4 years 4 months


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My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
2/26/24 - 7:59 pm This isn't accurate All that empty downtown office space could mean tax-collection trouble for Boston 21
2/8/24 - 11:39 am It's not doxxing... Group of Navy Yard residents sue to block conversion of failed hotel into affordable housing, including units for people trying to get out of homelessness 84
1/19/24 - 2:15 pm Wildly untrue More long service suspensions planned for Red and Green lines next month; part of Orange Line to be shut for a weekend 15
10/16/23 - 1:33 pm It's probably to extend the terms of service Mattapan Line, part of Red Line shut for two weeks tomorrow 7
9/18/23 - 3:09 pm Thanks Charlie Baker Oops, they did it again: Feds once again threaten to be very stern with the MBTA after yet more safety lapses involving track workers 50
9/18/23 - 3:06 pm Not many commuters on weekends - not a permanent closure Imagine if Dot Ave were always closed to traffic 3
3/27/23 - 3:08 pm Living rent free in the minds of New Yorkers... For a city where people keep claiming they never think about Boston, they sure talk a lot about Boston 25
2/8/23 - 3:41 pm The world is larger than your block Board approves six-unit residential building on Fuller Street in Dorchester after slashing the number of parking spaces 19
1/9/23 - 4:25 pm The NIMBY neighbors 74-unit apartment building proposed next to Shawmut T stop 34
6/17/22 - 4:05 pm I think you're underestimating the neighborhood groups Condos could replace equipment-rental place in Dorchester Lower Mills 8
1/27/22 - 4:27 pm No reinvention needed Boston councilors to look at creation of a municipal broadband network 51
12/29/21 - 8:38 am Accountability is the difference After a night caring for Covid-19 patients, the last thing you need is a half-masked jerk on the Orange Line 81
11/9/21 - 8:45 pm Looks like the rest of Southie now Amrheins replacement wins final board approval 7
10/5/21 - 3:34 pm It's been a three year battle The few and the many at Jamaica Pond 5
1/26/21 - 12:15 pm I only buy my weed on the Sabbath Zoning board approves Roslindale marijuana shop, but sets limits on days of operation to keep it from grating on the neighborhood 31
12/18/20 - 1:54 pm The decline of cities are directly tied to the pandemic. Developer shrinks size of proposed building on Lincoln Street next to the Greenway 9
12/10/20 - 9:54 am Color the picture Lowkey marijuana shop in Codman Square approved with no fuss 22
12/9/20 - 4:07 pm Right Lowkey marijuana shop in Codman Square approved with no fuss 22
12/9/20 - 2:17 pm Codman square is okay for a weed store, but Adams Village isn't? Lowkey marijuana shop in Codman Square approved with no fuss 22
10/30/20 - 2:00 pm "A vocal opponent of the Covid restrictions..." Covid-19 clusters most common in households, according to state data 9
10/29/20 - 1:44 pm NIMBY gut checked Kansas developer enamored of Japanese capsule hotels wants to build one on High Street downtown 57
My articles