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Man on bicycle wanted for groping two women in Cambridge

Cambridge suspect

Cambridge Police report they are looking for a man they say grabbed a woman from behind around 11 p.m. on Saturday on Harvard Street near Inman Street and then grabbed another woman around 11:35 p.m. on Tuesday at Cambridge Street and Ellsworth Avenue.

In the Tuesday incident, police say:

The suspect, described as a dark skinned male approximately 18-25 years old wearing a bright red t-shirt with dark shorts, was riding a bicycle and had a black backpack. He approached the female and indecently grabbed her from behind. He fled and the victim then contacted the police. Police units conducted a thorough search of the area, but the suspect has not been located at this time. The bike was taken into custody for evidence.

The Saturday incident involved two men on bicycles, police say:

Two males on bicycles approached her and one indecently grabbed her from behind. The suspect was described as a male, approximately 18-25 years old with dark curly hair, a light colored t-shirt and dark shorts. Both males fled down Harvard Street toward Harvard Square. Police units thoroughly searched the area, but the suspects were not located.



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Now all of the car drivers are going to go around groping women and hide behind the statement that "they'll start abiding by assault laws when the bicyclists do first".

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Hope these pervy cyclists are caught. Pathetic.

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That is truly No Country for Old Men levels of Bad Criminal Hair in that sketch

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Were the pedestrians who were assaulted walking on the street or the sidewalk, with the attackers riding on the sidewalk?

I'm guessing that the height of the attacker is hard to state based on the bicycle size which is probably far too small for its rider, as is popular in the hood.

Now, if police enforced the ban on sidewalk riding in commercial areas, pedestrians would be less at risk from more than just indecent assaults.

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as is popular in the hood

Yeah, you probably saw that on TV, right?

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He probably saw it while driving through the hood. Now do me a favor and go get that jerky knee of yours checked.

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I'm guessing that the height of the attacker is hard to state based on the bicycle size which is probably far too small for its rider, as is popular in the hood.

Um, that's not a 'hood thing', that's a choose your style of bike thing. Have you ever SEEN BMX riders? (TRY HERE) And it isn't relegated to 'the hood'.

Bicycles on or off the sidewalk won't help, pedestrians on sidewalks can still be reached from the street.

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At least as far as criminal style goes. He needs to get tips from Jeremey Meeks

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I was chatting with the lady who runs Lion Liquors in West Medford on Route 60. She told me one day she was walking from her car to the store with a Dunkin cup in her hand. A guy on a bike rode by and snatched her cup right out of her hand - didn't look back or say anything either.

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