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A Marathon tribute motorcycle

Boston Strong motorcycle

Stevil photographed some of the bikes at the Northeast Motorcycle Expo at the World Trade Center over the weekend.

Copyright Stevil. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.



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I don't know. People died, people were grievously wounded, and many people were traumatized, and now this event is commemorated on a motorcycle? Definitely not my thing.

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You don't think the person who rides that motorcycle witnessed that carnage?

What it commemorates is that LIFE GOES ON.

Gawd I hate this "somebody died so we can't live" nonsense.

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Motorcycle dudes love commemorating stuff like this. I assume because then their wives can't complain as much that they're going to go ride their motorcycle hundreds of miles for no reason, because it's for a good cause.

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Charity golf tournaments, bicycle rides, runs, and all the training for these charity events.

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and "tribute" crap is usually just some person or company exploiting an event to get attention for themselves.

Where are the tribute bikes for the dozens of people murdered in Boston since the bombings?

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Just wondering. Everyone has their own Personal way of commemorating events that they hold dear. I don't personally ride a bike but I still think its cool someone took the time and personal financial sacrifice to creat this. Even if its ugly, their heart is obviously in the right place. Don't knock things you don't like just because you don't understand their mentality.

Put up or shut up bubb.

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"Personal financial sacrifice"! Good one. Nothing to do with egomania.

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Slogans like 'Boston Strong' and the one on the bike above have been completely co-opted and were pretty lame to begin with. Some things shouldn't be trivialized. Bombs crippling and killing people shouldn't be used to sell and move product. Enough of the Disneyfication of Boston and America.

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"Boston Strong" is quickly becoming the new "Keep Austin Boulder Portland Miami Brooklyn #YourCityHere Weird".

I don't suppose that they will have Fonzi use that motorbike to jump the shark later in the exhibition?

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Don't think we won't soon see "Marathon Commemorative Plates" and the like, if they don't already exist.

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Who knows when the bike got painted - it could have been done when less of a cliche'. Understand too the motorcycling community that often leads in toys for tots charity rides . Many are working class, vets, cops, firemen, and other first-responder types. Many still "never forget" VietNam and the MIAs, so the Internet news cycle is a mere blink of the eye for them.

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"Boston Strong" got ruined when the RedSox co-opted it. There's so much more to this city and the damn sports teams have managed to get the media to face-hug them and ignore the rest.

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I'd like to see a 2013 Marathon tribute that didn't include the BAA logo.

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It looks like a custom bike, meaning, one made, not mass produced.
but Mass produced........

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There are plans for some of the cops that were there to participate in some form of pageantry: http://www.metro.us/boston/news/local/2014/01/12/b...

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This may be the motorcycle that leads the marathon for 2014. Police motorcycles lead the marathon every year.

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