Member for 10 years 5 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 7/19/23 - 6:58 am Preventable tragedies waiting to happen Young child killed by hit-and-run driver on Wood Avenue in Hyde Park 8 4/21/18 - 10:32 pm also 3rd best ice cream in the world. Boston declared third best summer travel destination in the entire world 37 5/14/17 - 10:00 pm Serious Response Rain doesn't stop the peace walk 8 1/17/17 - 12:01 pm agree with your concluson but had to add... Sanon looking at yet another rematch with McCarthy in Boston's southern reaches 32 11/12/16 - 6:25 pm Free Pigs...pretty predictab;e...says a lot.... American faces 43 11/12/16 - 12:07 pm be truthful. American faces 43 10/24/16 - 9:56 am wow. Man found shot to death in Hyde Park 2 10/24/16 - 9:55 am this has been going on for some time... Fairmount Line continues to be lame 23 10/18/16 - 1:11 pm Go to Maine... Today's least shocking news: Clinton has landslide lead in Massachusetts 79 9/22/16 - 12:15 pm actually this is Lower Roxbury... New hotel could help transform Dudley Square but will carry South End name 19 9/22/16 - 12:10 pm money would be better spent Quincy PD puts out BOLO for alleged Beachcomber swindler 19 9/16/16 - 2:39 pm actually not debatable... Wang goers will be sitting in Boch's seats this season 54 9/16/16 - 2:37 pm yeah, as a matter of fact... It'll take a lot of rain and snow to get us out of this drought 7 9/12/16 - 5:20 pm waiting for the conspiracy theories. Power plant deconstructed 4 9/7/16 - 6:05 pm Agreed Hyde Park cafe shut barely eight months after it opened 35 9/7/16 - 6:03 pm You get out of hp what you put into most places! Hyde Park cafe shut barely eight months after it opened 35 8/31/16 - 1:06 pm Trouble for Fairmount Line... Tramps like us, baby we were born to ride 24 8/31/16 - 1:03 pm my wife and I will go camping.... Maybe whoa: We're in the cone of probability for a possible big storm over the weekend 41 8/22/16 - 12:46 pm remind me again... Dog fight shuts another Jamaica Plain dog park 30 8/22/16 - 12:45 pm <> State Police: Park ranger used tiny camera to video women in employee restroom at Houghton's Pond 10 7/26/16 - 10:15 am awesome possum Possums don't always play dead 37 7/9/16 - 10:24 pm Call it in? Bovine BOLO: Bold bessie bedevils burg 5 5/5/16 - 4:24 pm what more evidence is needed... Old coffeehouse could become new veterinary clinic in Roslindale Square 13 4/28/16 - 5:51 pm Boston Latin kids Slobs in Westwood trash local woods; man reads about it, cleans up their mess 13 4/21/16 - 8:57 pm Another entry into "Lost Boston"... It's curtains for last downtown fabric store 22 4/17/16 - 9:57 pm understood Residents willing to consider condos on Walk Hill Street near American Legion in Roslindale - but not five stories' worth 34 4/17/16 - 7:51 am right but more traffic (and more development) in this locatio... Residents willing to consider condos on Walk Hill Street near American Legion in Roslindale - but not five stories' worth 34 4/10/16 - 8:37 am proportionally... Board affirms death sentences for two South Boston bars 23 4/6/16 - 9:52 am would rather have a brandenburg concerto... $80 million and whadaya get? At Government Center, ya get wet 41 4/5/16 - 10:03 pm and it was his birthday! A winter wonderland on an April morning 4 4/3/16 - 8:42 am um, we do remember that... Drive-by shooters miss woman but hit her car in Newmarket Square 5 4/1/16 - 9:34 am of course it was... Developer details plans to replace old bakery, bean-sprout warehouse with 14-story residential building 13 3/31/16 - 3:53 pm Surprising that Utile is involved with this project. Developer details plans to replace old bakery, bean-sprout warehouse with 14-story residential building 13 3/31/16 - 3:48 pm ackshally Developer details plans to replace old bakery, bean-sprout warehouse with 14-story residential building 13 3/15/16 - 8:17 pm Twenty on one... Ten arrested, more sought for vicious beating at Brighton Center bar that sent man to the hospital 2 3/9/16 - 8:46 pm Brush Hill/ aka Truman Parkway Pedestrian killed at Milton intersection 13 3/9/16 - 4:01 pm yeah, the Apprentice... Area man hopes for Hail Mary tango steps on the dance floor 6 3/9/16 - 3:59 pm not to worry Latest South Boston condo proposal would remake major intersection - and eliminate a Dunkin' Donuts 52 2/16/16 - 8:40 pm wow! I am always amazed at the cliches people come up with... The freezing man standing outside on Valentine's Day 51 2/16/16 - 8:35 pm ain't it great The freezing man standing outside on Valentine's Day 51 2/15/16 - 6:29 pm very impressed... Boston could get off the grid a bit; could save money, reduce emissions and better survive regional power problems 23 2/11/16 - 5:05 pm Lydia Edwards, rising star Handicapping the six candidates who want to replace Anthony Petruccelli 9 2/10/16 - 10:59 am the plan. Developer proposes complete re-do of Orient Heights housing project 6 2/10/16 - 10:51 am what am I missing? Councilors would levy new 1% tax on Boston property owners for affordable housing, parks 84 2/9/16 - 4:26 pm go for it eastie; lotsa upside with this. Developer proposes complete re-do of Orient Heights housing project 6 2/6/16 - 7:50 am five prez in five years. Both Suffolk president and board chairman to resign 5 1/28/16 - 1:30 pm Even better... Gunfire today on Fairmount Hill is probably just blanks 2 1/26/16 - 6:08 pm they cetrainly have not improved... They started tearing down the old Circle Cinema today 16 1/24/16 - 9:15 pm think on this when refusing to shovel the sidewalk .... Man struck, killed by plow in Dorchester 44 1/23/16 - 11:21 pm Hey Hydeparkers! They say in Hyde Park, when one restaurant closes, another one opens 5 Pages123456789…next ›last » My articles Post date Title 5/19/15 - 10:01 pm If 695 had been built and 95 had come through the city