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All's right with the world again: Haters return to the Herald from Fox 25

After rushing to Channel 25 to defend America from evil terrorist Muslim murals on the Greenway, the Flying Internet Truthiness Squad rushed back to the Herald this morning to defend America from evil terrorist Muslims out to get Christians, Sikhs and God-fearin' gun owners.

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“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value.” -- Thomas Paine

Haters? Really? It seems we're in an age now where some liberals instinctively tag their opponents with the most extreme labels regardless of what the issue is. Supporting marriage between a man and a woman is "homophobia" punishable by the threat of government selective enforcement action. Criticism of President Obama is "racism". Questioning the use of public space as canvas for questionable artwork (I use artwork loosely) is "bigotry". Hoping that the media doesn't once again falsely blame the Tea Party for a mass shooting is "hatred".

The risk here, along the lines of what Paine said, is that using extreme labels frivolously only cheapens them. What labels are left for truly extreme incidents? Far-left alarmists would do well to review Paine's writing, or perhaps Aesop's "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

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There are still some stems left in that strawman. Take a couple more whacks at it.

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While I love reading them, every time I come across one of your hilariously incoherent screeds, FISH, the mirth ends as soon as I stop for a moment to wonder about the day-to-day routines of a man with such crippling fear of insidious creeping leftism. Do you suspect your spouse and friends (and I'm being generous here and assuming that there are other like-minded folks who are somehow able to ignore your borderline-schizophrenic ravings because of your other charming traits) of being plants? Do you secretly wonder if your washroom is indeed breeding Bolsheviks? Do you quote 18th-century political philosophers in *other* inappropriate contexts? Like, your wife asks you to take out the trash for the third time and has a little bit of a tone in her voice, so you quietly mutter some Rousseau to yourself about the perversion of the natural state of nature, and resolve to take action some day? How do you get the weather report, since every TV station, news site (aside from Drudge and LGF, of course, but they're a little light on meteorology) and newspaper is complicit with the left's war on white men? On the rare days that you can bring yourself to leave the house, do you check behind every bush and mailbox on your street for leftists waiting in ambush for you? Or do you just rely on staying well-armed and trust that you'll be able to BS something about self-defense when you inevitably open fire on the first guy to ask you for spare change?

Your life must be a fascinating struggle, FISH. Don't ever give up that good fight.

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Criticism of Obama is not "racism", it's patriotism. Questioning his citizenship for the umpteenth time is racism.

Supporting marriage between a man and a woman is a choice. One that you are not denied. So why deny that choice to others based solely on gender?

Calling a piece of artwork that someone devoted their time and passion to "questionable" is just ignorance. Does it say "Glory be to Allah" anywhere on it? And if it did, so what? Nobody seems to mind a bunch of greedy, soul sucking vampiric baby fuckers that wrap themselves in flowing robes and funny hats and call themselves the Catholic Church, do they?

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Supporting marriage between a man and a woman is "homophobia"

That's because your manner of "supporting" doesn't end at "supporting". You use this here as a code-phrase for "demanding that my hate and closed-minded discomfort and fascination with other people's sex lives is enshrined in the law".

That's the homophobia!

Nice try.

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Either way he was awesome. Landing a Mars rover like a boss.

The female flight coordinated was a cutie too.

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Well, that would be:
Socialists, communists, tree-huggers, bleeding hearts, godless, alarmists, unamerican, fascists, hippy, Alinskyite, Marxist...

Just to name a few.

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"Supporting marriage between a man and a woman is "homophobia" punishable by the threat of government selective enforcement action. Criticism of President Obama is "racism". Questioning the use of public space as canvas for questionable artwork (I use artwork loosely) is "bigotry". Hoping that the media doesn't once again falsely blame the Tea Party for a mass shooting is "hatred".

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Stephen Fry with the best take ever on BS like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnSByCb8lqY&feature...

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The guy was a white supremacist with ties to the National Alliance and Stormfront.

In a particularly crap-tacular twist, the dipshit had a 9/11 inspired tattoo (and so, apparently, did a possible buddy of his who they're still looking for).

I can't believe that some doofus in the Herald's comment section says "lets see some footage of the training camps for these 'domestic terrorists'?" Evidently the guy's never heard of the internet and is somehow unable to google the Militia Movement, a whole culture of armed morons under the delusion that they're the only sane people in a crazy, liberal-dominated world. I used to be on a shooting team, and my run-ins with these types at gun shows scared the piss out of me.

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HUTAREE, HUTAREE, HUTAREE. Oh wait the news cycle forgot about that.

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looking forward to seeing the facebook and yelp pages of Suzanne Loheac's veterinary business lighting up with links to her "towel head" quote. I wonder if she'll stand by that statement?

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