Member for 15 years 4 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 12/20/21 - 2:29 pm these mutations have happened Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 1:55 pm Once infected, vaccinated Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 1:51 pm fair enough, I don't really Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 1:11 pm not really. the majority of Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 1:06 pm I don't think it should be Proof of vaccination to be required for indoor public venues in Boston; city workers will have to get shots 96 12/20/21 - 10:01 am nuclear (or fusion if it ever Maine judge upholds referendum results to block Quebec-Massachusetts power line 15 12/20/21 - 7:37 am he's right though Maine judge upholds referendum results to block Quebec-Massachusetts power line 15 6/3/20 - 9:55 am not sure Northeastern says cops with bricks in video are theirs and they'd been removing loose sidewalk bricks that posed a safety hazard 44 6/2/20 - 4:45 pm 3/3 Northeastern says cops with bricks in video are theirs and they'd been removing loose sidewalk bricks that posed a safety hazard 44 5/7/20 - 5:39 pm explain Cambridge Health Alliance to offer coronavirus testing to all Cambridge residents starting Friday 11 5/5/20 - 7:25 am 31% is encouraging, another City councilor says she's proof why we need to cover faces and socially distance: She tests positive for coronavirus antibodies, never had symptoms 69 5/4/20 - 12:23 pm It'd be nice if people were City councilor says she's proof why we need to cover faces and socially distance: She tests positive for coronavirus antibodies, never had symptoms 69 5/4/20 - 10:16 am and yet City councilor says she's proof why we need to cover faces and socially distance: She tests positive for coronavirus antibodies, never had symptoms 69 5/2/20 - 9:24 am The original point was that Attorney general is down with making people mask up 31 5/2/20 - 7:03 am It's likely because the CDC Attorney general is down with making people mask up 31 4/29/20 - 6:30 am not sure we actually know We have less than a fifth of California's population, but more than 1 1/2 times as many coronavirus deaths 70 4/28/20 - 10:22 am except Councilors say with Boston streets emptying out of cars, it's time to give some of the asphalt over to pedestrians 59 12/10/19 - 1:55 pm DON'T WORRY Probably not good that wires are exploding in a Green Line tunnel 28 5/8/19 - 7:34 am possibly not illegal Massholes know dedicated bike lanes are really dedicated to getting them out of traffic 96 3/8/19 - 11:49 am Fairly accurate assessment. DA: Drunken Cambridge man who hates Democrats bought ammo at gun show after threatening mass shooting 33 3/8/19 - 11:42 am pretty closed minded DA: Drunken Cambridge man who hates Democrats bought ammo at gun show after threatening mass shooting 33 1/29/19 - 1:08 pm . South Boston restaurant could make way for, no, not condos, but biotech 20 1/29/19 - 12:46 pm . Somebody's going to come home to a lot of tickets 31 12/7/18 - 9:29 am . In Fields Corner, some drivers don't think red lights apply to them 116 11/27/18 - 2:18 pm . Dorchester Historical Society apologizes for inadvertent message on holiday-event postcards 84 11/27/18 - 1:02 pm . Dorchester Historical Society apologizes for inadvertent message on holiday-event postcards 84 11/10/18 - 10:45 pm . Bicyclist dies in crash outside Museum of Science; was a BU grad student 162 11/10/18 - 2:45 pm . Bicyclist dies in crash outside Museum of Science; was a BU grad student 162 11/9/18 - 9:49 pm . Bicyclist dies in crash outside Museum of Science; was a BU grad student 162 2/20/18 - 7:50 pm There was about 40 of them on Ah, spring: Dirt bikers, four wheelers celebrate on Morrissey Boulevard, Expressway 28 1/12/18 - 10:31 am the same Suspects sought for armed robberies of markets on Ashmont Street in Dorchester 12 12/6/17 - 6:22 pm . Owner of South Boston nursing home plans March shutdown 18 12/6/17 - 1:29 pm . Owner of South Boston nursing home plans March shutdown 18 4/12/17 - 7:42 am the residents of Old Colony Person shot in South Boston 5 3/24/17 - 11:19 am it doesn't actually give a Who says 4WD is useless in a city? 20 3/24/17 - 11:15 am Ok Hercules. Who says 4WD is useless in a city? 20 12/1/16 - 8:32 pm can we maybe smarten up on Boston to experiment with demand pricing at parking meters; Back Bay, Seaport to serve as test bed 154 5/4/16 - 1:13 pm yeah Mayor: City Point has enough coffee shops 108 2/11/16 - 9:47 am Already 2000/month for a 1br South Boston doggie daycare suddenly shuts down 28 1/21/16 - 7:18 am except Thanks, GE: As the T falls apart and fares look to go up, the state considers building Boston a helipad 77 12/5/15 - 5:42 pm problem is the new materials Citizen complaint of the day: New York rats eat pizza? Bah, Boston rats EAT CARS 30 11/30/15 - 8:15 pm Obviously early for Police investigate possible attack outside Pi Alley bar 37 10/29/15 - 6:35 pm Security Boston will have to ring in the New Year without midnight fireworks over the harbor 34 9/25/15 - 1:15 pm terrible sniper You'll shoot somebody else's eye out: Harbor Point man was shooting BB gun out his window just because 37 9/25/15 - 9:12 am my assumption is that the MC Motorcyclist dies in crash with taxi in the South End 16 9/24/15 - 2:02 pm I tend to agree, although it Motorcyclist dies in crash with taxi in the South End 16 9/17/15 - 2:59 pm would be nice to have some Developer files formal plans for Lewis Wharf hotel even as residents continue to fight proposal 12 9/17/15 - 2:55 pm Well typically the "topping Going up over downtown 18 8/28/15 - 11:19 am You are wrong Supporters of garden at Children's Hospital ask attorney general to block its elimination 19 8/28/15 - 11:16 am Building also has A residential building goes up along the Riverway 14 Pages12345next ›last » My articles