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Where do you think they'll be returning the trucks on Sunday?

Show me the money, Rich says

The Judgment Day people held a caravan around Copley Square this afternoon, featuring several gaily decorated trucks, one with what was probably meant to be something like Gabriel's trumpet but which sounded more like wbat you'd expect from a truck that needs new brakes. Some of the church's foot soldiers handed out leaflets on the BPL side of the park as one member with a bullhorn attempted to drum up support among jaded Bostonians mostly just trying to enjoy the non-rain. And then the latter half of Toucher and Rich showed up for a brief counter-demonstration.



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for these people to disappear, one way or another. When I got to my home in South Boston after work yesterday, two of these trucks were parked half in a bus stop and half in the street just outside my front door. In the pouring rain, some lady had her window rolled down and was yelling into a megaphone about the end of the world. After waiting for my antiquated computer to fully boot up, I was just about to call the Mayor's line to find out whom to complain to about them when they finally pulled away.

In case anyone missed it, the Phoenix has some great coverage of the whole situation, including a helpful "God Hates FAQ's."

When all this first started, I thought it was just some publicity stunt, and I still have a tiny hope that it is, just so I don't have to try to understand what's going on in these people's minds, because I've seriously tried that, and I just don't get it.

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To be fair they're saying that the apocalypse will BEGIN on Saturday. The world doesn't actually end until sometime in October IIRC.

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I have this desire to run around tonight leaving piles of "left behind" clothing in random places.

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Count me in!

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They're supposed to just disappear at the right moment, right?

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Release a bunch of helium filled blow-up dolls.

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Camping is a false prophet, since he said same thing in 1994, but bible does teach a rapture, but no one knows as bible says when, although we can tell the general time period. Bible says fear not a false prophet Deut 18 22

Jesus second coming has to be twice because he says he will come for believers and meet us in the air, then he says he will come back with believers and land on Mt Olives.

Now all this is bull if we cannot trust bible but since Alexander the Great translated old testament into greek 300 years before Christ and it contained over 30 prophecies of Christ how he will die Isaiah 53 Ps 16 and 22 plus where he would be from Micah 5 2, Isaiah 7 and 9. We know that only one person fulfilled these...How can one person be a Nazrene, from Egypt and Bethelem and Galilee..well its Jesus.
So objectively proven bible as from God using outside references you can now look differently at it, as Gods good news to man, his offer of grace period and righteousness by faith not by works so that he can say its by grace...and have mercy on people.
That is good news. He tell us the end from beginning Isa 46 10. And promises to protect his own from the great wrath coming hence rapture! God Bless to all

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To some you sound as crazy as Mr. Camping.

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How can one person be a Nazrene, from Egypt and Bethelem and Galilee..well its Jesus.

Or...it's fiction.

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