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Mattapan teen charged with South Boston holdup, crash; two others sought

Boston Police report Joe Fisher, 17, was one of the three teens who held up the D Street Deli at gunpoint Friday night, then plowed into an MBTA bus in Andrew Square, leaving him to be arrested while his accomplices jumped on the T for a ride to JFK/UMass.

Fisher was charged with armed robbery while masked, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, operating motor vehicle without being licensed, refusal to submit to a police officer, reckless operation of motor vehicle and leaving the scene of motor vehicle accident with injuries.

The bus driver was taken to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Police got a lucky break on the case: Officers happened to be driving by the deli just as the three exited:

Officers noted that all three individuals ran from the location with their heads and faces covered. Believing the store had just been robbed, officers exited their vehicle to gather additional information. At this time, a fourth individual, believed to be a store employee, exited the store and immediately informed officers that the store had just been robbed by three suspects and all three had guns. While searching the area for the suspects, a responding unit observed three individuals, who fit the description of the suspects, enter a motor vehicle in the area of W. 7th Street. Officers activated their emergency equipment (lights & sirens) in an effort to stop the car. However, instead of stopping, the suspect vehicle accelerated away from the officers.

Innocent, etc.



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If they were going to throw the book at these criminals they should have charged them with jumping the faregates at Andrew.

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Sadly this is reason 5,237 why parents are wary of sending their kids to Boston Public Schools. These guys would be sharing a classroom with their kids.

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Future corporate criminals are in the private and expensive city public schools.

Remember where the Bulger Boys were educated? Right next to many business leaders.

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This is why no one takes you seriously and your "compassion" comments are becoming a running joke here.

Equating white collar crime with random, violent crime is ridiculous.

No one worries about their kids physical proximity to future crooked accountants.

However, all (decent) parents make a point to protect their kids from random or targeted violence.

I really don't care if the some guys in my daughters class go on to commit stock fraud. I care a hell of a lot if some guys in her class are packing heat and may decide to start a gun battle over gang shit in the hallway.

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So, you're telling us you would prefer your kid sitting next to an armed crack-dealing thug who would not hesitate to blow your kid's brains out over an iphone or a pair of fancy sneakers instead of a young Billy Bulger or Bernie Madoff?

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None of the Bulgers are corporate criminals.

Certainly not Whitey, who, for the record, matriculated in the streets of Southie, not at BC High.

To my knowledge, Billy never worked for a corporation and has never been convicted of a crime.
He's surely guilty of cronyism politics and a misguided sense of brotherly love. But that's not the same, now is it?

Jackie may have gone to BC but he was a civil servant hack who also never worked for a corporation.

He might have gotten a perjury or obstruction charge but his criminal endeavors don't even warrant a mention in Wiki, so it's hard to tell.

So your understanding of the facts and your equating of actual violent criminals with potential future non-violent criminals are both equally lacking.

Good grief.

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Let's see the citations "verifying" that kids going to public schools in Boston are all seated next to armed thugs and gang bangers? Also, where is the evidence that these kids even attended school - at 17, kids like this have usually dropped out if they haven't been permanently removed.

The point is that inner-city public schools have no monopoly on morally challenged students. See also "violent bullying problems perpetrated by popular and mostly wealthy students in Northampton leading to current anti-bullying legislation".

Furthermore, lets see some more citations demonstrating what "sitting next to criminal kids" has to do with what any other kid will be doing? Like, does this follow an infectious transmission model or is the assumption that there are only bad kids in urban schools?

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Um SwirlyGrrl, weren't you praising BPS last year for changing the drop out rules to not allow students under 18 from dropping out?

Also, you've got to be out your mind if you think that being next to criminals all day isn't detrimental the educational experience of students. Fear is a major stressor and distraction in a learning environment, particularly if the thugs are routinely disruptive to class, which they often are.

"See also "violent bullying problems perpetrated by popular and mostly wealthy students in Northampton leading to current anti-bullying legislation"."

When kids in the burbs start shooting in stabbing each other over trivial bullshit at the rate BPS students do, maybe you would have a point. Kids beating the every living snot out of each other after school is a regularly event in the city. Stand watch at Forest Hills or any hub MBTA station along school routes at the right time of day and the display of behavior makes it quite evident why parents of every socioeconomic bracket avoid sending their children to BPS if they can afford to.

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Attacking, abducting, restraining and shaving somebody's head with scissors and razors isn't a violent act if it happens in an expensive, elite prep school.


Wealthy suburbs? Expensive colleges? Oh, that's not violent crime, it's hazing: http://dedham.patch.com/articles/students-talk-abo...


Yep, people in some places get to be thugs and go to jail at a young age. People in other places have a future to protect when they let their thuggery loose, so they get detention or suspension.

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But you cannot seriously compare asshole, entitled kids who do things like that to a kid, who already at 17 years old, is
>robbing stores
>crashing into public transit buses
>assaulting people
Seriously, this is just getting sad. I see what the guy above meant by your posts becoming jokes. Yikes.

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First rule of holes: When you've dug yourself into a hole, put down the shovel.

Some people never learn.

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I went to private, Catholic schools for 12 years. Our school educated a few future bank robbers who were also altar boys. Further down the road in high school I knew dozens of petty criminals who'd discuss the cars they stole over the weekend, and who'd sell you any drug you can imagine. This is all 30 some odd years ago, back in the "good old days." When we create neighborhoods with little or no hope, this is what we can expect.

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Sadly this is reason 5,237 why parents are wary of sending their kids to Boston Public Schools. These guys would be sharing a classroom with their kids.

I seriously doubt these kids are showing up to school on a regular basis, so not really a worry.

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This is not a joke. They committed a VIOLENT armed robbery and scared the snot out of the store operators, the bus driver and passengers, and others. It is of course violent antisocial, even sociopathic behavior. Anyone who has been victim of a violent street crime wouldn't crack jokes or laugh.

I despise white collar corporate and other criminals as much as anybody. But I fear [and rightfully so] violent out of control street criminals. There's a big difference between being jumped, robbed, pistol whipped, beaten, stabbed, raped, whatever while coming home from work, getting off the T, walking to your home or car parked in a garage, etc. and being 'robbed' by a so-called white collar criminal. D

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Violent armed crooks: Somebody gets shot, robbed, raped or maybe just pistol-whipped.

Budding white collar crooks: Somebody loses their lunch money in a bush-league Ponzi scheme and learns a valuable lesson.

You do the math.

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Whitey? What does he have to do with this? I have lived in South Boston for over fifty years. This store is owned by hard working people.
South Boston has changed. Greatly. All you guys out there that had your lunch money taken by someone from the neighborhood, get over it!
It appears these guys cased the place and thought they had an easy score.
It's too bad the people who worked there and the people in the Andrew Sq. area (they have enough problems to deal with)were victimized with this.

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All of you are beyond judgmental! I knew joseph. Hes not a legit criminal. I used to have class and would hang out with joe. Just because he got caught up with the wrong people and isn't gunna snitch then out because a couple of racist cops want the other suspects

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