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JP now has a tiny monument across from the large Monument

Greg Cook reports how a local artist turned an old stump of a city street pole into a memorial to Trayvon Martin.

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It's really nice

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Comparing a violent thug shot by another violent thug to men who died in the Civil War - white guilt at its finest. Global outrage when a white thug walks because the prosecution had no case, but not a word when judge Dougan & Co routinely walk minority thugs on a small technicality or often for no reason whatsoever.

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That would explain why you missed all the Globe stories about the judge.

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A few lame-ass articles about the DA finally getting fed up and getting shut down, some global outrage right there. Conley should feel lucky he didn't get a bunch of "racist" labels plastered all over him. Do me a favor and leave the demagoguery to Lizzy the 1%-hating 1%er.

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A Mother Jones reader...

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Why didn't you publish my Zimmerman/Martin vs Matulina/Nguyen comment? Makes sense but doesn't go along with your agenda?

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Has absolutely nothing to do with Jamaica Plain or the Martin case. Has everything do to with an agenda that perhaps sees connections where there are none.

And as long as we're on the topic of what I'm allowing through and not, if you (the general you, not you the person who wrote about media coverage or lack thereof of another murder case) really want to express your thoughts on how a teenager deserved getting shot to death, please find one of the numerous existing forums where you can wallow with your fellow betrodden birthers.

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If someone put up a permanent memorial for Amy Lord, the city would be accused of not caring enough about minorities. The media would also be accused, as it was for the same lack of compassion.

The threads on your site of prime example of white guilt and double standard regarding race in the country.


Its been 20 years since OJ was acquitted and the African American community in this country celebrated a man getting away with a vicious crime.

PS George Zimmerman is Hispanic. Its racist in itself not to recognize his heritage to push you views.

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Nice straw man argument you got going there.

Show me where anybody has spoken against your hypothetical monument to Amy Lord.

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The Paranoid White Resentment is strong with this one.

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...to get the crap bubbling up.

It's like they wait days for a chance to do a bit of colored people hate yap and are ever angling to find the right ways to make it sound reasonable.

But it ain't easy when you're dumber than dirt.

Who knew that a tiny monument to a kid with a bag of skittles would be the trigger de jour?

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Typical uhub knee jerk response - everyone who disagrees with me is a herald-reading, bible-thumping, new hampshire-dwelling uneducated racist. Guess what - there's plenty of people here who are just as educated and cultured as uhub's uber-liberal pseudo intellectuals, but they simply don't suffer from overdeveloped white guilt tear glands. They cheer for the 100% college-bound (also 100% poor and 100% minority) Christo Rey graduating class, they feel sorry for a minority clerk gunned down during a botched robbery, but they refuse to feel sorry for a thug who chose to respond to words with violence which in turn was met with deadly force. A tall 17 year old who could easily take on 95% of uhub's males, with proven propensity for violence and liver of a seasoned alcoholic, is not a poor innocent little child.

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The best thing about pointing out that these guys are Herald readers is that it's such a low-effort way of getting them angry and having them go on a rant.

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Almost as bad as typical uhubbers going on a rant whenever bikes and/or bike lanes are mentioned, though most of the time herald readers actually display less anger and make more sense.

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The topic of bikes and bike lanes is proven to be one of the things that we as Bostonians just cannot handle.

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You can type, but can you read? The sculptor did not compare Trayvon Martin to Union soldiers (I assume you mean Trayvon Martin by "violent thug" though I'd argue most of us want to fight back when attacked by armed drunks).

By pairing Martin’s death with the Civil War monument, Hincman aimed to make “a contemporary marker to how far we’ve come in terms of race relations, in terms of power and equality since the end of slavery, since the end of the Civil War.”

That's what the artist said. It's in the linked story. You can read it.

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So, a (talented, I must admit) trust fund baby with too much time on his hands immortalized a mile-high stack of race cards used to line the pockets of certain individuals after a violent thug attacked a trigger-happy thug and caught a slug in the chest. Whooptie effin doo.

