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Puopolo Park? More like Poopalot Park

NorthEndWaterfront.com posts photos of dog walkers walking their dogs on playing fields meant for kids.



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worse than dogs are stuck-up dog owners.

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Dog owners are very high on the list of entitled persons. They think their dogs can do no wrong. While walking down the street I have had unleashed dogs (and not small ones) jump on me while the owner stands and smiles and thinks it's cute. Dogs are fine, I just don't care to have them jumping on me. Try telling that to the owner.

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It's a lot like the "dog lot" over at Tufts. It's the only fenced-in area around and it's posted with signs that scream "NO DOGS", so, of course, that's where you can always find a few dogs and their shameless owners.

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When it's in a place that everyone pronounces Poop-a-lo park?

(disclaimer--I know that park is named after an individual who left who left this world tragically way before his time....and that I probably shouldn't make fun of anyone mispronouncing anyone's name, but I can't help it. It's a medical condition I have--obsession with pronouncing people's names. don't believe me? Ask eeka.)

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I hate how a few bad seeds ruin it for everyone. I've let my dog off leash in those fields to run around, but only after she's already done her business elsewhere (and in any event, I always pick up after her). What the North End needs is a designated dog park like the one in the South End.

What I find absurd is the number of parents concerned that their kids might step in some "residual" dog poop and get sick. What are the kids doing, running their hands over the grass and then sticking their hands in their mouth?

What annoys me is the parents' sudden concern over dog poop hurting their precious babies, but the same parents let their kids run around unsupervised all over the North End (particularly now that school is out). The kids are getting into far worse things then a little dog poop on their shoe. Just last Sunday, I came across a group of kids (couldn't have been more than 14 yrs. old) drinking beer and smoking cigarettes on the Harborwalk behind Lewis Wharf. It was still daylight and in a very public place, yet these kids were blatantly breaking the law (or they were just that dumb). Where are the concerned parents then?

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Fighting entitled bitching with entitled bitching. I like.

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because Mutts and Humans should share the same rights. ITS AN ANIMAL, look up the term toots.

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It's a sign of a healthy neighborhood when kids are allowed to go places without supervision.

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You state:
What the North End needs is a designated dog park like the one in the South End.

Dog parks? How inane.

What both those places need are cats with frickin' lasers.
They'll swiftly vaporize any dog, leashed or not.

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Yes, the kids are running their hands over the grass and putting their fingers in their mouths. I'm glad you now inderstand the problem. It's also great when the ball you are playing with smears through a soft pile. Catch!

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d!ck. Words to live by. There are a lot of places to bring your dog that where it doesn't have to drop a deuce on the ballfield. I'm a dog owner; I'm not a kid owner. Yet. That I know of.

Don't be lazy. Walk over to Paul Revere Park across the locks in Charlestown. Or if you are lazy, or have some physical condition which prohibits you from walking over there, at least go over behind the hockey rink. Just stay off the ball field.

If there's nothing wrong with the dog dropping a deuce on the field because kids will get dirty anyway, then why not just let the dog go on your kitchen floor?

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ZOMG poop! I really hate when I have to smell kid poop in public. I mean, some of the particles might escape the diaper and get on me and I'll get sick. Quelle horreur!

Grow the fuck up and learn to wash your hands, you dandy.

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Let me know the next time someone walks their baby in a ballfield and leaves a little pile of junior's mess. Maybe someone will rub your nose in it to teach you a lesson about sharing and not being a douchebag.

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