Member for 12 years 6 months My comments and postsMy comments My articles Post date Title 1/12/15 - 7:56 pm Bread & Puppet Theater returns to the Cyclorama -- in late January 2015 11/9/14 - 8:17 pm Grooversity Festival 2014 11/20/13 - 11:06 pm "A Year of Jubilee" : 36th Annual John Coltrane Memorial Concert -- Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013 5/13/13 - 3:51 pm "The Land" : Iraq/US theatrical collaboration; workshop production presented by Fort Point Theatre Channel -- May 16-18, 2013 8/25/12 - 1:34 am Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians (free outdoor show, rain or shine) -- Sunday, September 2nd, 3 pm 8/22/12 - 10:38 am Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians (free outdoor show, rain or shine) -- Sunday, September 2nd, 3 pm