Member for 6 years 10 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 1/28/19 - 3:38 pm Understand the frustration in MBTA has ten-year plan to ditch the historic trolleys on the Mattapan Line 38 1/20/19 - 3:09 pm Undesirables = Black people South Enders aghast somebody wants to open a marijuana dispensary on Tremont Street 11 8/1/18 - 1:26 pm The doors on the new trolleys New Green Line trolley spotted in the wild, well, the E Line 7 4/26/18 - 9:14 pm This was not done to bring No more Yawkey Way: It's back to Jersey, boys and girls 59 4/26/18 - 6:21 pm It's not opiods and they're Heath Street gang member admits he sold crack at Hailey Apartments 13 4/26/18 - 1:00 am The neighborhoods around Blue Imagine if we hadn't ditched most of our trolley lines 38 4/20/18 - 12:01 pm Boston resident? Quincy's mayor apparently unfamiliar with barges 50 4/20/18 - 11:34 am Nope. 'White Lives Matter' spray painted on Black Market in Dudley Square 107 4/20/18 - 9:45 am Troll Identity 'White Lives Matter' spray painted on Black Market in Dudley Square 107 My articles