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Artisanal cheese, olive oil, peanut butter and wine coming to Savin Hill

The Boston Licensing Board today approved a proposal for a wine and cheese - and beer - shop to cater to Savin Hill's burgeoning population of young professionals and empty nesters tired of driving to Somerville or Hingham just to get ready for a dinner party. The vote is a disappointment to some old timers who think the new Dorchester Avenue shop will lead to more drunks and prostitutes roaming the area.


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Why wouldn't they go to the South End ?

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Probably too hard to park.

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Like dot ave is any easier.

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Stop picking on Dot, please.

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Throw in a little red wine and you've got yourself a pretty good evening. I vote yes!

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...we could get some artisanal hookers....y'know..handjobs just like grandma used to give...

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Philly Cheese Perv

Warning: Rated PG-13

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....new meaning to head cheese.
and one that I didn't really want to know....

....do you think he brought some goat cheese in the case of lactose intolerance?

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Will you finally believe what the preacher is saying?!?!

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I know when I am in the mood for a hooker, I want her to feed me cheese also, so this might work out well...

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Now let's see if we can get the Yuppies to move there.

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All that's needed now is a coffee shop, and perhaps a decent moderately priced bar/restaurant that would force SBK to either up the quality of their mediocre offerings or lower their outrageous prices. And maybe a Tedeschi in the currently empty building across from McKenna's, and something built in that hole in the ground adjacent to SBK.

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It's not great, but it's good. The previous commenter alleges the food is mediocre and overpriced, which I think is not entirely true. It's just a friendly local bar and grille with friendly staff and ok food. I like it.

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For the price - dbar's prices are about the same, but their food and drinks are a whole order of magnitude better than SBK. Problem is, it's always packed, parking is scarce and the walk from Savin Hill down that desolate stretch of Dot Ave is anything but pleasant, so it doesn't really count as direct competition.

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We do drive to the Bix in the South End and Social Wines in Southie but it will be nice to have an upscale wine/cheese shop in Dot.

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in Savin Hill?

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...and no surfin in Dorchester Bay.

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We're talking the sort of peanut butter that has oil floating on top.

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That'd be Teddy. You can get it at Market Basket...
...oh wait...those aren't free range peanuts...

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The stuff is more expensive than diamonds but it is mad crazy delicious.

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So I should ask my boyfriend to give me a jar if that on the proposal day instead of a diamond ring. Heck! Out with the diamond in with the oily PB! Does it give a special scent that people can smell that it is the "expensive" PB that I am wearing?!!

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And it's at Stop&Shop and Star/Shaws too.
As for the cheese and wine store on Dot Ave, this Fields Corner resident is all for it. And why do we care what the crackpot 7th Day Adventists have to say about anything? This particular group started when a guy named Miller said that the second coming of JC was going to happen in NY State in the 1840s. After a couple of large gatherings to wait for this event, surprise, surprise, it didn't happen. So the Millerites as they were called, later morphed into the Adventists.
Fun fact.. what other crackpot religion based on provable lies originated around the same time in NY State. For further information ask Mitt Romney.

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The church has a legitimate concern. Only someone who is completely drunk would hire one of the nasty skanky hookers that hang out on the Avenue.

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I have never heard of "oil on top peanut butter." that is a new one for me. So, are we buying the peanut butter for the oil taste or the peanut butter taste. What a deal! Peanut oil and peanut butter for one price!! I can't wait!

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I guess home made is better. Hope it past FDA approval. I wonder what home it is going to be made in. Maybe, there is a little something something extra in the peanut butter.

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a rejected Rick James song? "When I get there, she'll have incense, wine, artisinal cheese, and peanut butter. It's such a freaky scene!"

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I have to admit, though, I did mention "cheesy comestibles" in the original post.

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It is a front for a packy selling nothing but 40oz malt liquor and Thunderbird.

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Fascinating area. That stretch of Dot Ave. for years has been largely Vietnamese. Surprised the area never developed a title of Little Vietnam. The Vietnamese restaurants serve good Vietnamese comfort food (at least to my non-Vietnamese palate) and the grocery stores always had a good stock of interesting food.

If I remember correctly before the Vietnamese the area was largely Polish and Scandanavian? That would have been before the 70s?

But over the past several years many Gays have moved into the area. While OTB was generally lower to middle class the Dot Ave side is now turning into an area largely occupied by dinks and sinks.

One funny thing about the area. For years it had a direct connection to the mayor and even with a mayoral change it still has a direct connection to the mayor.

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With that footage of Dapper O'Neill walking down the street sneering "this is disgusting--it looks like Saigon..." though it may have been Field's Corner.

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They complain about rats, will cheese and PB help drive away the rats? Somebody please tell me, I am confused.

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After all this cheese, wine, and PB talk, boston.com finally gets around to reporting on this store .Headline says "Liquor Store Approved for Dot Ave"

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