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Man out on parole for murdering store owner charged with murdering JP store clerk

RMV photoRMV photoPolice today charged a Roslindale resident on parole for gunning down a convenience-store owner 38 years ago with the shooting death of Surendra Dangol, a clerk at the Tedeschi store on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain.

Edward P. Corliss, 63, was charged with murder and other crimes and is scheduled for arraignment on Tuesday in West Roxbury District Court. In 1972, Corliss was convicted of second-degree murder for the shooting death of the owner of a small store in Salisbury the year before - while on the lam from a Rhode Island prison work camp to which he'd been sent on a breaking-and-entering conviction.

District Attorney Dan Conley said Corliss's parole officer helped finger him for Dangol's murder when he realized he looked like the guy in surveillance video - and that he drove a a white Plymouth Acclaim, like the one seen driving away from the store as Dangol lay dying on Dec. 26. Because of this connection, the state Parole Board revoked Corliss's parole and he was sent to MCI Cedar Junction on Jan. 7, Conley said.

Conley said that Boston homicide detectives tracked down every single white Plymouth Acclaim built between 1986 and 1992 and contacted their owners. The trail quickly led to a Roslindale house, where a relative told police Corliss had access to a white Plymouth Acclaim.

Dangol, a native of Kathmandu, Nepal living in Somerville, was gunned down even though he fully cooperated with the man, surveillance video showed. He leaves his wife and 9-year-old daughter.

Conley declined to release more details about the case, or even to say what Corliss was out on parole for, pending his arraignment on Tuesday. He said the investigation remains open - the video showed another person in the white Acclaim waiting for Dangol's murderer - and that more details will be released at Corliss's arraignment.

"The murder of this peaceful working man shocked the city and broke our hearts," Conley said, adding that since Dangol's death, five more people have been murdered in Boston.

JP suspect

Innocent, etc.

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Sources tell me a Roslindale man has been arrested for the murder of Jamaica Plain store clerk Surendra Dangol.

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Globe MetroDesk talked to Jake Wark prior to the news conference. An arrest has been made and the car was located. More info to come.

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Then this is good news. I wasn't sure if they'd be able to find this guy- he was pretty well disguised. When police solve awful crimes like this one, it kind of makes you want to be a cop. They often do great work. Much respect to the BPD detectives and all others who worked hard, and are working hard still, to bring the killer to justice.

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Dan, if you keep saying nice things about the Boston Police, you will be kicked off this site.

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Hey Anon! Why hide behind such a name? Scared of the police?
I was there minutes after this murderer did his deed. How would you like to be the cop(s) who had to clean up this terrible mess? Take all those memories home to their families. Then work 24/7 to capture a very bad man.

Then some idiot like you berates the BPD. I can tell you from personal experience, the officers of E-13 are some of the best in the city. You should go work with your local police on crime watches or any of the other great community programs they have. You would learn a lot. I fear though that you are too self absorbed and would rather just open your mouth and leave it running like a leaky faucet

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Settle, Eli.

Your cop boosterism is actually a little weirder than Anon's obvious and harmless joke.

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Um... he/she was obviously joking.

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Who isn't scared of the police? Anyone ever glad to see a policeman in the rear view mirror? Hate to say it but for most people- their average run of the mill contact with police officials is never positive. Now I'm sure there are plenty of damsels in distress getting beat on and stuff who call up the police who are more than happy when they arrive and all that jazz but most people don't live in a "Cops" episode and for most people their experience of cops, while not terrible, is hardly an anticipated with joy event. Most people go out of their way to avoid any sort of contact with cops no matter how trivial. Just the way things are- probably will always be- cause deep down- no one likes the hall monitor- especially Americans.

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I think anon was trying to be sarcastic. His comment wasn't serious.

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The BPD is below the national average for clearance of homicide cases and falling.

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The Glob has it that the suspect is a near-senior citizen of Roslindale.... this has got be hurting adam to be beat to the punch on this of all stories! it's right in the UH wheelhouse

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I took the subway downtown, so had to leave early just in case.

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"Prosecutors say they were led to Corliss through a car that was caught on surveillance camera footage at the crime scene and because a parole officer contacted police to say she had a parolee, Corliss, whose features resembled the man shown in surveillance video."

Why does this sound a bit shaky, like they tracked down some parolee who happens to know someone with a white Dodge? I mean come on, what 'features' can you see from the video that supposedly uniquely identify him? He looks like he could be a Sasquatch under all that clothing.

I want to see this solved as much as the next guy, but I want to see the GUILTY party in jail, not someone poor schmuck who served his time for something else...

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Looks like from a Google search that a man by the same name was convicted of murdering a convenience store clerk in Salisbury back in 1971.


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He would've been 24 or so back then.

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Globe says it's the same guy. I suppose this goes two ways...either he's being accused of something he didn't do because of his past or he just is as bad as this sounds.


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Despite the wookie look, the man has fingerprints, hair, and other DNA bearing attributes that could factor into a definitive identification. I would wager they have a weapon to test as well.

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the guys walk and stance (along with the kind of car this guy drives) is what gave him away the most. I can't really tell anything from the facial features, but the walk sure is distinctive.

Plus there was another guy involved. Who knows if he dimed him out or not for some sort of deal?