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How do you know Matthew is a trust fund baby?

I went to high school with him and even I don't know if this is true.

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This is where I'd put a meme-y image like of Ned Stark going "The Herald is coming" or something

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are dark and filled with terror!

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OK, I don't use that stop anymore, but I have stood there waiting for the 38 bus hundreds of times and I totally recognize that stub of a post. Very cool!

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I'd rather see a memorial for the store clerk killed right next to that spot. That's located one street over from where I grew up!

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We have plenty of innocent victims here more worthy of memorials.

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So make one? The article says clearly that this guy didn't get city approval, he just wanted to put something there and did it. If you want to do the same thing with your own memorial you have exactly the same permission that this guy had.

In fact I bet you could get the city to approve your memorial pretty easily, but I guess it's easier to complain online about something someone else did.

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I fought and agreed to pay five figures get a memorial that wasn't a barely visible sign to the Mollasses Flood, an actual historical event that claimed lives and was rejected. It's very difficult to get the city's attention.

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... in a non-tacky fashion?

(It would seem like a display placard -- similar to those at national park sites -- showing pictures, before and after, and providing relevant information would be better than a plaque).

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How could one visually present this tragedy in a non-tacky fashion?

You can't.

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... not to say it -- but all the other ways sounded more stilted. ;~}

Probably not room for a "kiosk" -- but something more illustrative than a plaque would be needed. We really need to promote our our own local history WAY better.

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I'd bring my obnoxious nephews to it. :)

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I had an obelisk type of thing with information and names designed but it was rejected because of "space concerns." The existing plaque is one of those small square things that is shin height and on the side of a wall by the park in the North End. You wouldn't even find it unless you were looking for it. Pathetic.

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Two Boston Firefighters gave there lives a few months ago, and are local heros. If you want to memorialize someone why not them? Why memorialize a thug from Florida? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp-WKDdvSIs

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It is the lowest of low-hanging fruit, but:

their lives, not there lives
"memorialize someone" and "why not them" require a comma separator

I'm not exactly sure why every racist shitheel on the internet is also illiterate, but I'd have to think you would at least realize that your inability to properly form sentences and spell words would damage whatever credibility is left after you deliver your spittle-flecked coup de grace.

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But how is calling someone a thug "racist"?

Further, how is voicing ones opinion in favored memorializing fallen firefights vs a common criminal with zero connection to the area also "racist".

Watch where you throw stones when calling someone a "shithead".

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If you can't make an argument without resorting to four-letter words, count to 10 and try again.

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Haha. I was reading it morons, but with a Chicago accent, has a nice ring to it. I did like the grammatical rant with a misspelled word in the title, awesome!

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"Why memorialize a thug from Florida?"

The memorial was not set up for Zimmerman. It's for Trayvon Martin. The thug is still alive.

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I'm bummed that this is the reason for the mystery bench at Jamaica Pond. The fact that it is "art" doesn't make as fun anymore. I enjoyed pretending someone really messed up in the bench making factory but they thought it would still be funny to use it.

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"He remains skeptical of the city’s public art approval process."

Well, the city has a public art approval process so "art" like warped benches that serve no use or purpose just can't be installed in public parks .

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Because look at it...just sitting there. It's an affront on your ability to sit on it! It's ruining the view of the grass behind it! It's...it's...just art and not useful at all!

Psst, last I checked art is its use or purpose. Now, imagine if you were the person approving art for the city. You clearly don't care for this thing. Thus, you reject his application. Only things that you consider art get approved. You don't think he might have a valid skepticism? If the approval process is more than "is it offensive, going to be in the way, or dangerous", then ignoring the approval process and asking forgiveness later might be the better way to go, no?

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should have put his work down by Bromley Heath. It could act as a memorial for the many, many young men of color who have died

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Hi, Adam and everyone. Thanks for the love here. And, um, enjoying the conversation.

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is standin' its ground over at your corner too.

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