Member for 10 years 10 months Proud Bostonian, civil engineer, and transportation geek. My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 3/10/21 - 1:38 pm The schlep from GCT to Penn Imagine being able to take commuter rail from here to Philadelphia 18 9/25/20 - 7:37 pm The city doesn't own "a Bringing cops into Downtown Crossing by the busload 20 9/25/20 - 5:38 pm Nope, not MASCO shuttles. Bringing cops into Downtown Crossing by the busload 20 6/24/20 - 8:52 am Two problems with that idea: State to announce final plans for Allston turnpike realignment this fall 18 6/17/20 - 9:00 am Definitely a groundhog, not a Chubs could really go for some clover 10 5/29/20 - 7:47 am Yeah I don't really trust the Walsh announces new bus, bike lanes, says city still working on sidewalk expansion and restaurant patios 21 5/12/20 - 8:26 am Buses and bikes actually work New Northern Avenue bridge would feature a promenade near the water line and a bus lane 37 5/8/20 - 8:01 am I know most of Boston was Owners of a Fenway lodging house offer to shut it down as they figure out how to keep guests from becoming police problems 21 5/6/20 - 8:19 am That's absurd. Westland Ave Owners of a Fenway lodging house offer to shut it down as they figure out how to keep guests from becoming police problems 21 5/4/20 - 7:02 am Arborway is MassDOT from the Citizen complaint of the day: You're going to make them shut the Arboretum, aren't you? 81 5/1/20 - 1:57 pm I'm a little surprised by MBTA to begin striping bus-only lanes in front of the Museum of Science next week 6 5/1/20 - 7:42 am Also, what's wrong with the MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 5/1/20 - 7:32 am Two things: MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 5/1/20 - 7:27 am Because each transit system MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 4/28/20 - 7:42 am Nothing like this is ever MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 4/28/20 - 7:31 am In some ways this will MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 4/28/20 - 7:29 am Unless something has changed MBTA approves new fare system now targeted to cost nearly $1 billion 60 4/27/20 - 7:34 am Replenishment amount varies Pike traffic drops like a rock 11 4/20/20 - 8:18 am That would require people State's new contact tracers have a problem: A lot of people don't answer their phone calls, thinking they're junk calls 39 4/20/20 - 8:16 am Why wouldn't we? We were State's new contact tracers have a problem: A lot of people don't answer their phone calls, thinking they're junk calls 39 3/30/20 - 11:31 am NH is doing this with Mt No more takeout at Kelly's at Revere Beach 14 3/2/20 - 8:40 am Lyft driver here. In the app Councilors to see if there's a Hail Mary pass they can toss to save local taxi drivers 102 2/27/20 - 9:13 am This. Councilors to see if there's a Hail Mary pass they can toss to save local taxi drivers 102 2/18/20 - 8:41 am Adam can you please update Woman abducted by driver of what she thought was her Lyft ride home 22 2/12/20 - 4:12 pm I knew private planes didn't, Cape Air wins right from feds to fly seaplanes between Boston Harbor and New York's East River; wants to use Long Wharf as a terminal 40 2/12/20 - 8:46 am I'm curious, does anyone know Cape Air wins right from feds to fly seaplanes between Boston Harbor and New York's East River; wants to use Long Wharf as a terminal 40 2/7/20 - 8:21 am It would probably be doable Government Center garage demolition and development will force temporary shutdown of bus terminal, but subway station should stay open, developer says 40 12/19/19 - 1:22 pm Why would pax using mTickets Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/19/19 - 9:43 am There will be no payment Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/18/19 - 1:29 pm Gates will be across the Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/18/19 - 1:27 pm Gates will not be at platform Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/18/19 - 1:26 pm common sense tells me you Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/18/19 - 1:18 pm Note that the gates will not Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 12/18/19 - 1:16 pm Different analogy here. This Fare gates coming for commuter-rail riders 62 11/26/19 - 9:34 am For all of its potential, State Police test out robot dogs 5 11/21/19 - 8:57 am Letter suffixes. An exit at Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/21/19 - 8:54 am Maryland is mileage-based. Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/21/19 - 8:45 am NJ is entirely mileage-based Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/21/19 - 8:41 am Yes, I forgot about 84 and Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/20/19 - 9:34 am Why does that matter? You sit in traffic and then you die 62 11/20/19 - 9:25 am Small nitpick: The DC Beltway Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/20/19 - 9:22 am The plan from a few years ago Massachusetts to renumber highway exit numbers so you know how far you are from where you're heading 92 11/15/19 - 8:30 am Then either your reliable Downtown pedestrian critically injured when hit by vehicle this morning 65 11/15/19 - 8:28 am I presume it was to reassure Downtown pedestrian critically injured when hit by vehicle this morning 65 11/15/19 - 8:26 am People had mobility issues Downtown pedestrian critically injured when hit by vehicle this morning 65 11/13/19 - 3:56 pm Oh yes please! Bring it on! Downtown Crossing could get a Tasty Burger 11 11/13/19 - 3:46 pm My company just sent out an Downtown pedestrian critically injured when hit by vehicle this morning 65 11/13/19 - 3:43 pm The City really must not be Downtown pedestrian critically injured when hit by vehicle this morning 65 11/13/19 - 8:30 am Bingo. Winter arrives early in Boston 27 11/12/19 - 9:19 am Ugh, I saw the Salvation Army Winter arrives early in Boston 27 Pages123456789…next ›last » My articles