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"I know nothing about police work, or forensics; But I'm sure they got the wrong guy! Call it a hunch!"

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Boston PD homicide squad has a proven history of finding someone just to find someone- in the case of gang killings, they basically find some poor black kid who someone saw in the area, and then set out to prove it was him through a lot of shaky police work.

Basically, the attitude seems to be "hey, what's one black kid from Dorchester/Mattapan/Roxbury? This is another murder 'solved.'"

One of them recently sued, and won, a big settlement for his wrongful conviction...

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Wow- yeah- what "feature" is he talking about? I don't see any feature of at all in that clip that would tie him to this guy. Some dude of a dude knows a guy with "access" to this car?

Ehhh- what do I know though? Just not really seeing the "slam dunk" here though.

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It cuts out right before the guy actually pulls the trigger and Dangol collapses; maybe there's more we haven't seen. There might also be more than one camera; police don't share all their evidence with the public before trial.

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Like I said- what do I know? But if all they got is from what we can see and that is in this story then I'm just saying I'm not stepping up to any gallows lever attached to this guy's neck just yet.

I served on a criminal jury trial years ago- and I got my eyes opened let me tell you. I was expecting all this evidence and tight time line and rock solid case - just like we all see in our little cop dramas on the TeeVee- you know the ones- where they all dress really well- are in shape- live in super awesome apartments - drive the latest SUV's- have at least three ultra babes working with them- and where they are constantly doing overtime for free and never seem to be off work ever- and where they all have the super heightened sensitivity (while being judiciously tough and manly) of an ACLU lawyer but with a "hardened edege"? Yeah- I was expecting it to be like in the teevee shows. What I got was an appalling mess of a case that I had hard time understanding how it even made it to court in the first place. Micky friggin Mouse could have been this kid's defense attorney and blew holes the size VW bugs in the state's case. It shocked the hell out of me how easily the state could bring a case against someone for a 20 year minimum offense. Since then- and hearing about other horror stories I don't jump to ANY conclusions when it comes to criminal cases when I first hear about them. And it is generally just wise to not trust government authority on pretty much anything until they crawl on the rocks to prove it to you.

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did you really formulate your whole theory on what you saw on TV and what you heard on one jury? You are kidding right?

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You aint' that bright are you? I said- based on what we have seen of that clip of the robbery and what is in this story- I ain't ready to push the electric chair button on this guy- are you? And I also said from my experience- prosecutors and cops ain't exactly above being lazy ass retards who would throw any old con in jail just to get their conviction numbers up. So in other words- I have no opinion on this guy's guilt or innocence. Did I really have to spell it out for you like you were two?

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some studies have actually found that, due to the CSI effect, jurors are less likely to convict when there is not a slew of nice and tidy forensic evidence. while it's great these shows have raised awareness of the work of forensic sciences, as you pointed out, real life isn't that tidy. the court cases aren't usually that tidy. and yes, we still ask jurors to make monumental decisions about guilt or innocence based upon some subjective evidence. it's the same thing the courts have been doing for a hundred years. but we now *expect* it to be different.

the state brings the case before a judge or jury because they have reason to believe a crime has been committed. it's up to that jury of twelve (or a judge in cases where there is no jury) to make a decision as to the merit of that case.

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Well- that's what I am saying. People watching these cop dramas think the cops are like their favorite TeeVee detectives. Well- they ain't. Not even close. These are mediocre people making mediocre pay doing mediocre work like all government employees for the most part. They ain't saints like the Tube portrays them as. They are lower middle class schleps who wait for Friday and live for the weekends like everyone else. They ain't ivy league grads either like all the prosecutors in TeeVee. They are from third and second tier schools. They are smoes- just like us- and I don't trust other smoes like me when buying a used car and I'm not about to give any benefit of the doubt to no cop schleps either on a man's guilt or innocence- cause someday it could damn well be me who is Amiraulted into jail by some half educated man ape cops under the direction of a wastrel publicity hound like Coakley.

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She is Dangol's wife, who came here for his funeral, will attend Corliss's arraignment on Tuesday, and would like the press to stop camping out on the front lawn of where she's staying:

Why did he kill my husband? My husband gave him everything he asked for. Surendra was the best husband. He worked so hard to support us. Now we don't know what to do. I would like to thank the district attorney's office, the Boston Police, and everyone who helped arrest this person. I hope he gets the maximum level of punishment. We ask that you respect our privacy.

Statement via the Suffolk County District Attorney's office.

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OK, so Corliss killed a man in Salisbury after walking away from a Rhode Island prison camp.

Also, in 1980, he walked away from a work detail at MCI Norfolk, where he was serving his murder sentence, the Globe reported back then.

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The first question that came to me was: Why was this man given parole? I bet this sort of criminal is granted parole in other states, but Massachusetts seems to be more lenient about this.
Because of this type of policy a man is dead, his family devastated and the rest of us wonder when this sort of crap will cease.

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Id say probably because 99% of these oldtimers that kill someone in the 1970s don't do anything when they get out of jail 30 years later. Makes you think now though doesn't it?

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The Globe has some details: The Parole Board voted 5-1 to let him out, provided he go into "a long-term residential treatment program for substance abuse and undergoing drug and alcohol testing."

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that voted against him was the only one that slept last night.

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