15 years 1 week

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
12/7/24 - 6:40 pm Great project Developers will soon file plans for recreation of Allston's Great Scott in new building with 139 apartments 7
4/25/24 - 7:24 am "Neighbor" or "Neighbors"? The city that always sleeps: Middle Eastern bakery proposed on busy Allston street across from a Dunk's, but neighbors don't want it open past 5 p.m. 18
1/4/24 - 3:28 pm A brief lesson in percentages BPS begins planning for fewer, but larger, more modern schools 18
10/13/21 - 1:37 pm Plans to fix the cluster**** that is the Birmingham/Western Ave Developer proposes apartment building off Soldiers Field Road where two other developers are already battling in court over zoning 13
10/1/21 - 8:10 am "Per hour" more relevant than "Per day" State says it will rebuild Allston highway loop at ground level 32
7/15/21 - 2:53 pm Birmingham Pkwy planning vs. Birmingham Pkwy reality Developer unwraps plans for latest residential building on Birmingham Parkway in Brighton 8
7/2/21 - 4:40 pm Contact Governor Baker No more swimming outside the lines at Walden Pond, what with all the drownings all over 39
2/13/21 - 4:30 pm $500K for a "plan"? As developers keep cutting down trees, Boston hires consultants to figure out how to build up city's tree canopy 54
2/9/21 - 12:18 pm 2017 report Walsh proposes 42% increase in housing, job-training fees that developers of larger projects have to pay 14
2/4/21 - 11:50 am Althea Campbell Election roundup: Wu, Essaibi-George want paid leave for city workers who feel ill after getting a Covid-19 shot 31
3/5/20 - 9:04 am Pond Ave, not Pond St Car spews flames in Brookline 6
2/13/20 - 12:12 pm Auqalung my friend Citizen complaint of the day: Dogs getting high in the North End 49
1/14/20 - 12:37 pm housing crisis? Board rejects attic living space in West Roxbury house after neighbors warn it would ruin the area 60
12/18/19 - 9:45 am history is everywhere Clang, clang, clang went the trolley 17
7/29/19 - 9:17 am Godspeed, Kevin Political candidate, landlord, motorcycle rider Kevin McCrea dead at 52 23
1/9/19 - 1:55 pm Sing us a song, you're the piano man Councilors: Back Bay getting overrun with road races 87
12/3/18 - 1:27 pm zoned 2-Family, not single Long vacant single-family house to be replaced with apartments on Mansfield Street in Allston 16
10/18/18 - 11:30 am State, not city BPS students protest at Northeastern over the amount it pays city in lieu of taxes 54
10/3/18 - 11:39 am If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck Mayors in Boston area pledge to build more housing, but set no goals for individual cities 28
9/26/18 - 12:58 pm 501 / 503 / Brighton Landing Developer wins approval to replace single-family home with nine-unit building in Brighton 30
9/26/18 - 12:33 pm "a depressed industrial area" - hahaha Seven-story condo building wins approval in Allston area where industrial is turning residential 11
9/26/18 - 11:16 am Brighton still exists Developer wins approval to replace single-family home with nine-unit building in Brighton 30
9/26/18 - 10:36 am $$$??? Developer wins approval to replace single-family home with nine-unit building in Brighton 30
9/26/18 - 10:19 am its part of Harvard's land bank Auto-body shop, parking lots could be replaced by biotech labs and offices along Western Avenue in Allston 9
9/26/18 - 10:12 am 9 units / 18 parking spaces Developer wins approval to replace single-family home with nine-unit building in Brighton 30
6/7/18 - 10:24 am yep Pre-apocalyptic days in old Boston 23
6/6/18 - 3:34 pm There's no reason it needs to be slowed down?????? Pedestrian struck and killed by car on Commonwealth Avenue in Allston; driver just keeps going 58
6/6/18 - 3:29 pm The National Motorists Association has an agenda Pedestrian struck and killed by car on Commonwealth Avenue in Allston; driver just keeps going 58
5/2/18 - 10:44 am great but scary Architectural Digest takes note of Roslindale's 'risky' playground 23
4/8/18 - 6:17 pm plenty of evidence that Allston is more transient Allston/Brighton residents form group to push for more affordable housing and more owner-occupied condos 27
