1 year 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
9/14/24 - 10:33 am Multiple people? Bail set at $5,000 for man charged with shooting Palestine supporter in the stomach at Newton rally; also ordered to give up his guns 29
9/13/24 - 1:48 pm If only You wouldn't think a kayak launch would need a sign like this 19
9/13/24 - 8:55 am These comments ought to be fun Man shot at pro-Israel rally in Newtonville; suspect arrested at scene 58
7/24/24 - 12:51 am Toronto or Montreal. No In the Boston of the future, some things will remain the same - including Red Line cars, just a little rustier 22
7/22/24 - 5:07 pm It's a shame... In the Boston of the future, some things will remain the same - including Red Line cars, just a little rustier 22
7/19/24 - 4:40 pm LOL Global security-software glitch forces cancellation of all elective surgery and office visits at Mass General Brigham hospitals 20
7/1/24 - 1:58 pm That Japanese place Dedham getting place specializing in sandwiches built on a foundation of melted cheese 19
7/1/24 - 1:56 pm The cops are idiots if.. Alleged road rager with a baseball bat sought for Roxbury incident 21
6/21/24 - 7:52 pm If only For second time this month, a bicyclist in Cambridge killed by a truck driver making a right turn 84
6/19/24 - 3:48 pm Member of violent gang member? Member of violent Cameron Street gang gets nearly 21 years for attempted murder, armed home invasions 4
6/18/24 - 3:58 pm Akrwafy? Statewide 911 system goes down again 14
6/12/24 - 5:42 pm You mean State to restaurants and bars serving THC-infused stuff: Cut that out 25
6/7/24 - 4:09 pm Turn them into ice? Owner of pizza places in Dorchester, Roslindale convicted of being a sadistic bully who beat and tormented his underpaid, undocumented workers 11
6/6/24 - 12:56 pm You do NOT want.. Oh, sure, you lay a couple dozen eggs and see how you feel 4
3/28/24 - 6:19 pm I would like my skin Boston area left with just one book bound in human skin after Harvard removes remains of woman's back from a book in its collection 16
3/26/24 - 4:45 pm I've been expecting this article... Developer removes trees, scrub along ancient rail line in West Roxbury to make way for four single-family homes 32
2/28/24 - 3:23 pm Millennium Park BPS kills plan to move O'Bryant to West Roxbury 24
2/28/24 - 2:12 pm Washington St Moped driver suffers serious injuries in Roslindale Square crash 10
2/13/24 - 6:27 pm I misread hoodie as "noodle." How much would you pay to put the Boston city seal on a hoodie? 14
12/4/23 - 3:28 pm I feel like Somebody's trying to get the city's goat 25
11/19/23 - 11:55 am We all know which side of the Developer picked to replace Charlestown parking lots with nearly 700 apartments and condos 31
11/17/23 - 12:56 pm Does "safe mode" Curley School in Jamaica Plain briefly put in 'safe mode' this morning when a student went missing 7
9/17/23 - 12:38 am Not bus paths Oops, they did it again: Feds once again threaten to be very stern with the MBTA after yet more safety lapses involving track workers 50
9/9/23 - 8:43 am Replies like this A century of planes roaring over East Boston 7
My articles