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Police: Woman gets spitting mad and threatens to get stabby when asked to lower her voice at a T stop

Spitting suspectUPDATE: Arrest made.

Transit Police report they are looking for a woman who allegedly threatened a man on the outbound side of the Central Square T stop with a knife and then spit on him around 11:10 a.m. on March 7:

The incident was a result of the victim asking the unknown female assailant to be courteous of her fellow MBTA passengers and not talk so loudly on her cell phone.

She's described as white, 50 to 55, 5'10" and about 250 lbs., with long red hair. She wore gray sweatpants and a beige jacket.

If she looks familiar, call Transit Police at 617-222-1050 or by texting 873873.

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to reconsider her behavior?

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A black-ish beige jacket?

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Hmmm....who was it that said earlier:

People with mental illness are not generally violent and are much more likely to be victims of violent crime than perpetrators of it.

Tell me, do you think this woman has been through the mental health system?
I'll bet she's never even been in any system. Which in my mind gives credence to my theory that you never know what the fuck is going to happen next in the big city. I also have found over the years that when it comes to the real world, academics fall woefully short in the street smarts department.

You keep placing your faith in "mental health professionals" and I'll keep placing mine in the 3 inch switchblade I keep in my coat when I use the T.

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You meanie - she just needs a big hug! If you are extra, extra nice to every psycho you meet on the T, they'll be nice back.

Its true - my professor told me so.

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Eeka is correct. Most people with mental illness are not generally violent. And, I believe, she works with the mentally ill so I think she knows what she is talking about.

And how do you know this lady has never received mental health treatment? Do you understand that the treatment of mental health issues takes money, first of all, and that it can be a long, and at times, complex process? And some folks never seem to be able to beat it (like a few of my family members)?

Sounds to me like you need to bone up on mental illness in general and mental illness in the homeless and how we, as a nation, treat our mentally ill.

But, on the other hand, you might just like making assumptions and carrying around your little knife.

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that's why I only carry it on the T,thanks for the dimestore psychology. Then again, if I'm in a situation where it's needed, I'll feel much safer using that to defend myself against a violent person who in no way has any mental health issues while you can hit them over the head with the latest study, mmmkay?

Also, out of the two of us, I'll bet I'm the one who has actually been homeless at one time in their life.

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So that's what you call it.


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My knife doesn't have a name. I do call my penis Little Guido, if you must know.

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I think I'll take my chances with a random homeless dude on the T versus the dude who likes to publicly brag about the weapon he carries and the glee he feels at the prospect of using it. In self-defense, of course.

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I think most of us are compassionate when we see people with mental health issues. I too have dealt with it in my family.

Then again, some people are just assholes like this woman seems to be. And not every asshole has mental health issues, their just assholes.

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Well at least when you get shanked by some nutjob muttering to himself on the Downtown Crossing platform, you can take comfort in the fact that "most mentally ill people aren't violent".

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Pretty sure they're the ones doing the pushing, not the ones getting pushed in front of trains.

By all means, I hope the menatllay ill get all the help they need but i'll be steering clear of them on the T, thank you very much.

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I've been lucky in that:

a. I've never been homeless
b. I don't recall ever being mugged.

In my own mind, if it did happen,
I'd like to think I'd
get really pissed off and start fighting
(with or w/out some kind of weapon) but
that's obviously wishful thinking on my part.

1. Given that: what would your defense tactics have
been against this person? Would you have pulled out
*your* knife and said something to the effect of:
"Go ahead and try it, lady!"

2. Have you ever actually had to use your knife? i.e.
stabbed or slashed someone in self-defense? If so,
what was the outcome? Did the other person run away
or cry for help?

3. Have you ever taken any self-defense classes and if so,
were they helpful?

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We live in an age of easy access to pretty much everything we want. The collected information of the world is now available to us on our phones. All we have to do if we're hungry is walk down to a store or a restaurant and food is brought to us. We don't have to grow it or kill it. In my opinion this has caused a serious disconnect in terms of our relationship with the Earth.

The same applies to killing nowadays. From the invention of the firearm to today's drone programs, killing has become as easy as literally pushing a button. I like the knife because unlike the gun one has to get up close to the other person to get the kill. Why on earth would one want to stand yards away from someone and fire a gun at them? The death is often too quick and too clean.

With a knife, if by chance you are lucky enough to engage your opponent from the front, there is some small satisfaction in feeling the knife enter the sternum of your opponent.From there, with the proper skill you can avoid the stomach and liver and go right for the lungs and heart.

There is nothing like looking into your opponent (or assailant's) eyes as they realize that their life is slipping away. You would also be surprised at the somewhat sweet smell of someone's last breath as it slips from their body in their final moments.

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"Why on earth would one want to stand yards away from someone and fire a gun at them?"

Because one is in fear for one's life? Is this a trick question?

Also, if you're trying to convince us that you "don't like carrying [your] little knife", describing the "satisfaction" you get from plunging your knife into someone's flesh is probably not the best way to do so.

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you're killing me.

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Beige? That looks like a black jacket to me.

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love the shoes though.

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She was a Harkonnen

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Saint Alia of the Knife!

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What is it about the MBTA that when passengers enter the fairgates they are transformed into manical characters out of Shutter Island and the Shining

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Same massholes that think they are entitled to kill pedestrians and cyclists and cut off other motorists with their vehicles, just without their little protective metal shells.

The question is, why don't we treat road rage behavior the same way? Hunt them down by make and model of car?

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This is like the Bermuda Triangle of craziness around here.

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"She wore gray sweatpants and a beige jacket."

No good ever comes of people who wear sweatpants in public.

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See! Mom was right all along. See also, tights <> pants.

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"Again with the sweatpants?"
"What? I'm comfortable."
"You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweatpants? You're telling the world, 'I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable.'"

jerry seinfeld to george costanza

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We tolerate bad behavior all the time. Talking loudly on a cell phone no matter how annoying, bicyclists (especially messengers) carelessly charging down sidewalks, letting dogs run off leash, drivers ignoring red lights, etc. If behavior that treats everyone else as though they were sub-human and not worth a moment's notice was not tolerated then perhaps this lady, and many like her, would tone down their conduct in public.

To me the issue is less her state of mental health as opposed to what is tolerated in general.

Considering that many folks in Boston trained in philosophical school of Assholism I would not be surprised if she graduated cum laude.

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Talking loudly on a cellphone = threatening passersby with a knife. Got it. Jesus freaking Christ, do you have ANY sense of perspective whatsoever?

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I don't think he/she was making an equivalence claim; I believe the point was that we collectively tolerate, way more than we should, all kinds of antisocial behavior, ranging from the petty (talking loudly on a cell phone and disturbing others) to the extreme (assaulting people and killing them).

The "broken window" theory of community policing is that taking care of the little stuff causes some of the big stuff to fall in line.

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MaddenTransit Police report the arrest of Kelly Madden, 49, of Cambridge.

Madden is expected to be arraigned in Cambridge District Court today on charges of assault and battery and assault with a dangerous weapon.

In 2011, Cambridge Police arrested her after she allegedly spit at and punched workers at a store who found her shoplifting.

Innocent, etc.

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Hmm. I checked that Tab article to see if her address was one of the usual places where people arrested in Central are from. But it's a really fancy building -- 1br rentals well above $3k.

So I'm guessing she has a subsidized unit. I bet there's plenty of needy families that don't go around shoplifting and attacking people who could make good use of that subsidy.

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