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Citizen complaint of the day: Nope, still no snow in Roslindale

Roslindale space saver

A concerned citizen reported this situation on South Street:

Chair used to save a parking space nearly every day.

The city wasted little time dealing with this complaint:

Closed. Case Resolved. Chair removed.



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people will take a mile.

Time for Menino to revise his space saver policy and enforce the freaking law. To many entitled douche bags causing a space saving war escalation out there.

Property is regularly damaged because the mayor was afraid of losing a few dirtbag votes.

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Instead of wasting taxpayers' dime, move the damn chair yourself! As the photo demonstrates, there is plenty of available parking. Besides, a resident may have put this chair out on the street as a freebie to the first taker. Anyone who has lived in a city long enough knows that putting items out on the curb (with our without a for 'free sign') is common practice.

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The old TV or broken AC will be going out next.

You must have missed the "nearly every day" part. Besides, stuff put out for trash pickers usually ends up on the sidewalk, not the street. You must be the one who ain't been round here too long if you don't know that.

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Sad that you have so little respect for people who live here. I've seen perfectly decent strollers, desks, tables and bookcases, all in good condition. Some people need a helping hand, and there are nice people out there willing to help them out. Your contempt for people who live Boston and the surrounding 'burbs is well known.

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taking up parking spaces. They are left on the curb for people to take.

I highly doubt this chair is being offered as a freebie (but there is nothing stopping anyone from taking it).

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This is next to the Commuter Rail and i believe there is no Resident Parking!

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I do not know about that exact location, but I can tell you what happens around that area. You do not have a driveway and park your car on the street. Every morning, you leave home for a few minutes to run an errand. While you are gone, a cheapskate commuter who cannot be bothered to pay $4 to park in the commuter rail lot a few hundred feet away parks their car in the space you just left and leaves it there all day. So, you go door to door and get neighbors to sign a petition to implement a neighborhood parking program that will limit parking on weekdays, 8-6. You go down to City hall and get your sticker and wait for the city to put up the signs. You phone, email, and visit BTD, but the guy in charge of the program lies to you and tells you the signs will be going up in a month. This continues for two years. So you take matters into your own hands and try to save the space yourself. Then some busybody uses Citizens Connect to report the "problem."

This is not a business district; it is a residential neighborhood, but it is close to Roslindale Village MBTA and Adams Park. Parking is not that tight usually, but when one space gets taken by a commuter, it causes everyone else on the block to have to shift. If you have work being done on your house, yes, you can get temporary signs from the city, but sometimes neighbors rip those down. And this week, there is a bunch of road work going on along S. Fairview Street which means the overflow commuter parking is probably shifting up to South St. so the person who left "his" space for a few minutes might now be parking as far away as Fallon Field.

It is easy and fun to get all indignant about the entitlement attitude and laziness that seem self-evident when you see a space-saver, but please ask yourself why is it so important to you? Why does the space saver make you so angry and what joy do you get out of reporting it? While you can certainly flip this logic onto the homeowner, why not just find another place to park and walk a few hundred extra feet? I don't mean to completely excuse egregious behavior, but how hard is to cut the neighbor a little slack?

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What if the space saver was left by someone a few streets away who was one of the displaced you speak of and the reporter in this case is the homeowner who wants the spot in front of his house back?

That's the problem with space saving like this: there's no assigned parking or names, so you can never know who is saving where and for whom. Best just to not save spaces and let it all sort out as it is.

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you live in a city. Parking is free for residents, but not without it's limits or annoyances. You have no right to a spot. Sometimes you'll have to find a spot a ways away. If you do want your own spot, there's always private pay parking.


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I call BS. I know this part of the neighborhood fairly well. There is almost always plenty of parking. It may not be right in front of your house, but if you are willing to walk 50 feet in either direction you can almost always find a spot.

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If all the spaces on the block are taken, the resident can pay the same $4 to park in the commuter rail lot. Unless they're a cheapskate as well.

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If there is plenty of open spaces why are you people bitching?

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Clearly there is no appreciation for a rare BMW 850i and the need to prevent someone from parking in front of it! ;)

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