10 years 11 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
3/5/24 - 10:13 am oops Cambridge loses lawsuit for enforcing law that didn't exist against local restaurant 21
3/5/24 - 9:44 am Time moves forward Cambridge loses lawsuit for enforcing law that didn't exist against local restaurant 21
4/24/18 - 12:43 pm Different Format Senate candidate charges city of Cambridge is out to get him; sues 74
11/20/17 - 12:04 pm The RMV already overcharges CharlieCards 1.0 to be replaced by CharlieCards 2.0 91
6/3/16 - 1:20 pm Public Utility The FiOS Farce: A bait and switch 50
10/13/15 - 2:09 pm Julie Bishop Secretary of State pays a visit 30
7/17/15 - 8:58 am Don't forget 75 more and we've got ourselves a parade 7
6/30/15 - 1:30 pm Tax Breaks == Public Funding Boston 2024 plans call for massive Widett Circle redevelopment even if we don't get the Olympics, plus tax breaks for the developer 52
4/28/15 - 12:50 pm Probably because those are Board to consider cutting hours at Cleveland Circle bar that keeps getting cited for serving underage BC students 32
4/27/15 - 10:02 am Not commercially Governor calls for background checks on Uber, Lyft drivers 28
3/16/15 - 8:14 am Black car service? Line of the times 48
2/17/15 - 1:23 pm Nitpicking you say MBTA restores Orange Line service to Forest Hills; Red Line to JFK/UMass 11
2/15/15 - 8:15 pm Somerville Snowplowing a tiny path 7
1/16/15 - 8:18 am Boston Wharf Co Barking crabs, barking dogs? 15
10/21/14 - 8:11 am Interesting The two Blue Line power supplies 20
10/9/14 - 8:36 am Inefficently Rickety bridge to Long Island shut 42
9/29/14 - 12:41 pm Law seems pretty clear City lawyer: Any City Council raises couldn't take effect until 2016 32
9/25/14 - 3:42 pm Opps Boston man says his passport should be good enough ID to get a gun license 36
9/25/14 - 3:19 pm What's on your passport Boston man says his passport should be good enough ID to get a gun license 36
9/25/14 - 3:13 pm Where? Boston man says his passport should be good enough ID to get a gun license 36
9/19/14 - 2:20 pm He at least had an empty Too bad subway trains don't have roof racks 38
9/17/14 - 4:16 pm Aides Linehan: Bostonians don't realize what a value the city council is 49
9/17/14 - 2:08 pm 27th Amendment Linehan: Bostonians don't realize what a value the city council is 49
9/17/14 - 2:04 pm I don't quite follow Linehan: Bostonians don't realize what a value the city council is 49
9/16/14 - 1:02 pm What if Councilors to consider 28.5% raise for themselves tomorrow 20
9/7/14 - 10:57 pm As the saying goes Roxbury man learns the importance of always signaling a turn 20
9/3/14 - 10:20 am Definitely good Workers in bright blue vests will staff the T tomorrow to guide middle-school kids to their appointed destinations 14
9/2/14 - 12:36 pm There are better machines. Commuter-rail rider sues T, parking-lot operator over fines he says he doesn't owe 29
8/26/14 - 12:57 pm College Advisors? Only one of Boston Magazine's 50 'Best Public Schools in Boston' is actually in Boston 53
8/26/14 - 7:33 am Strike? No? Fired? BPS warns of more possible school-bus problems tomorrow 27
8/21/14 - 12:00 pm Might not have to, but they Letting pedestrians cross with turning traffic? That's not a bug, that's a feature 110
8/21/14 - 11:57 am Pedestrians Too Letting pedestrians cross with turning traffic? That's not a bug, that's a feature 110
8/21/14 - 11:50 am Density Letting pedestrians cross with turning traffic? That's not a bug, that's a feature 110
8/13/14 - 8:40 am It takes a sign Time for Hubway to start warning customers to keep off the local highways 52
8/11/14 - 11:21 am I don't think overdevelopment City to pilot seven-day resident-only parking in South Boston 107
8/8/14 - 12:23 pm The whole gaming commission In high-stakes poker game over Everett casino, state calls Boston's bluff 12
8/7/14 - 8:49 am People Oopsies: Two super PACs that spent $500,000 backing Walsh broke the law 44
8/3/14 - 9:25 pm Why? How to fix Comm. Ave.: Pave the trolley tracks so buses can run there, too 57
8/3/14 - 9:23 pm Aww How to fix Comm. Ave.: Pave the trolley tracks so buses can run there, too 57
7/28/14 - 10:05 pm MBTA Councilor wants to offer detail work to retired cops 32
7/28/14 - 10:03 pm Some answers Councilor wants to offer detail work to retired cops 32
7/28/14 - 9:50 pm Know any companies willing to Councilor wants to offer detail work to retired cops 32
7/28/14 - 8:17 am They're Far Torrid pace of luxury development leaves many neighborhoods largely untouched 57
7/21/14 - 9:43 pm The tow will discourage Brookline's dumb parking signs 38
7/17/14 - 12:36 pm What if? Audit: Boston Redevelopment Authority? Kinda more like Broken Redevelopment Authority 25
6/27/14 - 11:06 am Well Jury acquits career criminal of 2011 murder of Jamaica Plain woman 10
6/24/14 - 12:43 pm Dog Racing Court puts anti-casino question on ballot 68
6/24/14 - 12:41 pm Move on Court puts anti-casino question on ballot 68
6/18/14 - 9:54 am They don't cover the whole T union vows to fight enforcement of phone ban without contract talks 94
6/17/14 - 8:46 am Dispatch Radios MBTA toughens phone policy; will fire any worker found in possession of one 39


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