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Extreme sports, JP style

Rhea Becker reports at least one Jamaica Plain resident has taken up extreme ironing:

About a week ago, early on a Friday morning, she set up her ironing boards and irons at a park on South Street, strung a mega-long extension cord across a busy street, picked up her Niagara spray starch and proceeded to iron the heck out of several shirts.

Ed. note: Extreme irony. Now there's a sport I could get into.



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Saw that. Starting looking for a new apt in Roslindale right after.

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Roslindale does not want X-JP'er. Keep your Subaru and GoldenRretriever on your side of Forest Hills

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Just as long as you keep your beat up 86 Cutlass Ciera and your unmuzzled pit bull on your side.

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You mad toots?

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Just generalizin' man. Thought that's what we were up to, unless you honestly hate Subarus that much.

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And I can only think of one golden retriever I see regularly in JP. Mostly happy-mutt city.

Living in Roslindale and having JPSux as a screen name is kinda pathetic.

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Nuh uh! JP totally ROOLZ. U SUX.

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You DO realize that for years JP residents:

-Get married
-Move to Roslinade
-Buy a car (because they suddenly need one, because you have no public transit)
-Get a dog if they don't have one already
-Start popping out kids

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Rozzie may not want them but it's filled with them, and with folk from Mission Hill, Roxbury, too

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just performed this same routine and called it a Tuesday.

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Attention seeking!

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who made that comment. Attention always seems offensive to those who never get any.

Feel free to respond using the words "bootstraps," "real job," "snowflake," "hipster," "trust fund," "trustafarians" or some combination thereof.

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“Lesbian Guatemalan Adoption Agency”

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"Your Uncle's Methadone Clinic."

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My Uncle owns a Methadone Clinic.. He must be doing rather well for himself with all the junkies in MA. Were you one of his patients?

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But then again I don't live in Rozzie. What time does the nothing start again?

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Rock on.

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Yeah, I saw this too. She set up on the corner across from the Harvest. ...I don't really have anything else to say about this. Just, sure. Why not? Haha

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I want to drop off some shirts for three guys - we've got two weddings and a graduation coming up!

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WOW...okay its one thing to iron in the park, but to drag an extension cord across the street is ballsy! One wrong spin of the tires that cord is around the axle and who knows what would happen next

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Someone ironing in a small park is peculiar. Peculiar and oddball, unusual, unexpected and joyfully spontaneous.

I am not surprised that this athlete of domestic activity would choose this spot. JP is probably the least snooty, snobby, stuck up and retentive neighborhood in the city.

If nothing else she gives a great example of not taking herself seriously.

So if we placed ironing boards from end to end across the country would anyone be surprisde?

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Nah, JP is pretty stuck up, snobby and snooty, actually. Just in a Lexus Liberal way, not in a Mitt Romney way. They are both annoying though, for sure.

But this is in no way peculiar, it's a calculated move from someone doing public art or just plain old attention whoring. I suppose it's kinda cool, maybe, but it is certainly not odd. If this woman legitimately thought that the park was the best place to do her ironing, and she tucked herself away in some farflung nook of the park, now that would be odd or peculiar.

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Don't you know you're never supposed to draw attention to yourself, ever?

Society's a team sport, dammit! Put on your uniform, put your head down and just play the game.

Stop being so damned snooty with your Japanese cars and political donations and, for god's sake, don't iron in public unless you have a mental illness. Then only do so until we call the cops in to taze you because your cord could pose a tripping hazard... one you'd think we'd notice with our heads down going about our business.


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I don't think anyone is going to be tazed, JPFree. And the cord could pose a tripping hazard and what about the next hipster that rides over it the wrong way and takes a header? That could be very bad indeed. Very bad.

By the way, how are the $8-$12 burgers at Grass Fed selling these days? ;)

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Forget they do sell $4 Sodas! Now that’s a steal compaired to buying used jean for $40 or an ugly hat from Salmagundi for $100+. JP Want desperately to be like The People's Republic of Cambridge, but guess what the rest of the city refers to you ultra liberal moonbates(no im not 50 im in my 20's) as "Crunchy".

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That's a whole lot of detail about JP's shops and pricing for someone named "JP Sux."

