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Cambridge Rindge and Latin student charged with stabbing another student

Cambridge Police report arresting Jasmine Genty, 19, after she allegedly ended an argument with another student this morning by stabbing her in the shoulder.

Genty faces arraignment in Cambridge District Court on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and carrying a dangerous weapon on school grounds.

The victim was treated and released at a local hospital, police say.

Innocent, etc.



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of Cambridge hubris.

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Supposedly Cambridge has more crime per capita than Boston.

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Supposedly? Is inserting 'supposedly' intended to cover your making things up out of whole cloth?

Last year, the rate of serious crime in Boston was 365.4 crimes per 100,000 residents. In Cambridge, it was 239.7 per 100,000 residents. And those averages mask an even wider gap at the more serious end of the spectrum. Boston had ten times as many murders per resident as Cambridge. It had more than twice the rate of rape, and nearly twice the rate of assaults.

So no, Cambridge doesn't have more crime per capita than Boston.

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and more nonsense from people who speak before thinking.

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What on earth are you talking about?

A 19-year-old high school senior got into an argument with a classmate, and pulled out a kitchen knife. Stuff like this happens, but it's extraordinarily unusual. Crime - particularly violent crime - has been declining for decades in Cambridge, and is at all-time lows.

You know what's different about Cambridge? It retains extraordinary economic and ethnic diversity. It's only got one high school. Kids from all backgrounds attend. Frankly, I think that's a strength.

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I would expect students more likely to skip grades, hence young for the grade level, not held back.

I would also expect more learned and mature conflict resolution skills and tools than a steak knife. How did that get past metal detectors?

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Once upon a time, Cambridge Rindge was the general high school, and Cambridge Latin was the college prep high school.

Then they were combined into one school.

I doubt they have metal detectors, but if they do, I can think of 17 or 18 ways around it (and I'm very, very old, AARP old).

Rindge and Latin has a pretty low incidence of crime, so when someone gets stabby, it makes the news.

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First of all don't talk about a school you don't know. And second they don't have metal detectors also they don't go around searching kids, as there is normally no reason to do so
Thats how she got the knife past.
And its a PUBLIC SCHOOL no exam

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CRLS is a Public school and is the only high school. There's also no need for an exam. It's also one of the most diverse and respected schools across the states, Schools like Crls dont have outbreaks very often, its an all- time low.

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She might have been in Culinary class. Thus, she didn't pass detectors.

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I mean, the Tsarnaevs were alumni, too. And that school has never had a reputation for being violence free nor has it been touted as such.

I think you are confusing Ringe and Latin with Buckingham, Browne, and Nichols.

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This is a large high school in a major urban area. There is little to no violence at Rindge, which is a diverse and rich educational environment. Relax. Things happen between people.

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I think he's confusing CRLS with Boston Latin.

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Why is she 19 still in high school?

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Her birthday may have been yesterday, last week, even last month. She may have enrolled later, stayed back a year due to serious illness. The possibilities are endless.

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At 19 she is considered old enough to know better. I mean is she your kid or something. At 19 if she knew better she'd do better.

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So if she were still 18, it'd be understandable that she stabbed someone?

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Actually, I would like to think that the thought of stabbing someone is wrong, would come at a much earlier age.

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What age do you think it is acceptable to stab someone? Must have missed that day in G&D.

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A fair number of high school kids are older than they *should* be. Why? A wide range of reasons: some didn't speak English when they arrived mid-schooling and had to learn enough to catch up; some were held back for developmental reasons; some didn't have the early schooling that they needed and had to catch up; others have been bounced around between homes and/or foster homes so many times that there was no continuity, etc.

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I had a kid in my class who was 21 when he graduated high school. Of course he was expelled at age 20 (something about kids over 20 being in HS is a no no), and was forced to take classes at the community college nearby to graduate. But we let him walk with our class on graduation day anyways.

(he also was the football captain also)

In short, like Swirly said, there's a million reasons why kids are older than 18 and still in high school.

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Most of the kids in my son's graduating class who are turning 19? Brazilian or other South American. Why? Language is part of it ... but also a southern hemisphere school year that doesn't match ours.

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what a racist comment. I can't tell you are not a long time Cantabrian. Shame on you.

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I was 19 when I graduated from Boston Latin AND I learned how to use conjunctions properly.

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in the CR&L class offered and known as the violence and diversity weekly dialogue for a better world through green gardening's acceptance of who we are without knives on Monday's. Most colleges want that class in your CR&L transcript.

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Nobody uses "CR&L", but keep up the hilarious sarcasm.

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Yeah we just call it Rindge bro. And I still laugh every time someone thinks that the school is an exam school. When they were garnering attention from national news media last spring, folks were calling it an elite private school. Cracks me up. On Another note - Rindge is a good school, but it is has it own problems, especially concerning race and class, so let's not trip too hard about how great the city Cambridge or Rindge is.

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