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Low blow in Copley Square

Butterfingers Photo by Eric Steinhardt.

A pawnbroker dumped 900 pounds of Butterfingers candy bars in Copley Square today to commemorate Wes Welker's performance in the Super Bowl. The CEO claims he loves to talk to people; you can let him know what you think at 720-320-7777.

UPDATE: The mayor's office reports:

Code enforcement has tracked company's address and contacts; will be issuing violation for commercial dumping.

That could mean a fine of up to $1,000.



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Wes WEKLER, Adam?

In any case, nice of this person to treat the city to some candy. He can take what might have been my share and shove it up his ass.


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Typo fixed.

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to give him a fine for littering?

Chapter 90: Section 22G. Littering; suspension of license

Section 22G. The registrar may, after due hearing, suspend for a period not exceeding seven days the license or permit to operate motor vehicles or the right of a person to operate motor vehicles in the commonwealth of any person who litters, or who knowingly permits, as the operator, occupants of his vehicle to litter, public or private property through the disposal of trash or garbage from said motor vehicle.

The state could also apparently suspend his license for 7 days to make a point.

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/copies phone number from article
//pastes phone number into google search
///presses enter


Contact Pawngo: The World's First Online Pawn Shop - Pawngo


You can also reach out to our CEO Todd Hills on his cell phone at (720) 320-7777. He would love to talk to you. Seriously he would! Now that we were able to ...

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I hope they get written up for a littering citation or something. What else can these bastards be charged with!?

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Somebody filed a littering complaint via Citizens Connect.

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That'll teach 'em. We all know how effective that is.

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up to a 10K fine and a 7 day license suspension as far as I know.

Not that it's ever enforced, but seeing as this is as much about viral publicity for his shitty company, I say the state go after him for the money.

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Status - closed. Residents said they will probably eat most of the the litter and the rats will get the rest. However, parallel case on butterfinger's disconcerting font and coloration of logo filed by disturbed South End resident remains ongoing.

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I suppose that we should consider ourselves lucky that the city didn't close down Copley Square and call in the bomb squad.

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The case really is closed - see the revised original post.

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Now I wanna dump a few hundred pounds of Slim Jims on their corporate doorstep, because...

OH SNAP...into a Slim Jim!

In reality though, they'll probably gladly pay $1000 standing on their head for all of the social media publicity this has brought them. The country likes to hate on the Pats the same way the world likes to hate on the Yankees. This is going to resonate for a day or two on every local newscast in every city during their "national news" portion.

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That the city has no sense of humor and the Mayor takes himself too seriously.

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If they had bothered to hire people to hand these out, rather than dumping the candy on the ground, we could start thinking about whether the prank was funny.

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... if they had hired people to clean it up (as opposed to city workers).

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You know they chose Copley, because if they tried this stunt in Gov center SWAT would have been scrambled when the dump truck showed up.

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Did the city actually send people out to clean it up?

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Illegal dumping. Sack this guy.

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Five hour rule ... lemme get there first to pick up a couple before they haul them (and him) away ...

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So, you should email him: [email protected] or tweet him @pawngoceo Here's his last tweet: RT @Pawngo: Hey Boston... watch out for a sweet surprise from team Pawngo in a few

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Sign him up for Cat Facts.

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What breaks my heart is that according to my Tweetdeck, many people are thinking Bostonians are responsible for this. Honestly, I would expect more taste and class from an out-of-town online pawnbroker. No doubt it will have huge appeal with the larger pawnshop-using public (ie problem gamblers, meth-heads, chronically stupid...etc.)

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The Facebook page says Chicago, the CEO's LinkedIn page puts him in Denver.

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....yeah yeah, cell numbers are portable, but still.

I think Tebow did this!

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I don't see what the big deal is. Its an obvious publicity stunt and people will pick them up and eat them. They are wrapped and clean. The homeless people that congregate in that very area will have an absolute feast.

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Yep - and then the pigeons and rats will have a feast on the broken or slightly unwrapped ones and poop rat and pigeon poop all over everything.

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You sound like a fine devotee of trickle down economics.

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According to the company's latest tweet: "If you have any questions or comments, please email our PR firm at [email protected]"

Fortunately, their PR firm has the same happily open channels for talking to their CEO: "If you are interested in hiring 5W Public Relations, please contact Ronn Torossian, CEO at 212.999.5585 or via email at [email protected]. We will respond promptly."

