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'I heard it isn't the best place to live, but how bad is it actually?'


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I know there are some sketchy areas, but I would do absolutely anything to move back to Roslindale. Lived near the square and absolutely loved it and my neighbors. Seriously, if someone could hook me up, I would be so happy!!

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Do not move here. The people here are very scary. The guy playing with his dog at Fallon Field? He will sic that pooch on you. I've seen women buy tomatoes at the farmers market and pelt cars, drunks fighting outside of Sophia's and Delfino and all the old Victorian triple deckers are falling apart. Hell, I've even seen Tony from Tony's Market swinging sausage ropes at people walking by.

It's a virtual war zone here. Shanti poisons their lunch buffet, the beer at Napper Tandy's is flat, the bread is stale at Fornax, the chesse is rotten from the Cellar, Joanne Rossman steal your CC info and your flowers from Dandelion will be dead within a day.

We have plenty of on street parking, but we will break into your car. It's quiet, but when you move in we will sit on our stoop, drink 40's, blast music and shoot our guns until 4am. And, hey, don't even think about relaxing on your back porch summer, we will make it rain.

Seriously, do not move here, it is that bad.

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There's that hardcore train museum... man, those people will cut you if you so much as look at their model trains.

All that available public transportation? Get out.

And the Arboretum???? UGH... its like a warzone on those walking trails. I think the squirrels are on 'roids.

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Once had a coyote try to switch a blade on me. Never been back since.

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Don't forget about the little kids playing in their yards, babies in strollers, and all of the churchgoers on Sundays! Scary, scary stuff.

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the part about those damn FnV punks expanding their gang turf from the mean streets of Westie...

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Rozzie is fine. No rain.

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Disagree with you. In my neighborhood we take care of one another with lawn care, shoveling and shopping as examples. You do not represent what I know and live. So sorry for your bad experience but it is not what I know or live.

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They must not be very tall

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But isn't that why we love it.

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sounds like his mind is already made up with a comment like that - do your self a favor and move to Brookline if you think or heard that Rozzie is "bad".

There are nice and not-so-nice areas of every neighborhood. If you live near the square, its nice, If you live near the projects - not so nice. But that is what you should expect in a city - that is part of what makes it great. Its that "diversity" and "culture" that everyone seems to drool over these days.

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You don't want to be on or connecting to lower Washington (towards Forest Hills). Otherwise Roslindale is a great place. Owned a house there for 10 years and truly enjoyed it.

Also, note that aside from a ton of bus lines, the commuter rail makes getting into the city a breeze. (Pricey, but quick.)

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to this already genius thread of replies. But yes, Roslindale is a lovely place to live. Moved here in 2007 and loved it so much my partner and I bought a place in 2011. I don't regret it for a second.

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In Rosi square right now and forgot my "vest", help! Rosi is like everywhere else, you will find some sour grapes from time to time, don't let em spoil the bunch. Nice place, lots of shops, friendly people.

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I got a report today that someone was shanked with an egg roll at Golden House - can you confirm??

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True! and saw someone get hit w/ a lead pipe in front of T-bros, NBD!!!!

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It would be fun to define the stages of "next big thing" areas:

1. I've never been there, but everyone knows it is a crime-ridden shithole
2. I've never heard of it
3. It is next to current big thing neighborhood, hmmm.
4. Lets look for some "official" information on it
5. How bad is it, really??
6. My gay friends moved there a couple of years ago
7. Showing up on "best next best place" lists
8. Too expensive

Sounds like Rosi is a stage or two behind Medford. Hopefully the big equity increases will hit after the kidlet starts college ...

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Sorry, but this is parochialism vs parochialism.

Rozzie passed #6 in the late 1990s (my line to my gay friends "I don't find that it is an accepting place for gays. I mind that it appears in the paper. That's just going to ruin everything") and has flirted with #7 since the turn of the century. Frankly, I hope we never hit 8!

I'm a lifer- no reason to leave the best neighborhood on earth. I've met people who have moved to Roslindale from Medford, but can't say that I've known of anyone making the reverse trip.

Oh, and to the idiot who is saying they've heard it isn't the best place to live, go screw yourself. We can get along without you.

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I've met people who have moved to Roslindale from Medford

That's because you live in Roslindale. I'm sure someone in Medford could make the reverse observation. Neither is valid.

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A Starbucks opens in the neighborhood.

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Fort Hill (Roxbury) now; Lower Roxbury in about 6-7 years.

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between 5 and 6

"It's almost as cool as Meffih."

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And you might get there.

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But, yes, Meffuh is currently the BosGlob's Flavor of the Year for whatever reason anything ever gets hip. Getting easier to swallow, and harder to spit out.

And my head spins everytime one of my friends or neighbors sells their house, quickly approaching #8.

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The guy phrased his question very poorly. What does be mean by bad? Maybe he doesn't like racists or crappy pizza. Maybe he needs to walk to a good coffee house or has an aversion to vinyl siding.

