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And Boston cancels ... street sweeping - and now school

UPDATE, 8:42 p.m.: Our phone rang and the kidlet picked it up. As soon as she began jumping and yelling, I knew: School is canceled in Boston tomorrow. Barring any more snow days, this means Boston Public Schools will get out for the year on June 28. All Boston Centers for Youth and Families sites will be open tomorrow, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Somerville announced this afternoon it's cancelled school, but America's Toughest City says school is still on. Parents who do get their kids to school will no doubt get really, really annoyed if they get robo-calls at noon again that absent kids won't be marked absent.

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Doesn't street sweeping begin on April 1, anyways?

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In, I think, the North End and South End.

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Snow Day just got the call

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In downtown neighborhoods, it now begins on March 1st, and continues to December 31st, weather permitting of course.

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bostonpublicschools.org says there's no school tomorrow, and the final school day is June 28.

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was the first she heard of it?

Does she not get the text alerts? They show up faster.

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The robocall came before the text.

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Wow, could you be more condescending about someone's kid?


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Just surprised she wouldn't be all over the snow alerts and signed up for them in every way possible.

My text showed up before robocall. The messenger on a horse beat them all.

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Let's just say she's not in that demographic. In fact, as I type, none of us can figure out where her phone is, except that it might be somewhere in the house (turned off, natch, although by this point the battery'd probably be dead, anyway).

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But have to sit in a classroom all of June? Wow, I really feel badly for Boston school kids. No joke. No wonder this city's schools are so awful...you really think a kid is going to pay attention once it's 75 and sunny outside every day?

Hell, in Vermont, we used to ask the teacher if we could have class outside by the time Memorial Day rolled around...and even we were done by June 15.

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I heard the Green Mountain Boys were neat guys. Did you know them?

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It's 75+ and sunny for like 50% of the school year and we somehow managed to get by.

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Sick argument, bro. Nice weather isn't really a novelty down there.

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Spend some time down there in July and August.

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My hometown had a high temp of 97° yesterday.

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Ah. Explains so much. Now I understand.


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It's all those darn snow days! I hope you'll be running for Boston School Committee soon so that we can all benefit from your insight.

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Boston's lost its title as toughest- Cambridge is the only school within 40 miles that's open on normal schedule.

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