Member for 12 years 7 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 12/25/24 - 6:10 pm traitor Finally, a white Christmas, but when we had one last is a touchy subject, it seems 3 11/26/24 - 8:20 pm We can agree that 2 things could be true, right? Police return to foot patrols to try to curb rising crime downtown and on the Common; residents, parks advocates say more work needed 64 11/6/24 - 2:50 pm Happens regularly in Probate and District courts State seeks to force feed man serving life for murder who is refusing to eat 15 9/18/24 - 6:47 am Ashmont branch impacted Peabody Square flooded, one building evacuated after gas crew punctures water main 8 3/26/24 - 8:04 pm options for who to call Boston to pay $4.7 million to woman who called 911 for help for her mentally ill son, then police arrived and shot him dead 26 11/7/23 - 6:06 pm budget Edaville Railroad Ashmont, Mattapan T service back to pre-slowdown speeds 6 10/30/23 - 4:26 pm and yet the commute was just as long Mattapan, Ashmont trains going faster miles an hour now, MBTA says 31 10/20/23 - 6:20 am I concur Not just the Green Line Extension: Government Center ceiling suddenly needs repairs, too 8 10/20/23 - 6:06 am Issues with lobby and green line platform too Not just the Green Line Extension: Government Center ceiling suddenly needs repairs, too 8 2/28/23 - 6:15 pm I imagine that he will worry Man released on parole for murder following the Blizzard of '78 gets to enjoy his freedom because DA's office screwed up appeal of a change in his sentence, court rules 15 8/25/22 - 9:43 pm closed state mental health facilities Tents return to Mass and Cass 16 5/31/22 - 5:24 pm door on the other end Blue Line chowderhead commandeers Blue Line intercom, lets his inner racist out 27 3/16/22 - 9:12 pm For the record... Two ejected from City Council meeting after starting to yell about Wu and Covid-19 or something 75 3/16/22 - 8:56 pm Government Center is like MBTA first class Shuttle buses replaced the Blue Line, but not nearly enough of them 8 3/16/22 - 4:29 pm Messy Shuttle buses replaced the Blue Line, but not nearly enough of them 8 10/25/21 - 6:13 pm Already happening Inside the former immigrant detention building that might become home to Mass and Cass homeless 15 3/1/21 - 4:08 pm Agreed Massachusetts mental-health crisis: No beds for young psychiatric patients 13 8/19/20 - 9:02 pm concerns about thimerosal and jet injectors to blame? Flu shots now required for most Massachusetts students, from pre-school to graduate school; home-schoolers exempt 36 8/10/20 - 9:01 am CPCS = state BU student radio station canceled fundraiser for Massachusetts Bail Fund 38 4/29/20 - 7:48 am Quite a few, actually Inside a shelter for homeless people recovering from coronavirus 6 4/18/20 - 4:44 pm sort of, but not really... Coronavirus outbreak at Shattuck Hospital 8 4/17/20 - 6:43 pm It's in the process of closing Coronavirus outbreak at Shattuck Hospital 8 12/4/19 - 4:51 pm did all the trains really have mechanical issues?? It isn't even snowing, so why's the Orange Line not going? 10 11/13/19 - 7:04 pm Yikes! Video of the construction crash that shut the Orange Line last month 5 10/21/19 - 9:16 am Wasn't too bad about 7 am Orange Line riders uttering cusses after their trains are replaced with buses 37 6/11/19 - 9:04 am I was at JFK on an inbound train from Ashmont shortly after this Red Line fails when a train derails 55 5/19/19 - 4:48 pm They actually do receive training Retired SJC chief justice: Police in Cambridge acted appropriately in dealing with screaming naked Harvard student on LSD in the middle of Mass. Ave. 32 8/29/18 - 4:44 am HAHAHAHAHHA They probably won't rename it the Braintree Herald 21 6/13/18 - 4:53 am Actually Autistic man from East Boston who loves trains disappears again 11 4/17/18 - 8:36 am Mental Health Courts Charges against the naked Harvard student could be dropped if he has mental-health issues, police say 11 2/10/17 - 10:32 am I think that guy "looking at the plows" Some hunkering down today 3 2/10/17 - 10:29 am Similar thing in Quincy In a big storm, it takes a big rig to free a big bus 1 8/18/16 - 8:46 am Actually... Old pita place in Roslindale Square to become mental-health day center 29 6/8/16 - 11:47 am I think there's a big Yes, it's harder to get on the Orange Line at rush hour these days 72 6/8/16 - 11:42 am I forgot about the different train types. Yes, it's harder to get on the Orange Line at rush hour these days 72 6/8/16 - 10:13 am Same lines as on the red line? Yes, it's harder to get on the Orange Line at rush hour these days 72 6/7/16 - 9:38 pm Bad in West Quincy Zap! 3 5/24/16 - 6:34 am I work nearby For second time this month, a basic waterfront eatery shuts down 7 4/7/16 - 4:54 pm I'm not familiar with all Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 4:00 pm Does Quincy share a land Cheapskate suburban slobs dumping their trash in Hyde Park, officials say 27 4/7/16 - 3:48 pm I didn't say that Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 10:48 am That happened here, a few years ago. Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 10:37 am I call them luxury Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 10:30 am No, I don't think they're made of money. Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 8:41 am I'm in Quincy Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 4/7/16 - 8:34 am The suburbs where this proposal is aimed towards Bill would force suburbs to zone for apartment and condo buildings 69 3/9/16 - 4:27 pm Even a short time in My First Boot Camp: Inside the Boston school that suspends kindergarteners 55 3/9/16 - 4:22 pm Well... My First Boot Camp: Inside the Boston school that suspends kindergarteners 55 3/9/16 - 4:04 pm And the restraints and seclusion... My First Boot Camp: Inside the Boston school that suspends kindergarteners 55 3/9/16 - 4:01 pm This article makes me sad. My First Boot Camp: Inside the Boston school that suspends kindergarteners 55 Pages123next ›last » My articles