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We're getting a publication that uses 'Beantown' in its name unironically

Beantown Mom, "a start-up luxury/glossy print magazine for moms in the Greater Boston area," is looking for a managing editor.

How luxe? It'll be the sort of pub that assumes its readers would be interested in a $3,500 acrylic crib, explains why you shouldn't feel guilty about spending $1,000 on a Bugaboo stroller ("When you splurge on a Bugaboo, you are certainly not buying into the price tag") and alerts you that Linda Pizzuti Henry's Second Baby Bump (is) Growing Beautifully.



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If this 'start up luxury/glossy print magazine' is anything like the 'blog' it will be in sore need of both. Yikes.

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This has the stench of failure all over it!

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The first thought I always have about most parenting publications is that they're going to be totally irrelevant to my family and most families I know (i.e., most of the stuff assumes all-white family, two hetero parents, female parent doing most of the parenting and socializing only with other female parents, biological children, disposable income, children without disabilities, etc.).

So I saw this one had tabs for "adoption" and "single mom" and was a bit intrigued, though assumed it was still going to be awful, coming from a publication that encourages choosing strollers based on the social status they will bring you. Then I clicked, and both tabs went to empty pages! Hopefully they'll stay that way. Just don't even bother trying.

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Historically, we're the part of the country that specifically does not do these things, even if we are rich.

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Maybe, if you're talking like highly educated Cambridgey sorts of folks, but I think this is more marketed toward the people who are making comfortable amounts of money but are of a less-educated social group where shopping and dressing up your kids and everything is a big deal. In addition to their toddlers wearing $100 Ugg boots and riding in $1000 stroller, having birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese or Coco Key are also a big thing. Same group of people who regularly go to Aruba but haven't otherwise been outside of Massachusetts.

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My sister lives in a small, extremely affluent, low key town out near Wellesley. Wellesley is a few of miles away but it seems like a different world. If my sister's town is LL Bean, Wellesley is Dior. My sister's town is a Volvo. Wellesley is a Mercedes.

I predict that this new magazine is going to sell like macarons in Wellesley.

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Instead of pride-of-Maine big cakey cookies with whipped filling in-between, think tiny meringue cookies with ganache that one might find in a faux French pâtisserie. Ie, what most traditional New Englanders would prefer vs. what would appeal to those with aspirational pretensions.

IMAGE(http://www.thenibble.com/reviews/main/desserts/images/WhoopiePie-Classic.jpg)[size=30]vs.[/size] IMAGE(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WhPHUKwckUw/S8_MK-JuRyI/AAAAAAAACbs/2q5hod2w5tc/s400/good_and_bad_macarons.JPG)

(As opposed to a macaroon, which is a pastry made of ground coconut or shredded nuts bound in a soft meringue.)


Yeah, I know more than is healthy about stuff like this. ...and now I'm hungry for a whoopie-pie (or about a half dozen macarons/macaroons).

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Whoopie pies are NOT a Maine thing. Stop claiming it.

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If you meant to say, "whoopie pies did not originate in Maine", I would agree with you, having grown up just outside Pennsylvania Dutch country - where they were invented.

But if you are claiming that Mainers are not inordinately fond of whoopie pies, especially nice big homestyle ones, then you are sadly mistaken.

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Whoopie pies should be made with sweet frosting, and not whipped cream, dammit. There is no substitute.

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That would have been a good question - 100 years ago.

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I want to get off.

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