12 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
4/10/22 - 5:49 pm I witnessed someone pushing their arm into the car, after ... Man dies in freak incident at Broadway on the Red Line 32
5/21/19 - 9:00 pm Fine with me Boston voters could get to voice opinion on renaming Dudley Square as Nubian Square 74
5/21/19 - 8:58 pm > I am a very busy man Boston voters could get to voice opinion on renaming Dudley Square as Nubian Square 74
5/21/19 - 8:56 pm Low bar Boston voters could get to voice opinion on renaming Dudley Square as Nubian Square 74
10/3/15 - 11:14 pm Wow, you are having an exciting Saturday night. Bernie backers fill convention center 44
9/21/15 - 7:51 pm Don't feed the trolls Police: Man's gun goes off as he's pistol-whipping woman after Roxbury car crash; bullets don't hit her 58
9/14/15 - 9:57 pm Says the guy Police won't let man commit suicide by cop 12
9/13/15 - 6:45 pm Dudley Square also Apparently, there's a vast gray market in unused diabetic test strips 11
9/10/15 - 12:21 am You got it City offers legal gun owners free gun locks as part of bid to reduce gun violence 22
9/8/15 - 11:06 pm 10 percent of the voters need to show up, else you don't get Challenger Campbell tops Yancey in low-vote preliminary 19
9/7/15 - 11:29 pm Stay the fuux on topic What led to the gunfire at a Roxbury community center? 39
7/1/15 - 9:20 pm Right, because Japanese don't know anything about being Protesters upset at non-Japanese trying on kimono at the MFA 159
6/26/15 - 11:20 pm Next time read all the comments, before saying silly things Somebody putting up offensive fliers around Dudley Square 58
6/23/15 - 10:01 pm The web site, for the poster Somebody putting up offensive fliers around Dudley Square 58
6/18/14 - 10:08 pm That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. South Street in JP gets a more permanent tiny lending library 5
6/18/14 - 10:02 pm I still have no idea what an Uber is Cambridge to try again to rein in Uber 99
6/18/14 - 10:00 pm I told the bus driver the guy was bothering, which he was Screaming Jesus Guy really starting to get on people's nerves 55
3/21/14 - 9:28 pm Even that short news story makes no sense. Death at the bottom of a Back Bay elevator shaft 11
3/19/14 - 7:04 pm Not enough ammo To the creep who got off the Orange Line at Stony Brook the other night 65
3/12/14 - 7:03 pm That is funny Not everybody's digging this cover 34
3/12/14 - 7:02 pm There is no rank of "Sergeant Commander" in the Air Force So those gay veterans who don't exist? 114
2/23/14 - 12:05 am I thought that loan Bay State Banner: Henriquez sentenced, kicked out of House to pander to women 38
2/22/14 - 6:56 pm He doesn't seem to know how to make a logical argument Bay State Banner: Henriquez sentenced, kicked out of House to pander to women 38
1/23/14 - 10:20 pm And you know this because, ...? Bay State Banner says loans from agency funded by BRA not loans from the city 3
12/17/13 - 11:29 pm I guess we can assume he has front wheel drive. Massholes don't let a little snow stop them 15
12/17/13 - 11:27 pm You really lost me Globe reporter tells us a story 8
12/9/13 - 7:10 pm Troll Man killed in Dorchester shootout with police had lengthy record - at 20 31
12/2/13 - 6:21 pm Who cares? T sets ridership record in October, but ridership still down year to date 21
12/1/13 - 10:45 pm Bail is intended to ensure people show up for their trial Police: Teens arrested with loaded, large-capacity guns after Dorchester house party 19
10/22/13 - 6:37 pm Tell him to come to Roxbury, where no one will chase him Rogue motorcyclist taunts police, speeds away 19
10/14/13 - 5:51 pm I read it every week Bay State Banner publisher to sell vacation home to pay off BRA debt 8
10/13/13 - 11:13 pm I think you mean Mugger smashes woman in face with a brick in Roxbury purse snatching 1
9/22/13 - 12:23 pm A more detailed reponse Doug Bennett running this year after all - for sheriff 75
9/22/13 - 11:43 am Wow Doug Bennett running this year after all - for sheriff 75
9/15/13 - 12:13 pm What fucken morons Planned shouting match over Southie bike lanes canceled 137
9/12/13 - 6:15 pm But checkout that exit! Masked man sought for five robberies at West Roxbury Dunkin' Donuts 3
7/30/13 - 6:22 pm Get an account Detective in Alemany case demoted 30
7/30/13 - 6:21 pm On topic Detective in Alemany case demoted 30
7/26/13 - 7:46 pm Ok, you have my attention Comparison: Globe coverage of Boston's two most recent murders 148
6/29/13 - 9:43 pm Copy cat crime? Man shot in Roxbury, in bad shape 9
6/28/13 - 11:10 pm Bad planning on his part Man shot in Roxbury, in bad shape 9
6/28/13 - 11:07 pm I think that that is not the correct Twitter account Man shot in Roxbury, in bad shape 9
6/16/13 - 9:56 pm Nice In their wedding finest at Trinity Church 14
5/21/13 - 9:33 pm Wow, you are ignorant. Men get to spend rest of life in prison for murdering boy delivered by emergency C-section after one of them shot his mother 25
5/8/13 - 6:15 pm There is some thing about this photo that works Illusion and reality on the Freedom Trail 26
4/28/13 - 8:31 pm These kids ride around Roxbury all the time. Even worse than Segways 28
4/28/13 - 8:28 pm Just not enough ammo Brighton has a tree ninja, who goes around at night sawing trees just enough to make them die 15
4/18/13 - 6:38 pm I like it here, because most posters are civil I blocked an account 21
4/10/13 - 8:15 pm I agree That's one way to supplement your Social Security payments 13
4/2/13 - 9:27 am That isn't what I took away from it Keep your hands to yourself, creep 41


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