13 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
4/18/24 - 6:01 pm one of my favorite comedy Tea and crumpets and death 2
4/18/24 - 5:58 pm good point! let’s get that BPDA orders Winthrop Square tower to open a public space to the public seven days a week 14
3/31/24 - 11:38 am Ah yes, noted 'good person' Board sets revocation hearing for Maverick Square liquor license, but it's six months out, so holder has yet another last chance to re-open his closed restaurant 5
3/2/24 - 9:49 pm i remember going in during In a city with a shortage of liquor licenses, one East Boston restaurant's travails could be another's salvation 12
3/2/24 - 9:47 pm good. In a city with a shortage of liquor licenses, one East Boston restaurant's travails could be another's salvation 12
1/4/24 - 6:51 pm any neighborhood that isn't Andrew Square could get neighborhood bar with a whiskey program and a scratch kitchen 21
8/24/21 - 1:36 pm he's referring to our acting Lynn restaurant that requires proof of vaccination has had enough of your Covid BS 60
5/19/21 - 1:45 pm here’s a poor quality live Matty stormed off the air this morning after his bosses ordered him to stop making jokes about Demi Lovato 111
5/19/21 - 1:44 pm i’m sure you’ll be downright Matty stormed off the air this morning after his bosses ordered him to stop making jokes about Demi Lovato 111
12/8/20 - 9:59 pm jail them for treason. Judge tells the five Republican losers she has to hear their case, but she doesn't have to like it 22
12/8/20 - 9:57 pm careful JFC: So about that Thanksgiving surge ... 60
2/15/20 - 12:52 pm first day on the internet? Border Patrol sending special-forces officers, possibly including snipers, to Boston, other sanctuary cities 30
10/23/19 - 11:00 am Thanks for this info - Logan starts rolling out centralized ride-share area on Monday 57
10/23/19 - 9:47 am Good Idea Logan starts rolling out centralized ride-share area on Monday 57
10/16/19 - 1:58 pm I was a longtime resident of The new normal on the Blue Line 47
10/16/19 - 12:42 pm the problem though is that The new normal on the Blue Line 47
10/16/19 - 11:01 am It looked exactly the same at The new normal on the Blue Line 47
3/15/19 - 9:27 pm It had been a dunkin donuts Brookline dispensary gets OK to start selling recreational pot next weekend 15
10/24/18 - 9:07 am i'd gladly share a restroom A chance to show your support for trans rights this weekend 76
10/18/18 - 12:59 pm yes. Boston City Council backs striking hotel workers 24
9/7/18 - 2:34 pm Remember how this station was Our crumbling infrastructure: Copley T stop 61
7/24/18 - 5:19 pm As long as it's not f*$&ing Anybody want to buy a TV station? Move-in condition 15
6/5/18 - 8:59 am You...do realize that that's MBTA to pilot more late-night bus service 20
5/31/18 - 2:00 pm Have you used uber in the Boston taxi drivers fail to prove Uber is a monopolistic behemoth using unfair pricing to crush them, judge rules 40
6/24/17 - 10:35 am The beer garden has their own Citizen complaint of the day: Portable toilets on the Greenway an affront to Boston 43
2/14/17 - 8:55 am that person better watch it. It just isn't a Boston winter without parking threats and violence 62
2/14/17 - 8:54 am i've been saying this for It just isn't a Boston winter without parking threats and violence 62
8/24/16 - 1:38 pm if only one day someone were A twofer on Storrow Drive this morning 9
8/24/16 - 1:37 pm edited. thanks! (either way, A twofer on Storrow Drive this morning 9
8/10/16 - 3:48 pm well yes, in that case, Boylston Street salad place shut for health violations 23
8/10/16 - 12:10 pm honest question - you're Boylston Street salad place shut for health violations 23
6/20/16 - 10:55 am oh hell no. State tells pioneering winery it can shrivel up and die now 22
6/11/16 - 6:37 pm it was a prop that the boston Having a ball in the Back Bay 11
3/15/16 - 11:12 am Yes, let's make it less City looks to more than double fines for parking in the way of street sweepers - but would also stop towing cars that block them 46
2/20/16 - 12:20 pm that replacement cost lies on Government Center station re-opens next month - with colored lights 67
2/19/16 - 1:39 pm Coming from experience (i'm Government Center station re-opens next month - with colored lights 67
2/1/16 - 10:23 am clarification - once a week Two pedestrians hit in Chinatown, one dragged three miles to Dorchester 113
2/1/16 - 8:45 am seriously - sit at the corner Two pedestrians hit in Chinatown, one dragged three miles to Dorchester 113
1/25/16 - 9:24 am I know. Paying for my coffee Ugh 35
1/25/16 - 9:22 am oh please, please let this be Citizen complaint of the day: Temper, temper 108
1/16/16 - 3:56 pm ^ complains about the T The report on the Green Line extension the T didn't want anybody to see 25
12/26/15 - 12:57 pm because marty walsh enables Citizen complaint of the day: Oh, come on, we're not expecting that much snow 23
11/19/15 - 4:44 pm charge =/= conviction. Police: Pick-up driver in collision with bicyclist in Cambridge IDed, charged 42
11/19/15 - 1:58 pm I sure he doesn't get a Police: Pick-up driver in collision with bicyclist in Cambridge IDed, charged 42
10/15/15 - 5:05 pm it's still like that. i've Maybe they'll pour out a flagon of mead at King Richard's Faire: Medieval Manor closing up 27
10/15/15 - 2:30 pm touche. :) Maybe they'll pour out a flagon of mead at King Richard's Faire: Medieval Manor closing up 27
10/15/15 - 1:26 pm such a shame. the boston Maybe they'll pour out a flagon of mead at King Richard's Faire: Medieval Manor closing up 27
9/30/15 - 8:56 am grasp those straws, mahty. If the corruption angle won't stick, maybe the environment stuff can block the Everett casino, Boston reasons 22
8/7/15 - 11:05 am you're amazed? you must be Bicyclist killed by semi in Back Bay hit and run 190
8/4/15 - 12:45 pm do residents often complain Zoning board approves marijuana dispensary in downtown Boston 77


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