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Don't let your boyfriend leave his welding equipment in your trunk

Unless you want your car to explode when you use the remote clicker to pop the trunk.



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Remote clicker? Seriously? I rent cars when I go on vacation, and I always laugh at getting a remote key with a tag that reads "replacement cost $250." OMG I CAN'T HANDLE A TASK AS SIMPLE AS A MECHANICAL LOCK MAKE THIS EASIER FOR ME AND CHARGE ME A BUNCH OF MONEY FOR IT.

This is why I drive old cars. Sounds like today's cars are a blatant ripoff. I feel bad for the lady's car blowing up, but Jesus, the old technology was fine.

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1. So... if she didn't have the remote, wouldn't it mean she likely could enter the car, turn on the ignition, and blow up with her inside? Rather harsh to criticize remote clickers and thus her usage of it where the news story implies it might have saved her life.

2. Your argument is true, but same goes with push-dial telephones vs rotary phones or credit/debit cards vs cash. We don't need it, yet should everything have to go by pure necessity? Never found opening a door or popping a trunk rather at a touch of a button just nice? Never carried a bunch of stuff in your arms and not want to maneuver a hand to unlock? Do not see value of that moment in life where you forgot something and rush back and enjoy being able to pop the trunk as your run towards it? You can say it's not worth $250 dollars but...

3. Many of the times, remote car keys comes standard and that includes used cars going back many years and why should one go out of the way to buy a car from 1995 to avoid it. On top of that, the remote is not $250 either. Checking on Google, prices goes from $50-100. So even if it is not standard and putting it personally, having an extra $50-100 dollars sitting in my bank is probably not really affect my life (even $250). Yet, having that little change does have it moments.

Aren't you suppose to be fun at parties? :P

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Some cars don't even have the option for a regular key - when I got my current car, the only option was whether to get a "key" with ESP so I wouldn't even have to take it out of my pocket to get in the car.

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That's been true for at least seven years, which was when we last bought a new car. As the old cars wear out, this is your only choice.

My car key still works as a car key, as *nobody* left one of them in a pocket that went through the wash, but you have to have the rfid chip to get it to start the car. I use the damaged one when I kayak - it's predisastered.

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I posted this at 2:30 AM. I was half in the bag. This one was for shtick value.

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I don't think it would have mattered - the mechanical lock could have set it off just as easily if there was any kind of electrical buildup (not to mention that manually opening the locks on a modern car may also torque the electronic servos that work with the keyless entry - which generates electricity). That would be a risk even with an older vehicle that has purely mechanical locks made out of conductive metals.

The gas was acetylene, which is extremely volatile when exposed to an arc or flame in sealed environments, like a car. There's a reason scents are added to volatile gases - if you can smell it and you know you're not supposed to, don't make any sparks! Those tanks should have been transported with the trunk open, or in the passenger compartment with windows rolled down (although a Civic is generally not the best choice for transporting gas tanks), taken to its final destination without deviation and secured outside the vehicle. There is no reason that car should have been at BJs with the tanks onboard. At my shop, we keep all our unused tanks outside in a fenced area, each one chained so it doesn't tip over. The ones in use are strapped to their carts, and we periodically check during the day to make sure all the valves are closed. The only transport of our gas tanks is done by the gas company - take no chances around acetylene.

Give this bonehead's story a read:

He was extremely lucky not to have set it off when he opened his door (much less turn on the engine, drive out of the garage, and attempt to open a window).

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My brother kept a load of paint supplies in the trunk of his car and presumably there were some old rags in there too (probably soaked through with turpentine). In the middle of the night my parents hear a noise and look out to see his car just completely engulfed in flames.

There's a reason why pick-up trucks and assorted "work" vehicles exist. Also, many dangerous chemicals, gases and such have instructions on how to properly store and/or transport them. Please follow those instructions.

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Keys get bent or break, and when it's cold they can freeze.

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Methinks Adam was trying to be funny. Often happens in this blog :)

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