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Another parking-space finder app debuts, just for the North End

The technology toothpaste is out of the tube and good luck to the City Council trying to get it back in: NorthEndWaterfront.com reports a North Ender fed up with trawling the neighborhood in search of a parking space has come up with an app that lets other frustrated drivers share info about spaces about toopen up. He says that, unlike the Haystack app banned by the City Council last week, users aren't supposed to seek payment for spaces or hold them.



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And here lies the loophole. :) No money changing hands, no issue. Makes it no different than finding a spot for someone now.

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I can see it now...

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "No spaces available at this time. Keep circling. Try again in two minutes."

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "No spaces available at this time. Keep circling. Try again in two minutes."

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "Space available, no wait, that's where Nonna Pantone parks, you can't park in her spot."

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "Space available on Hanover street, no wait, it's gone now. Keep circling."

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "No spaces available at this time. Sorry about that 7:30 dinner reservation. Shoulda taken the T and walked over."

Tap "Search for parking spots"... "Just put it in valet parking, you cheapskate!"

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If I'm about to leave a spot I sure as sh*t am not going to take the time to alert the masses and then possibly wait for them to get their butts over to it. Especially not in North End traffic.

If I'm leaving a spot, it's because I want to leave, not futz with my phone.

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Yeah, this is true. I think the ideas I've heard about parking apps that make sense are smart meters that can detect that the car is leaving and that the spot is now open.

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I'm gonna drop some secret North End parking knowledge on everyone. Prepare to learn the secret information I've learned from years of observing North End parking. If you're from out of town, the best place to park your car is....

at your house while you take public transportation.

If you live in the neighborhood, the best place to park your car is....

no where and to get a zipcar membership.

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