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Do you like smashing things?

Somerville Climate Action will be holding de-paving parties in June to remove asphalt from two local homes' yards, "allowing the soil to return to health and productivity." Participants get to whack at the asphalt with sledgehammers and pickaxes and then haul it away - and then celebrate with a party.



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Back when I was living in Quincy, paving front yards for parking spaces was a disturbing trend in my opinion, especially in the North Quincy neighborhoods. Nice looking neighborhoods were starting to look like office parks.

Somehow zoning allowed this to happen.

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That is really great! I hope they do the house behind mine. Huge yard on a pretty side street, completely covered in cracked asphalt. Baffling to me - it's not THAT hard to take care of a yard.

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Instead of paying for demolition, make it a grand scheme to invite people to wreck stuff!

Not like I didn't take full advantage of this when I demolished the kitchen and let my son's friends have a crack at it ... heh heh.

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I'm looking forward to the de-paving party when they downsize McGrath.

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