12 years 4 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/8/15 - 9:31 am Thats my point. Guerrilla lane marker strikes again 45
10/6/15 - 4:01 pm Our city streets weren't designed for 18-wheelers 18-wheeler rumbles the wrong way down a one-way street in the Fenway, wreaks havoc 37
10/2/15 - 9:52 am Wow Comm. Ave. revamp could mean a pedestrian-friendly intersection with Harvard Ave. 54
10/1/15 - 3:20 pm BUSTED! City looking at ways to levy fines on landlords who stuff too many students in their units 56
10/1/15 - 3:02 pm Food for thought City looking at ways to levy fines on landlords who stuff too many students in their units 56
9/17/15 - 6:44 pm Almost, nearly, just missed, blah blah blah Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/17/15 - 6:19 pm The lack of self-awareness here is palpable Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/17/15 - 4:33 pm Cool Story Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/17/15 - 2:10 pm Aww man Another longtime Southie bar could be about to dry up 7
9/17/15 - 1:31 pm Right around the time they start pullin over cars for texting Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/17/15 - 1:22 pm Cool Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/17/15 - 1:14 pm Certainly could've handed out tickets Free-helmet day at the BU Bridge 70
9/16/15 - 9:47 am Samsonite! I was way off! Taxis, Uber always a debate 65
9/15/15 - 5:14 pm De facto you are correct Taxis, Uber always a debate 65
9/15/15 - 5:00 pm Bicycle mounted GoPro Taxis, Uber always a debate 65
9/15/15 - 12:21 pm The alternative of course Taxis, Uber always a debate 65
9/15/15 - 11:39 am United together Taxis, Uber always a debate 65
9/10/15 - 2:07 pm U.S. Traffic Deaths, Injuries and Related Costs Up in 2015 The bicyclist who protected the bike lane 78
9/9/15 - 11:42 am Works for the Japanese Here's an idea: Levy a fee on developers for T improvements 14
9/2/15 - 5:55 pm God damn it Good thing he was on one of those short bikes 54
9/2/15 - 3:04 pm Sweet, this will make the roads safer for everyone! Stunting on scooters, ATVs now illegal in Boston 22
9/1/15 - 4:32 pm Fossil Fuel is subsidized far more than transit Marrky... $7.3 billion to fix the T 66
9/1/15 - 1:54 pm I'd suggest dialing it back yourself Fatal intersection re-paved and now re-striped 90
9/1/15 - 1:30 pm What you want is for the city to get to work Fatal intersection re-paved and now re-striped 90
9/1/15 - 9:57 am I am watching, the messages aren't being broadcasted well Fatal intersection re-paved and now re-striped 90
9/1/15 - 9:18 am Progress of some kind I guess Fatal intersection re-paved and now re-striped 90
8/21/15 - 11:37 am OMG Stop it! Police: Memorial Drive sexual-assult suspect may be creep reported by other women in area 10
8/11/15 - 5:10 pm "She hands me her cell phone, says it's my dad." Mayor declares all out war on scooters, ATVs; proposes law to ban stunt driving on Boston streets 91
8/11/15 - 1:34 pm Well yeah, duh it should include bikes Mayor declares all out war on scooters, ATVs; proposes law to ban stunt driving on Boston streets 91
8/11/15 - 9:01 am Serious question Mark Mayor declares all out war on scooters, ATVs; proposes law to ban stunt driving on Boston streets 91
8/11/15 - 8:54 am How about an ordinance banning cell phones? Mayor declares all out war on scooters, ATVs; proposes law to ban stunt driving on Boston streets 91
8/10/15 - 11:17 am I love the bike boxes.... Cambridge tries new turn boxes for bicyclists 87
8/7/15 - 12:25 pm ..you start sounding like a Republican Back Bay intersection where bicyclist died was already pegged as most dangerous in Boston for bicyclists 58
8/7/15 - 12:19 pm Vulnerable Road User Laws Back Bay intersection where bicyclist died was already pegged as most dangerous in Boston for bicyclists 58
8/7/15 - 11:28 am Please don't put words in my mouth Bicyclist killed by semi in Back Bay hit and run 190
8/7/15 - 9:54 am Heres what'll happen Bicyclist killed by semi in Back Bay hit and run 190
8/5/15 - 9:36 pm ... Bicyclist enjoys the freedom of the open road 57
8/5/15 - 1:22 pm Is it illegal on the T yet? Mayor wants to ban smokeless tobacco at Fenway, other sports venues 29
8/4/15 - 12:04 pm Plenty of free parking in the bike lane right out front Zoning board approves marijuana dispensary in downtown Boston 77
7/27/15 - 11:36 am In before "NotAllCops" Medford detective put on leave after dashcam catches him screaming at motorist 57
7/23/15 - 3:15 pm Snow removal not related to moving cars Holey moley: Boston isn't really fixing all the pothole complaints it marks as fixed 14
7/21/15 - 2:10 pm Talking about Boston/USA Markky, not China/India Imagine a Boston with just a fifth as many cars 83
7/21/15 - 1:14 pm Car ownership and driving are in decline Markky Imagine a Boston with just a fifth as many cars 83
7/16/15 - 6:14 pm Cyclists fault? Hit-and-run crash sends bicyclist flying into air at Mass. Ave. and Boylston 85
7/16/15 - 5:34 pm Who was distracted/impatient/drunk? Hit-and-run crash sends bicyclist flying into air at Mass. Ave. and Boylston 85
7/16/15 - 5:31 pm Interesting idea Hit-and-run crash sends bicyclist flying into air at Mass. Ave. and Boylston 85
7/16/15 - 4:59 pm Ban cellphones when driving Hit-and-run crash sends bicyclist flying into air at Mass. Ave. and Boylston 85
7/16/15 - 3:55 pm Amazing how cruel people can be Hit-and-run crash sends bicyclist flying into air at Mass. Ave. and Boylston 85
6/18/15 - 5:09 pm If you are delaying emergency services... Dedham selectman doesn't wait for court action; tries to block pipeline construction himself, gets arrested 28
6/18/15 - 1:26 pm Did he block any emergency vehicles in the process? Dedham selectman doesn't wait for court action; tries to block pipeline construction himself, gets arrested 28


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