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But have they checked the sewers?

Wicked Local Saugus reports an alligator might be on the loose in a Saugus pond. Or it might not. In any case, it's reassuring to know that a Massachusetts wildlife expert has "a reptile-sniffing dog" ready for just such emergencies.

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Was seen wearing a jean jacket with the sleeves cut off, an Iron Maiden concert shirt and a case of Buds under its arm - going off into the woods to get shit-faced and pick a fight with kids from the Voke.

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What? They had one and didn't use it to find the poor lost snake on the T. Nerve.

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I'm currently sitting within 3000 feet of said alligator lake. I wasn't concerned about safety much as it was, but now, I feel safer than a steak at a vegetarian convention knowing there's a gator-sniffin' dog nearby.

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... can we send that dog up to The State House and see how often it points?

Sul (not a reptile sniffing) dog

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