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In Cambridge, if you save a space, you better put some effort into clearing it first

Uncleared parking space in Cambridge

Pete Septoff was agahst to discover some "sociopath" simply dropped a cone in an unshoveled space in Cambridge today. So he took quick action:

The cone now pines for fjords.

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that one cone is for 7 Prius and a Subaru. Live local act Global.

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It's Cambridge. So it might be a space saver for a unicorn.

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that does seem like a noble thing to do, except now I feel like there is going to be a car with a cinder block through its windshield for simply parking in an empty spot.

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please, that happens in places like southie but people in Cambridge are a little less angry.

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Could that be because people in Cambridge go through life stoned?

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This whole space-saving business is like an unchecked cancer; it spreads and spreads. Disgusting. This s**t's going to become all-consuming before we all know what's happening. As a Somerville resident, I sure as hell hope that doesn't happen.

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Why can't Bostonians be more like those super polite midwesdterners and southerners? Why can't they get with the program?!

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that dogs are coning hydrants.

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Just go get your car the HPV vaccine and you won't have to worry. Sheesh.

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people in Cambridge are some of the most child, smug, arrogant that you can encounter in Greater Boston. No, it's not drugs, mostly narcissism and superiority. You wouldn't understand, they're juysty better and smarter than everyone else.

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I'm from Cambridge and I'm dying to correct your execrable prose.

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I love it. Having lived there for many years this is the perfect answer.

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Wow, some people have a real chip on their shoulder. Must suck to see people who are somehow not miserable, huh?

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more fiber in the diet.

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They know grammar and spelling better than you!

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= typos. Of course, you already know they were typos, probably caused by typing on a phone, but couldn't resist acting superior.Thank you for proving my point.

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Try it some time. Blaming your phone for typos and bad grammar is like blaming your car for running over something. No excuse.

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... is that they are insufferable bigots who make snap judgments about other people based on the town in which they happen to live.

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there are space savers in front of Downton Abbey when it snows.

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"I intend to shovel out this space at some point in the future, therefore, it is all mine."

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parking spots movement needs more of.

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I suppose it's possible the cone was put in at a time late enough for them to have needed to shovel it out, but early enough that more snow ended up filling it back up. It's still a bit dumb to put a cone in in such a situation, (having a cone buried in snow is just silly) but not the same sort of shamelessness as just putting a cone in pre-storm.

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That was my thought too! I had to do several rounds of shoveling yesterday, it just wouldn't stop

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The space saver or the bicycle chained to the traffic sign.

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or legally using a small bit of space for a small thing

And you can't decide which is worse?

Dude, get some sense of proportion.

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Dudette, get a sense of humor

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At first I was going to suggest that in Cambridge one is not allowed to lock a bicycle to a street sign, but apparently I was wrong.

However, I do recall on some streets the sign posts have signs on them indicating it is no legal to lock bikes to them. That may be in situations where the sidewalks are too skinny to accommodate bikes and pedestrians.

So I guess my comment is more of an FYI. ;-)

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In Cambridge it's specifically illegal to lock your bike to a handicap parking sign, and some but not all handicap parking signs have placards to that effect. I'm guessing it's because your bike might be blocking a handicapped person from exiting a vehicle if they need to use a curbside door.

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It's not blocking either the street or the sidewalk, and it appears to be still operable (not frozen or snowed in)

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Just remember folks, 'space savers' are not allowed according to the City of Cambridge.. :)

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Hahaha someone also did this on my street in Cambridge with a laundry basket around 8am...and it was pretty quickly buried in the all the snowfall.

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