Also, what's a "moonbate?" Is it the money we get back from the Feds if they faked the moon landing? And who's "Used Jean?" Is he one of the guys who comes over from Rozzie to "organize" my cans and bottles for me on recycling day?

I hear you about the $100 hats though. I mean, why spend $100 on one hate when you can get three fitted Sox caps in three different colors with flat brims and the hologram stickers still on them for the same price? I know that's not as fashionable here in JP, but I know you guys use them as formalwear.

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After a few years they become a master, like the PP.

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They seem to be selling pretty damn well, though I had a $9 burger at FourBurgers the other night that is currently winning for burger-I'd-most-like-to-have-again-really-soon. But really--if you want to stick with your $4.99 pink slime-filled, made in China burgers then go for it.

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Does anyone in JP know how to cook? Or have you ever see a grill?(well that might be hard to fit into your $2000/m two room apt)

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A. Yes. I know Rozzie is content with both kinds of food at its local dining establishments -- pizza AND burgers -- but JP's eateries don't preclude it from cooking. We have Meatland, Harvest, Whole Foods, Plaza, the Farmer's Market, Stop & Shop and the bodegas. We cook more dishes than you can pronounce.

B. We have. We just don't foul them up with 20 packs of "burgers" from the freezer section.

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Oh, right, it doesn't have one. Meatland? Please, give me Tony's. To go with the bread from Fornax and the cheese from the Boston Cheese Cellar.

Setting aside for a moment the whole idea that this entire "debate" is kind of dumb (it's not like you can't hop in your car or a bus and get from one place to the other - or to Hyde Park or West Roxbury), JPites who still think Roslindale is a bombed-out 50s holdover need to get out a bit more.

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See, this is where this "debate" is devolving to.

I think more JPites would explore Roslindale if they felt there was anything to explore. I'm a fan of the cheese shop and get haloumi from a greek place for half the price of Harvest, but Rozzie is pretty desolate in that stretch of Washington leading into the village. Maybe the new development will help.

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Yeah, that stretch doesn't have any exotic, quirky shops (as opposed to, say, Washington Street from Forest Hills to the Midway, which consists of a giant bus yard, giant auto-body shops, a giant laundromat - never a wait! - and a giant gas station.

But it's not quite dead: It does have a tostados place, a BBQ place, a decent fried-seafood place, a Dominican place, etc. Plus, in the giant gas-station category, I'll put the Emporium up against Hatoff's any day. Still find it desolate? Take the train or the bus to Forest Hills and follow the paths through the Arboretum to the edge of Roslindale Square.

You're right: JP does have some good restaurants. Enjoy them. I wasn't trying to drum up tourism in Roslindale or pick a fight with anybody in JP, which is a fine neighborhood. But when somebody gets my Rozzie up ...

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I love Rozzie. Joanne Rossman and Fornax are enough to justify a trip, let alone Bob's Pita, etc. But a Roslindale resident with the screen name JP Suxs (really, is that last s necessary?) is asking for it, no? It speaks of some kind of aggressive inferiority complex that begs to be tweaked.

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... that the poster in question actually is a Roslindale resident and not just a troll trying to cause trouble between the denizens of two neighborhoods who OUGHT to be friends. ;~}

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Except by transferring at the Forest Hills T station, you can't get from most of JP to Roslindale (or vice versa, if we wanted to go to JP for some reason) by public transportation. People from JP should make the effort. Roslindale is not particularly exciting, but it is nice, and we have a range of shops and restaurants and a great farmers market.

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Yes, because we all know how "hipsters" can't detect the color orange and are never careful when riding their "fixies," whatever those are. Oh, and we must forget the children. The poor helpless ones will get all tangled in that heavy gauge cord and won't be able to shuffle across the street! Oh, and they'll be accosted by those banana-eating VEGANS at the bakery again. And some of them have those, those HOLEY THINGS in their ears. Why must we be subjected to looking through their ears as if we're in a hill tribe?! The nerve.

How are those $8 to $12 burgers, you ask? Delicious. More so than the $8 burger at Galway, the $8 burger and $9 burger club at Kelleher's, the $9 burger at the Corrib or the $8 to $11 (!) burgers at Real Deal. Not a hint of slime detected, but thank you for asking. You're such a dear!

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