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Creepazoid sought in Brighton

IMG 7765

Boston Police report a resident of a first-floor apartment at 1850 Comm. Ave. pointed a camera at her window to try to capture the guy she thought she saw peering in last night. The video shows what it recorded around 12:35 a.m., police say.

If the peeper looks familiar, contact D-14 detectives at 617-343-4256 or contact the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or texting TIP to CRIME (27463).



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One of my worst nightmares!!! I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight and I am on the 2nd floor. Please catch this perf soon.

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This creep needs to go to jail before he commits an even more serious crime.

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He will get caught. No jail tho

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Agreed, that's the first thing I thought. Eventually he's going to need more than watching.

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In either case, he needs to be apprehended. Hard to tell from the video, however, if he is looking for some illicit thrill or checking to see if anyone is home before busting in through the screen.

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It seems to me he's more likely casing the joint. If he was peeping, wouldn't he stay longer? In either case, GAAH. I hope they catch this guy soon. I lived in a first floor apartment once for a year and never really felt at ease.

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in a garden/basement level apartment, and the lady that lived in the next apartment caught some creep looking into her apartment. This was 6-7 years ago.

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of course I know why its done.. thrill. Its not right regardless

but like up-skirting photos, why bother when you have the internet now. You can PAY a live person on camera to do whatever you want if you have the dough.

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Guy is probably perving on his neighbor. Wants to see her not some stranger.

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Nightmare fuel - thanks.

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if a spray of pepper caught him as he peeped.

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Just fling some cayenne powder towards the screen....

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pepper spray? Why do some people think people should not be allowed to defend themselves or their property, to the point victims who do dare to defend themselves with a defensive weapon (gasp!), they are often charged with a crime, and asked why didn't they just run away or hide! Are we slaves? Only a certain special group are allowed to use violence in self defense (police), and victims must wait for them, in the mean time beg for mercy, run, and hide? How did all this bullshit start? EVERYBODY has an intrinsic right to defend themselves, to use defensive 'violence' to defend themselves, and weapons. People shouldn't be told to be passive, beg, not allowed defensive weapons for self defense, they are not slaves. We all have a right (or certainly should) to defensive weapons, and choice to use them, until hopefully police quickly arrive, and that's assuming things then don't get even more out if hand, and someone's pet dog is lying in the gutter with a bullet in it's head.

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What crime was committed? Trespassing? It appears he just looked into the window and left.

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No one keeps a cell phone camera pointed at a window and running on the off chance something will pop into the frame. So she must have seen something and picked up the phone/camera and caught his nth appearance at the window. Only this time he saw that he was being recorded and left for good.

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You are kidding right? I am guessing you are not a female or any kind of normal person. Tresspassing. Attempted burglary possibly. Peeping pervert. This is stuff of nightmares. If I had a shod foot I would have kicked him in the head right through the screen. "Oops! My bad."

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wins the Oscar for the most creepy. Hopefully his next film will be with a coat over his head at arraignment.

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The Brighton Tickler?

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what would happen if I sat next to the window in the dark room and waited? what if i waited with an aluminum bat? what if I saw creepy guy peering in my darkened window? what if I jammed previously mentioned bat through the window with tremendous force? what if creepy guy winds up laying on his back in my yard wondering why his teeth are no longer in his mouth? would I need counsel?

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