11 years 7 months

Boston resident for 12 years: 3 years in Hyde Park, 9 in Roslindale.

Photography is one of my passions. You can check out my Instagram page, where I collect scenes of "ethnic Americana".

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/9/23 - 10:46 pm More idiocy Roche Bros. agrees to steps to end security-guard profiling of Black people at its Downtown Crossing store 27
10/9/23 - 10:44 pm Oh, you're a business consultant now Roche Bros. agrees to steps to end security-guard profiling of Black people at its Downtown Crossing store 27
10/9/23 - 10:43 pm It wasn't random Roche Bros. agrees to steps to end security-guard profiling of Black people at its Downtown Crossing store 27
10/9/23 - 10:39 pm Indigenous People's Day Bostonians stand with Israel on the Common 19
10/9/23 - 10:36 pm The DSC Rally in support of Israel on Boston Common 15
4/25/23 - 4:41 pm Many ties to Boston Boston schools that were named after a president with no particular ties to Boston to be renamed for Mel King 30
4/10/22 - 3:33 pm 90 days? Florida man charged with masturbating in his seat and feeling up the woman next to him on a flight from Newark to Boston 15
4/3/22 - 12:02 am Mouhab Rizkallah Somerville landlord drops libel suit against Tufts student reporters, but keeps suing tenant organizer whose protest their newspaper covered 7
3/20/22 - 10:35 pm Vendetta Trumpie Boston cop from West Roxbury on medical leave moves to New Hampshire but still finds the time to come down here to protest vaccinations 14
3/12/22 - 6:34 pm Is this the complete story? Pickup driver hits pedestrian on Tremont Street in Roxbury, keeps going 8
3/3/22 - 8:10 pm Go Indie Amazon to shut bookstore-like shop at Legacy Place in Dedham 10
2/26/22 - 12:31 am Слава Україні! City Hall, Zakim, Longfellow go blue and yellow tonight 6
2/24/22 - 10:49 pm It's a beautiful museum Ukrainians protest at State House 29
2/21/22 - 10:10 pm Annoyed? Man tries to break into tiger enclosure at Franklin Park Zoo, is detained before he can be eaten 24
2/18/22 - 10:45 pm It's "Nice Racism" Newton, Natick consider changing official seals, which show a British missionary and the Native Americans he converted 23
2/18/22 - 10:43 pm Performative Allyship Newton, Natick consider changing official seals, which show a British missionary and the Native Americans he converted 23
2/18/22 - 10:39 pm What didn't age well That didn't age well: Bunch of anti-vaxxers sue to overturn Boston's indoor vaccine mandate mere hours before it's lifted; they also want city health board ruled unconstitutional 37
2/3/22 - 12:10 pm OK Eastie getting snow salty 47
2/1/22 - 10:04 pm Wrong Sasha Shooting at South Shore Plaza Forever 21: People run for their lives, mall locked down, police arrive from all over 21
11/23/21 - 10:30 pm Yet she's silent Three alleged suburban dumbasses break into cruise boat at Rowes Wharf with bottle of vodka; all arrested, one after being fished out of the harbor, into which he jumped despite not knowing how to swim, police say 37
11/5/21 - 12:45 pm 1- the fact that you show no Student at Dorchester school punched principal into unconsciousness, police say; school will be shut tomorrow 42
10/30/21 - 3:27 pm Do you ride a horse and buggy to the precinct? Group vows to collect and post Boston election results in real time on Tuesday night 18
10/6/21 - 9:39 pm Very insightful Janey declares Monday Indigenous Peoples Day; Edwards objects 79
10/6/21 - 9:37 pm Stronzo Janey declares Monday Indigenous Peoples Day; Edwards objects 79
10/6/21 - 9:33 pm "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" Venerable Roslindale restaurant to play role in Whitney Houston biopic 4
9/22/21 - 10:19 pm Clap clap clap Janey doesn't quite call the mayor of Revere a liar, but she gets pretty close 39
9/15/21 - 10:55 pm Somerville is "progressive". Progressives advance to final in Somerville 14
9/15/21 - 10:51 pm Or maybe he's just a jerk. Man punches woman repeatedly in phone robbery at Mass. Ave. T stop, police say 14
9/5/21 - 10:43 am Poor choice of words Area professors get $3-million grant to study the health of Mary Ellen McCormack residents as their development is rebuilt as a mixed-income complex 14
8/29/21 - 10:27 pm Never miss an opportunity to Navy jets to scream over Boston Harbor on Monday morning 15
8/20/21 - 10:23 pm "white person"? Woman fatally shot in the head in Chelsea; residents urged to stay inside 6
8/20/21 - 10:21 pm Sagging pants is annoying AF Woman fatally shot in the head in Chelsea; residents urged to stay inside 6
8/20/21 - 10:19 pm What did social workers say? Person stabbed on Washington Street in Forest Hills, across from the bus yard 1
8/20/21 - 10:12 pm Thank you for this post! National site takes note of open-plan condos, like that one in JP with the bathroom with no door 15
8/20/21 - 10:10 pm Pandemic made me rethink open concept floor plans National site takes note of open-plan condos, like that one in JP with the bathroom with no door 15
8/14/21 - 10:24 pm What was the result of the Two sought for stabbing at Nubian Square pharmacy 1
8/14/21 - 10:23 pm Call a social worker Police say man played Dick in a Box at Uphams Corner, only he left the box at home 12
8/3/21 - 9:15 pm Boston's race to the bottom Election roundup: Janey compares vax proof to slavery, Trumpian birtherism; Campbell denounces that as 'dangerous rhetoric' 45
7/31/21 - 4:42 pm "One thing I had hoped for Woman shot to death in Roslindale Square 9
7/23/21 - 10:09 pm Remember Grove Hall getting some new one-way streets as part of plan to slow traffic and reduce crashes 8
7/23/21 - 9:45 pm Call a social worker Four arrested after string of armed robberies downtown 11
7/7/21 - 5:36 pm Not like Kendall Square at all Chestnut Hill to get some toast 11
7/6/21 - 8:38 pm Anti-Semitism Alleged rabbi stabber ordered held without bail 18
7/3/21 - 2:37 pm Anti-Semitism Alleged rabbi stabber ordered held without bail 18
6/30/21 - 8:56 pm You should donate Study says Boston not in the top 25 most-segregated US cities 42
6/30/21 - 8:54 pm Cultural appropriation Study says Boston not in the top 25 most-segregated US cities 42
6/29/21 - 8:48 pm Actually New York is not the Study says Boston not in the top 25 most-segregated US cities 42
6/29/21 - 8:45 pm 2014 Study says Boston not in the top 25 most-segregated US cities 42
5/24/21 - 5:48 pm Bathing suits 43: Inner city young men 0 Citizen complaint of the day: Can you believe the nerve of some people, wearing swimsuits to the beach? 52
5/19/21 - 6:44 pm You all took the bait Matty stormed off the air this morning after his bosses ordered him to stop making jokes about Demi Lovato 111


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