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Slight UHub UI change

Unless you use IE, or are one of the other folks for whom the site had been looking odd in recent weeks. I've changed the template set used by UHub to fix display problems for such folks. Follks on phones may also see a bit of a different, hopefully better, display.

Everybody else, I hope, won't notice much of a difference, except maybe for the spacing between lines of text, which I've tightened up a bit. But please let me know about any oddities you see.

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Thank you for restoring the right column.

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The material that used to be in the right-hand column is back -- ads, Recent Comments, Boston Store, etc. For a while those things were all the way at the bottom of the page, if you bothered to scroll all the way down.

The comment total seems to be off. This item says "1 comment" but doesn't show any comments when I click on it. Another item says "2 comments" but only 1 appears.

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I've been getting that a lot too over the past several weeks with the comments. The post will say 1 or 2 comments, but none show up. Macbook.

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g l ad to,,# s eee yuuuo have fi###xed the p;;;rob:::::;;;;lem .

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Maybe it was a matter of timing, perhaps I was clicking on the link while the comment was still being processed.

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There's been a lag between the comment count incrementing and the associated comments actually appearing for a while, months maybe?

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That's not a UI issue, though. The site uses caching to reduce server/database load. The front page, where the comment count shows up, is cached for anonymous users and is only refreshed either every 10 or 60 minutes (sorry, I can't remember which) or when I hit an admin button to purge caches (when I'm working on stylesheet issues, for example, since stylesheets are also cached or when I need to fix a mistake). So if new messages show up between cache purges, yes, you'll see a discrepancy.

The only answers that I can see are either turning off caching, which I don't want to do because of the performance issues, or to get an account and log in, since the page is not cached for logged in users.

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Universal hub at the top of the page appears briefly now and then disappears. I use Safari.

Everything else looks good. Thanks.

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Mac desktop or something else?

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Universal Hub title now on my Mac Book, but not seeing it on my IPad.

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Sounds like it's applying the mobile form of the logo even though I thought I told it not to. Now to figure out why.

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Appears for a few seconds then is replaces by the ad. But I do get the French toast alert!

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What happened to the French Toast Alert?

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Firefox on what platform? Given what could befall us on Thursday, I need to fix whatever it is fast :-).

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Don't let us down.

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Surely, you must be joking.

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Looks good.

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and the heading fonts look weird. I'm getting something that looks like Garamond heading the posts on the homepage, and something that looks like Tahoma heading the comments.

(Linux fonts display slightly "off" Windows fonts, so forgive me if the names aren't 100% correct.)

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The one with Linux and Firefox on it.

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Using chrome on a Win 7 laptop. No french toast!!

UPDATE: Toast is back!

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The search box is showing up on its own line, with a huge gap between the search box and the enter button (actually, this is an IE issue, too). Need to fix, obviously.

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I think. At least, looks OK on Chrome on my laptop now.

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My Chrome on 7 is all polished up nicely. Chrome on 8 okay as well. Latest snow is 6'' and fluffy, dont trust them though. Maybe fluff is coming, but > than 6 . Stock up on Jameson .

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Chrome 32 Aura, Win 8.1. I also did not see the login/register links or the social media buttons. I hunted down this thread having seen it, and I could see the login link at the top of the page then. Upon logging in, the main page looks normal (albeit with 2008's always-trendy fixed-width sidebars!). I logged out, and everything still lines up. At first I thought it was possibly a problem with HTTPSEverywhere, but I think we can rule that out now.

Separately, is your target desktop rez 1024x768? I tried opening IE11 to see if I could dupe the layout that I initially saw (the one missing the French Toast/Login/Social bits), and my IE window having previously been narrower than 1000px had the ad that's supposed to go to the right of the UHub logo transposed over it. It looks like the mobile version (viewing it in IE Metro as I expect that's what IE Metro requests) adjusts the headers to fit, I wonder why it didn't work in IE11.

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On Firefox and Safari, first headline is starting next to the "About | Advertise" links.

None of my three browsers (3rd being latest Chrome) have a French Toast Alert.

EDIT and now after a Shift refresh, Firefox looks fabulous.

EDIT and Chrome and Safari. All good.

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But obviously let me know if any of those problems come back.

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Sorry A-Man , sad to report " No Toast " on Chrome w/ Windows 8. Not to worry though , I have http://www.weather.gov

Toast is back now...

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I'm having this same problem today. The top headline is starting next to the "About | Advertise" link, and there's no French Toast Alert (tragedy!). Font of headlines seems to be off as well. Using Chrome on a Mac laptop. It's only happening occasionally, but all in the same browser/configuration...

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Now to figure out what's going on. If I could ask a favor: Next time it happens, would it be possible to take a screen capture and mail it to me?

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Will do!

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I've been having a strange issue when using safari on the iPhone. When I first open up the UHub page, the App Store opens up without warning. Anyone else experience this?

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Goes to the Candy Crush page? Somebody seems to be using ads to boost their affiliate payments for Candy Crush signups. I've turned off the mobile ad units I think are responsible. Please let me know if it continues and I'll turn off the one remaining one.

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I just thought it was my first-gen iPad acting elderly.

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It was candy crush! I'll let you know if it happens again.

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Hey Adam,

Candy crush App Store popped up again when I went to UHub on safari on the iPhone.

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I've turned off all ads on the mobile version of the site. If it still happens, let me know and I'll have to start digging into the site itself, ugh.

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<nerd> Looks like it always did using w3m on OpenBSD! </nerd>

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Just looked. Not bad :-).

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Thanks for the continual improvements and tweaking. Everything working well.

Now when's the T token coming back, goddamnit?

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Still on the Twitter feed. I know, I know, not the same, but maybe I can make figuring out how to get a space for it and other stuff (I'm thinking a rotation of Boston icons) a project for the new year.

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Since "The T" is the first item, why not throw it there, 20x20 or so, and just push the menu items off to the right a touch?

The only other thing that comes to mind is to maybe have logged-in users select from custom logos in the options panel and let people choose the token if they want it.

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Looks great on the Feedly ipad app now - thanks, Adam!

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Took me to the app store page for Pet Rescue Saga, by the same people as Candy Crush Saga.

I grabbed the URL for the ad for same that loaded with the other content: http://traffic.trafficposse.com/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=1614__zoneid=243__OXLCA=1__cb=77d8f4661a__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fpocketmedia.go2cloud.org%2Faff_c%3Foffer_id%3D3052%26aff_id%3D1176%26aff_sub%3Dtp_243

This was while looking at the bit about Shelby Scott.


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