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You got to be kidding...! Rozzie is one of the best places that we have lived. There is an active art community, eco community, etc. Restaurants, bars, etc. We take public transportation everywhere, and rarely wait for more than a few mins to get to Forest Hills and the subway. We are in the Arb every day with our dog. Don't move here if you have a negative attitude; but do move if you are ready to engage, or just to hang out. It's one of boston's best neighborhood secrets. And yah, it's in Boston! It's a city. Have never read a police report on some of the issues reported...I think someone has very creative imagination...

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That easter egg hunt in Adams Park gets mean man, real mean. I won't even mention the kids face painting at the farmers market. Too many flashbacks.

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Lived here ten years. It's ok.

Pros- good elementary schools, good restaurants, good public transport, good local shopping. arboretum & pond, good bakeries

Cons- charmelss downtown, BPS is terribly managed (getting into schools, middle schools,etc...), there's a surprising amount of litter (nips bottles on our front yard every week, etc... Sucks when you want to get out of the city because it's far from the highways.

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..." charmelss downtown".

That might have described Roslindale Square/Village 16+ years ago, but is not remotely true now.

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It's pretty dirty with minimal trees. The combo of the new ugly SSA building and moldering substation aren't attractive. Outside of Birch St, it's not charming. It is what is it though, as more retail can't be supported. I mean, the heart of 'downtown' is the Village Market parking lot right?

I love the convenience of the village, but it is utilitarian,

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... sort of a guy. I prefer to enjoy what IS there (which is an awful LOT) and not worry so much about what it would need to make it "perfect".

And -- no the Village Market parking lot is NOT the "heart" of Roslindale Village.

I hope someday you have the opportunity to live some place that you actually enjoy living in.

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Roslindale has a ridiculously awesome small-town vibe in a larger city. I've lived here since 2001 -- just bought a new house closer into the heart of what you'd consider Roslindale (I had been living a few blocks from JP) in what would could be considered by some as a sketchy neighborhood... our house is right next to low-income city house.. and we just adore it.

In the first 24 hours we were in the house, 5 people stopped by to say hello. The neighbors' behind us are very involved in the Roslindale Open Studios and have a huge home studio where they sometimes putz around in playing jazz music out of the windows for the neighborhood. I had helped organize one of the first Open Studios so knew them from that -- they were also good friends with a painter we used to spruce up the house.

Our mailman is the same guy we had at our old house. We had a replacement mail person last week -- her children used to be friends with the family that had lived in this house for some time and took time out of her day to talk about the house's history for a good 15 minutes.

The guy who lived across from us at our old house in Roslindale -- put in the cabinets at this house.

And... the other day after our dear elderly dog had passed away... the UPS guy delivering the ashes recognized the sender's address because he had just put his dog to sleep. And as my white, lesbian wife stood on the front porch in this sketchy Roslindale neighborhood in her PJs, crying from grief at the passing of her 15-year old dog... this large Jamaican UPS delivery guy expressed his sympathy and gave her a huge hug.

Because yes. That's Roslindale. That's how bad Roslindale really is.

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at the breakfast table are messing with my corneas!

Roslindale rocks. And condolences on the loss of your dog.

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Our 17 year-old English Setter has been gone 5 years -- and I still miss him.

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sorry about your dog.

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I was born in 02131 and thought I'd be 02131 all my life but my home is literally just over the line into 02136. My street is 3/4 Roslindale though, and I'll always be a Rozzie girl !!!.
My neighborhood is lovely with beautiful views and good people. And speaking of views stop sometime on Met Ave before Augustus Ave and look out at the city.
On a sunny or clear night it's spectacular. Whenever I drive up or down Met I slow down and turn to look. Thank God no accidents yet!.
Fun memories of taking the #50 down to the square.I have many relatives and life long friends from Rozzie I love it when those who now live in other towns come home to visit.

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farther along Metropolitan (almost to Poplar). there is a gorgeous vista of the Blue Hills.

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A family of skunks frequent the back yards on our street whenever the weather warms up. Raccoons have tried to break into our trash barrels multiple times. We've had to stop for jaywalking coyote crossing Walter St. from the Roslindale Wetlands Urban Wild Park into the Arboretum.

Next thing you know, we'll have a bear climbing trees and gangs of turkeys. Hell in a hand basket, people.

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Feral cats rule Roslindale. They keep the turkeys, bears and other riffraff in check.

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I agree that there are some nice areas left in Roslindale but if you do happen to find a place, make sure its not anywhere on the Hyde Park Ave stretch in Roslindale. That area is getting worse and worse every year. Stay away from HP ave and Cummins Hwy, HP ave and Mount Hope, HP ave and Neponset, HP ave near Archdale and HP ave and Blakemore. Just HP ave in general is what I'm saying!

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