I wonder if Pawngo and 5WPR like apples...

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For years, I tried to get that company to stop sending me their stupid press releases, which NEVER had anything at all to do with Boston. They always came from their wet-behind-the-ears, just-out-of-school junior account execs, who were obviously getting paid by the number of press releases they sent out and who were always very apologetic for not spending 10 seconds to actually look at Universal Hub to see what it was about and who promised to leave me alone. And then the next week I'd get a new press release from a new person. I'd always CC ol' Ronn. Didn't matter. Even the bimonthly "Don't hire 5WPR" tweets I did didn't work (yeah, I know, I know ...).

The only thing that finally worked was convincing Cision, which puts out what at the time was an expensive and completely worthless guide to bloggers that kept listing me under "parenting" or "people you should annoy just for the hell of it" or something, to finally take me out and leave me out. Seems 5WPR used the thing for its blasts of worthlessness.

Needless to say, 5WPR is based in New York.

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Watch out for this to hit Gawker soon.

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Yeah, Google "5wpr site:gawker.com"

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Man, I would have been all over those. I wish I was still in Boston!

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In Boston, our local sports players are supposed to be accused of having their fingers covered in fried chicken grease and beer.

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Jars of Fluff


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That stuff is NASTY. Like eating sticky sickly sweet plastic. And I may be showing my age, but when I was a kid I think the lid was blue metal, not red plastic.

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Mix it with sour cream 1:1, makes a sublime little dipping sauce for fresh fruit. Yummy!! Can add a little flavor with fruit extracts or Limoncello.

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Disgusting "food product." The only good thing it's brought this burg is Fluff Fest and that's just marginally better than this jarred fatspread.

For townies who think Nutella's too "foreign."

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If nothing else, the ingredient list of Fluff is short and not too scary:

Corn Syrup, Sugar Syrup, Dried Egg Whites and Vanillin.

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Nutella is great, and its italian, lesser known competing product with lower saturated fat content, so lesser known that I can't remember its name, are GREAT.\

Fluff is also great, pride of Lynn Massachusetts.

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Mmm... love the stuff! Growing up, my Mom would make fudge for me to give to my friends' families at Christmas. The Moms always wanted the recipe, but my Mom would never give it up. Years later she revealed that it was the fudge recipe on the side of the Fluff container. Decades later Fluff is a staple in my own kitchen.

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And yes, it does come out better with fluff!

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I made it this year for the first time and I have never gotten so many compliments on a dessert.

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This will sound amazingly disgusting, but it is actually a tremendous snack.

When I went to the FluffFest a couple of years ago, a guy had a table set up where he gave out samples of his latest Fluff concoction. It was a mixture of Fluff, canned tuna, and hot sauce.


Served on a saltine.

I ate one on a dare, but then I went back for seconds. I've since mixed up my own batches of the stuff and it's really, really good.

(Use the tuna in water, not oil. Other than that warning, you're on your own. Just glop the three ingredients together to taste, plop it on a saltine, and enjoy!)


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I'll expect to see this very interesting creation as a "small plate"
at some of our finer dining establishments in the near future.

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Speaking on behalf of all civil minded, sane, and legitimate pawnbrokers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, this out of town nut job from Pawngo needs to refrain from littering our community with his not legitimate lending scheme as well as taking his butterfingers and choking on them.

Pawngo is in violation of state law if they're endeavoring to loan money on collateral across state lines. The Attorney General should come down on this asshole with the full extent of the law.

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I would have picked up a few. Now I really want one. Dammit.

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Yeah, because I'm sure it's really difficult to find Butterfingers anywhere else but on the ground in Copley Square.

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Free ones?

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They're, like, 99 cents.

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... that's the attraction.

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Butterfinger tweets:

Butterfinger had NOTHING to do w/ Boston stunt. Some company bought our bars (like 7,200) & used 'em w/out our knowledge.

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Like wow that was a TOTALLY professional awesome professionally written tweet. Dude.

But really,if someone bought a quantity of "(like 7,200)" and the company knows they were bought, then they know the purchaser is going to use " 'em " one way or another.

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