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Mulch erupts in flames on Back Bay roof

Around 3:45 a.m. at 285 Beacon St., Stanley Staco reports. Firefighters made short work of the mulch.

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mulch on a roof deck... morons.

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Problems of the 1%?

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If you gots to have it , use stone. Stone is our friend !

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Roof decks have weight limitations.

That said, if it is just a small amount, decomposed granite would be a good choice. There are also recycled tire/rubber mulches that are vastly less flammable (possibly less than the rubber roof membrane itself).

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Swirls , pea stone , thinly raked out. Before rubber membranes , they used to heat pitch and cover it with the pea stone, 3/8 ths, pond wash is nice , but crushed if you can't find it. I use it myself instead of hot top, trailer loads of it. As I said , stone is our friend !

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When I'm barefoot, gravel is not my friend. If I had a penthouse in the clouds with a hot tub on the roof, I would definitely want to go to and from it shoeless.

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Yeah that's why there are roof decks with hot tubs and gas grills which weigh a lot more per square foot than stone mulch.

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Rubber mulch, made from recycled tires, reacts with automobile exhaust and causes it to off-gas some pretty nasty stuff. Why anyone uses it is beyond me. And to suggest hauling that crap up to your roof....idiotic.

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What was on fire? How big? Do you have info beyond what's reported here?

"Mulch on fire" could mean anything from dry straw spread a foot thick all over the roof (in which case the "morons" reaction would be entirely appropriate) to a half gallon pail of shredded bark to be used in flower pots and window boxes, in which case maybe calling the inhabitants "morons" might be a little out of line, eh?

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It was a flower pot with mulch that caught fire, from a cigarette butt.

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most mulch fires i've seen have been in parking lots due to discarded cigarette butts. wouldnt be surprised if that was the case here

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Should ban all roof decks.

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Less complicated than banning morons, I guess.

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