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As if you needed more proof of JP gentrification

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports a local real-estate broker wants us all to start calling South Street SoMo, as in "SOuth of the (Soldier's) MOnument." Why, yes, there is a Web site.



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No, yo.

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Could call itself NoSo (North of South), except, of course, for the area around the end of the Orange Line, which could become SoSo (South of South) and, of course, the area between South and the Arboretum, or as I like to call it, WeSo (West of South).

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Stupid frigging realtors.

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There's a great episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshall & Lily buy a condo in what they're assured by the realtor is a hot new neighborhood: Dowisetrepla. Only after they move in do they realize the portmanteau stands for "DOwn WInd of the SEwage TREatment PLAnt." I think of that whenever I see a realtor-created neighborhood name.

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Idiotic blow-ins. The website calls the area "a suburb of Boston." That would be news to all the people who live there, especially those who get a property tax bill from Tom Menino. And it says the area is filled with people of "every age, ethnicity and economic stage of life." What the hell does that mean?

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It allows all the assholes to feel smug when they brag about living in an "up and coming edgy diverse urban neighborhood" to all their Banana Republic or Urban Outfitters catalog appropriate friends.

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That last part, as it is written on the site, reads like an attempt to sound PC that ends up borderline offensive. Not outrageously so, just poorly phrased. Here's why I say that:

The phrase "economically diverse" has long been used to describe neighborhoods that run a spectrum from yuppie to blue collar to struggling, or perhaps from working class to struggling to homeless. I have seen the longer phrase "ethnically and economically diverse" scores of times in realty context. It's nicely descriptive for this purpose. Accepted.

But referring to "people of every age, ethnicity and economic stage of life" (doesn't it sound so much like a fresh spin on the previous phrase?) implies that economic standing, be it good standing or poor standing, is a stage of life. For some of us, sure; scrimp a little in college, then move on to a career and disposable income. To go a step further, I'm of the opinion that even individuals in adverse circumstances have the continual option to bootstrap themselves and create positive change, long after some might stop trying. But I'm not naive enough to think that for the collection of people who are born into disadvantage and then further held down by unfair circumstances throughout their youth, education, young adulthood, parenthood and working years, are merely failing to graduate to the next "economic stage of life." They're living a cycle - with some real, albeit small capacity to break that cycle - and not living in arrested development.

On a lighter note - SoMo? Yeah, ridic. Just like EaBo. Call it what it is, don't make up marketing buzz that's 50 years old. My girlfriend lives in the middle of SoMo. I call it South St. Rolls off the tongue.

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P.M. Allen has a suggestion.

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On behalf of honest and sincere real estate agents everywhere (all three of us), I apologize.

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I prefer NoMo, as in "I want to hear NoMo about Jamaica Plain."

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thank you : )

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jamaica plain? no thanks. Ill have mine on the rocks with all the trimmins lol.

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Could you PLEASE SHUT THE EFF UP about JP gentrification! It's been gentrified forever! Stop beating the horse already, it's been dead for 15 years or more.

I come here in hopes to read something at least somewhat interesting that wouldn't be on Boston.com. No one gives a SHIT about this JP CRUD anymore! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT THE MUTHER FFFF'N UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like reading the new retarded thing Palin did. She's been a numbnuts forever, just like JP's been gentrified, FOREVER!

Think of something different and interesting to write about, please I beg of you.


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But I can't take seriously the complaints of someone who can't find the registration button OR correctly spell the word "fuck." So...

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Either say "fuck" or don't. Jeez.

As for the disability slurs, O anonymous ranter, please lose them entirely.

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So true. You know JP was being gentrified when Lockhorns (fitting name) closed. No more urban rednecks selling coke in the bathrooms and brawling in the street out front. Now it is some sort of quasi-respectable bar.

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Too bad that the businesses banding together to create SoMO weren't able to land one of the HiLo Hispanic alternatives from JPNC or The Co-op.

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Isn't the Harvest Co-Op right there? Of course if you want real food like Pringles or Fruit Loops you need to go to a bodega since crunchy grocery stores don't sell those kinds of things.

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How about a "Ray's Famous" on every corner? The Boston Common can be called Central Park North and then we can have Shake Shack's in the Back Bay, Kenmore, and the corner of Mass & Washington. You know that corner, it's on the line that SoWa begins at. You know.. almost to where the darker people live.

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Sweet 8 pound 2 ounce baby jesus... when will people realize that JP was gentrified many, many, many years ago? I feel like the people screaming about the gentrification of JP weren't around 20 years ago when it really started.

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A real state/business initiative from a JP born and bred business woman? Good for her, her business and the area.

Say congrats, good luck and move along.

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