 pm Sheena memories Teen shot after her high-school graduation in the Seaport, possibly by another graduate, still dressed in his cap and gown 35
6/14/24 - 7:53 pm Sheena Easton memories Teen shot after her high-school graduation in the Seaport, possibly by another graduate, still dressed in his cap and gown 35
1/15/24 - 12:19 pm Is anyone here a marine biologist? The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back chowder at Kelly's 6
11/17/23 - 11:26 pm DOOL Leave Boston's newest coffeehouse to the tourists who don't care they're in a New York-themed joint in Boston, reviewer says 14
5/11/20 - 4:14 am Every Cloud... MBTA to advance Blue Line repair work downtown; is looking for other projects that can be done sooner with current low ridership 37
5/11/20 - 4:14 am Every Cloud... MBTA to advance Blue Line repair work downtown; is looking for other projects that can be done sooner with current low ridership 37
9/12/19 - 9:36 pm Buttercup says..... Little lost Dorchester dinosaur seeks way home 4
8/5/19 - 3:33 am Feed me Seymore! Feed me NOW! Citizen complaint of the day: Jamaica Plain playground is buzzing 19
8/5/19 - 3:27 am Feed me Seymore! Feed me NOW! Citizen complaint of the day: Jamaica Plain playground is buzzing 19
6/10/19 - 3:44 pm Worldstarhiphop site.... David Ortiz shot in the back in the Dominican Republic 25
6/10/19 - 3:18 pm Right!!!? Citizen complaint of the day: The kid-burning Myrtle the Turtle of Beacon Hill needs to go 58
6/10/19 - 2:16 pm I'm awful! Citizen complaint of the day: The kid-burning Myrtle the Turtle of Beacon Hill needs to go 58
5/6/19 - 8:02 pm That's exactly what came to my mind.... Jesus is coming, and he might need to chop down a cherry tree 21
5/6/19 - 7:48 pm That's exactly what came to my mind.... Jesus is coming, and he might need to chop down a cherry tree 21
4/25/19 - 8:59 pm Rocket Raccoon or... Rocky checks to see if the coast is clear 20
4/23/19 - 11:52 am ♪♫ but you cannot make him drink..... You can lead a horse to water ... 9
7/19/18 - 8:42 am Judge Milian, People's Court MBTA ambassador arrested at Government Center station - but not for anything he did on the job 68
1/26/18 - 9:46 am Mila is giving me a strong Harvard club comes into 21st century - to let women join men 18
1/26/18 - 6:01 am Every time I'm tempted to leave the keys in the ignition with Police: Man takes his dog on a Mission Hill carjacking jaunt 10
11/19/17 - 8:01 am Qcute....... Boston construction workers keep getting younger 7
11/5/17 - 1:03 am Remy should have been told..... Hawk doing its job in Davis Square 14
8/27/17 - 9:52 pm In a nutshell the Adam and Eve account.... The ultimate oops moment 11
8/27/17 - 9:35 pm Excuse me but when you drop quarters... Not much point to Boston's parking-meter app if the meter maids just ignore it 42
8/26/17 - 2:46 pm Deleted that "cr"app.... Not much point to Boston's parking-meter app if the meter maids just ignore it 42
6/24/17 - 7:38 pm Cute! So Cute! Dogspreading on the T 6
1/26/17 - 12:22 pm These are too painful to watch. Boston City Hall could get permanent coffee kiosk 52
1/26/17 - 12:01 pm Beautiful! How much wood could a wood duck duck if a wood duck could duck wood? 9
7/10/16 - 6:15 am The JPP PSA doesn't seem to give pause Boy suffers serious hand injury in apartment explosion 6
6/12/16 - 12:33 pm The one I saw was hanging around the back entry to Maverick so Chickens no longer as scarce as hen's teeth in Roslindale 18
6/12/16 - 12:27 pm The Skunks of East Boston Chickens no longer as scarce as hen's teeth in Roslindale 18
6/11/16 - 4:24 pm Man, they should have had 2 so the comments Having a ball in the Back Bay 11
6/8/16 - 9:03 pm Nelson says Dumbass of the month: Man held up at gunpoint while trying to break open donation box he'd allegedly stolen from a mosque 5
4/2/16 - 3:49 pm Stop it! Where's a butter truck when you need one? 14
4/2/16 - 10:30 am Mel.... Where's a butter truck when you need one? 14
4/2/16 - 10:28 am My enduring memory of Au Bon Pain. Another familiar Harvard Square sight disappears 20
4/2/16 - 9:55 am Perhaps the potatoes didn't like... Where's a butter truck when you need one? 14
3/31/16 - 4:49 am Guess I'll be taking the TWT from here on out. Man arrested for taking photos inside Callahan Tunnel - while walking to East Boston 73
3/26/16 - 4:36 am He even looks down-hearted in.... You need a permit for everything in this city 17
3/26/16 - 4:24 am switch them to de-caf Fight leaves Central Square Dunkin' Donuts a bloody mess 14
3/24/16 - 7:55 pm better than 2 in the bush..... Man in car shot in hand 5
3/22/16 - 8:58 am I really don't see how Oh, just grate: Man sues Shaw's over 100% Parmesan cheese he says isn't actually 100% cheese 72
3/22/16 - 8:54 am You're an angel Lyndsay but Women sexually attacked after getting into vehicles they thought were from a ride-share company 13
3/21/16 - 6:43 pm I understand your thoughts here. Women sexually attacked after getting into vehicles they thought were from a ride-share company 13
3/21/16 - 6:01 am I'm sure those chairs are there as a.... On your mark, get set, go save a space! 12
3/18/16 - 6:54 pm I keep thinking about that with the re-building of the Titanic. Norfrickin'easta 36
3/18/16 - 6:48 pm Hence, the Mattress! Former Boston Housing Authority official charged with using grant funds for travel, meals and penis pills 13
3/18/16 - 2:56 am Harvey Leonard (WCBV) uses 2 projection Norfrickin'easta 36
3/18/16 - 2:28 am If you can't love yourself..... Alleged bus banana buffer busted 2
3/16/16 - 7:12 pm The father was on WCBV this evening.... Zachary Marr's body recovered from Charles River lock 8


My articles