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Lousy, no-good immigrants

Got your attention, no?

The Boston Herald is rolling out a new feature on its website, this Friday.

The Friday Throwdown will be a unique, weekly event taking place in our Herald Square community. Each week, Boston Herald editors will select a topic for discussion on the Friday Throwdown. The topic will be posted on the web for readers to debate in a live chat, Fridays between 12 and 1. And we don't expect to host a bow-tie ironing party. We want to see sparks fly!

And, what are they suggesting as topics?

* Pension reform
* Boston firefighters' contract
* Immigration reform

In their words: "You get the idea."

Herald editors will moderate to keep the discussion on-topic, and to filter out profanity and personal attacks -- otherwise, they want you to let it rip.

If you're interested, sign up as a commenter on the Herald's website and also send an email to [email protected] with Friday Throwdown in the subject line.

Disclosure: I write a real estate blog for the Boston Herald. Also, I find many (most?) comments on the Herald's website to be repugnant.

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Well, this certainly won't get offensive.

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Throwdown: The Herald tries to copy talk radio in desperate last gasp attempt to stay afloat.

Ready, set, RANT!

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I'm not sure how I ended up on their spam list, but the Herald emailed me about this yesterday. The email is pasted here, for posterity & for mockery:

(If I'm "an active voice in the exchange of ideas and opinions on BostonHerald.com", they must be pretty hard up. I might have commented on a story there, once, if that, years ago. I never even visit the site, never mind hang around with the trolls that post comments there.)

You're receiving this message because you're an active voice in the exchange of ideas and opinions on BostonHerald.com. Your comments and ratings on stories add an important element to the news every day: your perspective. We think the give-and-take between readers is one of the things that makes BostonHerald.com a great place for readers to get their news and share opinions. So, we'd like to invite you to a special, new program designed specifically to feature reader views on the news.

The Friday Throwdown will be a unique, weekly event taking place in our Herald Square community. Each week, Boston Herald editors will select a topic for discussion on the Friday Throwdown. The topic will be posted on the web for readers to debate in a live chat, Fridays between 12 and 1. And we don't expect to host a bow-tie ironing party. We want to see sparks fly!

What kind of topics are up for grabs?

Pension reform: Is there any hope when a judge reinstates the pension of former Register of Probate John Buonomo, currently locked up for stealing campaign funds and cash from copy machines in his own courthouse?

The Boston firefighters contract: Is it fair? What does it say when a decision handed down in binding arbitration has to be renegotiated? What will it mean for other city unions? Can Mayor Menino and the city's firefighters get beyond the years of bad blood between them?

Immigration reform: Should Massachusetts, and other states for that matter, follow Arizona by directing local police to initiate immigration enforcement?

You get the idea.

Our editors will moderate to keep the discussion on-topic, and to filter out profanity and personal attacks -- otherwise, we want you to let it rip.

Send an email to [email protected] with Friday Throwdown in the subject line and we'll make sure you get personal notice of upcoming topics and other opportunities to feature your voice on BostonHerald.com's Herald Square.

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Okay, go.

Pension reform? Obama's fault.
Boston firefighters' contract? Obama's fault.
Immigration reform? Obama's fault.

Next topic.

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You should hear how hard they begged to get me to come back when I canceled my subscription. If you can't get a paper onto my porch, then (expletive) off.

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So.... Pine Street Inn, the empty 1000 Washington Street building, JJ Foley's, the crack addicts under 93, and my office. Fun conversations.

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Shouldn't you be able to have wonderful conversations with all the hipsters whom constantly proclaim to love 'the streets' and anything that is 'gritty', or 'edgy'?

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Don't forget the Mobil gas station and the Mexican food place!

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ALL newspaper comments on their websites are pretty bad. Don't single out the Herald's online comments like it's an oddity.....The Globe's online comments are pretty bad as well! (For that matter, the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune's comments are awful as well.)

And what's with your headline for this post? Does everyone that reads the Herald hate all immigrants?

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I miss when the news actually had news.

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Too good to pass up, I would bet this is the topic of the week:

P-town elementary schools to distribute condoms

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The first Throwdown is in the books. Take a look at the replay and decide for yourself if it met your expectations.


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