3/12/18 - 10:28 am numerator, meet denominator A lot of empty storefronts on Newbury Street 72
2/22/18 - 7:02 am Surprise! 249 units to be built almost next door Vroom: Italian sports-car dealership approved in Brighton 30
2/8/18 - 12:09 pm not what it says Before the state expands the T, it should upgrade its existing services, report says 137
2/2/18 - 7:07 am Rep Capuano on West Station & Grand Junction Pressley will challenge Capuano for Congress 86
2/1/18 - 10:07 am To support this proposal Unchoke the Charles River/Allston Throat 40
1/30/18 - 11:25 am Either there is a housing crisis or there isn't Vroom: Italian sports-car dealership approved in Brighton 30
1/30/18 - 10:32 am Potential residents haunted by cow ghosts? Vroom: Italian sports-car dealership approved in Brighton 30
1/30/18 - 10:29 am Have you seen the Cambridge end of Rt 2 recently? Vroom: Italian sports-car dealership approved in Brighton 30
1/30/18 - 10:03 am 1.8 riverfront acres, 1 mile from commuter rail Vroom: Italian sports-car dealership approved in Brighton 30
1/26/18 - 11:21 am double-track/platform Newton stations Plans for new Stop & Shop & Apartments & Condos & Park in Allston unveiled 46
1/16/18 - 11:34 am No Have you tried a pair of the famous Madison Pants yet? 23
1/12/18 - 5:18 pm clearance 10' 6" in the right lane Driver storrows his truck but good 10
1/12/18 - 5:10 pm time to retire the trophy Driver storrows his truck but good 10
12/8/17 - 12:28 pm Making North Harvard St safer seems like win/win/win Harvard plans an innovation district of its own - next to train station state planners want to put off 26
12/8/17 - 10:00 am so long Greenway we hardly knew ye Harvard plans an innovation district of its own - next to train station state planners want to put off 26
12/8/17 - 6:30 am BU now supports building a new North Allston-Comm Ave bus route Harvard plans an innovation district of its own - next to train station state planners want to put off 26
12/1/17 - 11:23 am running trains to North Station was absolutely the point Allston commuter-rail station put on a siding to nowheresville 51
12/1/17 - 11:15 am much more commentary at Allston commuter-rail station put on a siding to nowheresville 51
11/21/17 - 11:58 am Beautiful plumage! Red Line riders all a-quiver; a train's died just past the river 10
11/16/17 - 10:20 am Want to support West Station & learn more? State to start $1.2-billion re-do of the turnpike in Allston in 2020 14


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
8/30/24 - 4:33 pm Complimentary hot dogs for life if you get a Silhouette Tattoo
4/24/18 - 12:22 pm MassDOT still planning for West Station in 2040
2/1/18 - 9:53 am Unchoke the Charles River/Allston Throat
12/6/17 - 10:25 am Allston to MassDOT: Give us Transit Not Traffic
7/12/16 - 11:22 am Swim the Charles: Today...and maybe every day?
5/30/16 - 1:05 pm New wall mural in Allston
10/28/15 - 10:00 am Plaza, bike lanes, fewer parking spaces proposed for Comm. Ave. in Allston
7/27/15 - 9:46 am Mayor Walsh Boston2024 press conference at 9:50am
3/16/15 - 11:13 am BU's West Station quid pro quo
12/2/14 - 9:26 am PSF Holiday Celebration for Children & Adults
11/22/14 - 11:29 am Bike lanes come to Cambridge Street in Allston
10/12/14 - 6:54 am A Whole Foods Cooking Demonstration
10/3/14 - 8:54 am Public Safety Q&A with Boston Police Commissioner Evans
9/28/14 - 8:07 pm Gov coming to Allston for Multi-Modal announcement
9/25/14 - 11:29 am Architects propose Allston Esplanade along new Pike
9/18/14 - 9:37 am Improving MassDOT's “Frankenstein-monstrous solutions” for Allston turnpike
7/24/14 - 6:21 pm Rally for Safe Cambridge Street in Allston - Tuesday at 8 a.m.
4/11/14 - 2:46 pm People's Pike supporters call for a bolder Mass Pike project
4/3/14 - 3:41 pm A new Mass Pike is coming to Allston
1/29/14 - 12:24 pm Last chance to help fix Cambridge Street in Allston
1/9/14 - 11:50 am Another opportunity to make Cambridge Street more safe, attractive, and accessible
12/22/13 - 8:40 pm Herb Gleason, RIP
11/20/13 - 4:29 pm Allston residents to MassDOT: Cambridge Street isn't Rte. 9
3/27/10 - 9:08 am Video of State Senate forum