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Unfortunately, God was not her co-pilot

Driver plows over barrier, lodging it under her car in front of Trinity Church, Copley Square, 11:57 AM.





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Looks like she was just taking out a pawn.

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Best. UH. Headline. Ever.

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Actually, according to the Episcopal Church, God indeed was her co-pilot, and in his mysterious wisdom intended this to happen. It's hard to be funnier than religion.

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That is why bollards are great.

They save pedestrians from rampaging SUVs

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Thank God it wasn't a bicycle! Can you imagine the carnage if it was a bike? Glad it was only a two ton SUV, driven by a clearly competent and skilled motorist!

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is where the bollard was before it was hit, then it appears that the bollard wasn't very well secured at all (epoxy perhaps). Which would explain why it failed so easily.

Perhaps having a bollard that would stop a car while actually remaining upright is too much to ask. It looks "pretty" though, so let's forget functionality.

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I'm guessing Roadman, of all people, does indeed know the proper name of carstopperpostthingies, but I'm now going to be compelled to yell that every time I see one of those.

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Never Mind the Bollards, Here's the Sex Pistols :-).

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Funny, I always thought those were hitching posts...

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I expect the primary purpose is to say "don't bring a vehicle up here" rather than stopping an SUV while remaining intact to do its job another day. The fact that it stopped her from hitting the church without actually injuring anyone in the car means it functions pretty darn well.

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I'm sure it will need to file a disability claim on top of the overtime it already earns.

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anything larger than that "micro SUV" - say an Expedition or a straight truck - would have run over the bollard and most likely hit the church anyway.

That's why the bollards around buildings like the O'Neill Courthouse, as ugly as some people consider them, are so large and formidiable.

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How is that even possible to lose control of your car that badly? For God's sake, learn to drive.

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Talking on the phone, eating a sandwich, putting on lipstick, changing the DVD for the kids in the backseat, adding sugar to your coffee, and trying to find a parking spot all at the same time isn't easy, you know!

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Anyone know the backstory on how this SUV ended up on the sidewalk?

And again, thank the Maker it was not a bicycle. Can you imagine the body count... (whispering) if it were a bike! Good lord!!!

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Those are actually pictures of vehicles driven by men who don't ask for directions.

Now show these to your insurance agent and explain why being male should earn you a discount.

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You can go back to putting your lipstick on while stopped at a light and scrolling through your Lady Gaga songs on your iphone.

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Those are actually pictures of vehicles driven by men who don't ask for directions.

Hah, I believe that is a "touche".

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