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Police say Arlington man started waving his gun permit in argument with his kid's principal


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Cambridge West, home of the Menotomy Moonbats, what gives?


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I have to correct you, he's not just a "gun nut" the man is a nut with a gun... Was a nut with a gun.

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http://www.contextflexed.com. His blog.

After reading the first sentence of his latest blog I thought "crisis averted". He's an angry man. This guys inability to be a rational adult is the sole reason he's losing his right to bear arms.

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Hey! I see on his blog he offers 'Creative Solutions'! Are those solutions provided with guns, or without?

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You mean he lost a constitutional right without due process of law.

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He seems to not be involved with anything "well-regulated" or "militia".

He lost his privilege to carry a gun because he violated the law.

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The Supreme Court disagrees with you. Believe me, I don't disagree that the guy may be a nut, just in this country we grant people a hearing when we are going to take away a fundemental right.

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Even in the Heller case, which struck down Washington, DC's attempt at gun control, the Supreme Court said the Second Amendment is no more absolute than the First and that states can impose certain regulations on gun ownership. And in Massachusetts, at least until the Supreme Court acts, police chiefs get to decide who can own a gun. He will, of course, get his day in court.

See Mirko Chardin vs. Police Commissioner of Boston.

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It's called the Bill of Rights not "privileges" for good reason.

His "right" was suspended pending the outcome of criminal proceedings and the sequence of procedural due process.

"Privileges" can be revoked at any time without criminal proceedings or due process.

Rights are protected from government trespass outside from specifically defined judicial proceedings. Privileges are not protected from government trespass.

"Well regulated" at the time the BoR was written meant practiced or "to make uniform". "Militia" then and still by archaic US code means anyone not professional army which is a military aged male. The MA state constitution also makes it clear that the "militia" is not a standing professional army.

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When did militia include women?

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He should have waved the Second Amendment at the principal.

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He's entitled to a review of the confiscation. He just has to petition for it and he will have his day in court. If the court felt it was unjust they will reinstate his LTC.

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Just your average libertarian.

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Another wimpy moron enamored of the thug life that he'd shit his pants if he ever got out of Arlington and experienced 10 minutes of it. Angry/wimpy, angry/wimpy, how rough it must be to fight that fight in your pea brain daily.

I mean when line one of your blog is "Pam Geller is a cunt" then you're dealing with someone who shouldn't be allowed 10 feet near a firearm, especially with children in the house.

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See what happen's when you try to keep up with the Jones's and indulge with all the fine things Arlington has to offer ! Waves a gun permit at his kid's principal, this guy should be monitored by the Mass state police S.W.A.T. team!!

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Well in his defense most people would call Pam Geller all kinds of nasty things, just maybe not sexist epitaphs like that. She is blatantly racist and possibly even a worse firebrand than Ann Coulter. And Pam Geller likes to toss around some nasty words herself. For example, in discussing said Coulter:

My point is I hate how the right has completely thrown her under the bus. She is a brilliant, beautiful, acerbic, bright light of the right. The right can’t run fast enough the other way. Seems to me they are a bunch of faggots as well.

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.. would be in despair if they didn't have Pam Geller to skewer.

She is pretty gross. But then a third rate clone of the Rude Pundit is no prize either.

You just have two flavors of blowhards who would just merit chortles in a saner world but now we have to second guess the possibility of some idiot going postal.

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Which websites (besides this one) do you frequent and/or enjoy?

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(Vermont), people have guns, and it's not a problem. You know why? Because they shut the (expletive) up about it. Try that on for size next time, thug life.

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yeah, but then there's this whole issue:


I lived in southern VT for years and drugs and guns were sadly a problem. And no, they aren't always quiet about it. You really don't know what you're talking about.

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Will can be accused of a lot of things, but I would never doubt his experience with and knowledge of the mean streets of Vermont. I understand there has been some pretty violent country road skirmishes over the real sweet brown stuff up there, and I mean the type that comes in amber bottles.

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I thought people from vermont used their tractors to solve their problems.. Kinda like that man did up in Orleans County in 2012

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I lived in southern VT for years and drugs and guns were sadly a problem. And no, they aren't always quiet about it. You really don't know what you're talking about.

Whole hardheartedly agree. I am from Mid-West NH (Lebanon/Claremont/Hanover & Springfield and White River Jct Vt area). And the drug problem is SO bad there. And where there's city folk coming to these parts to sell their drugs, you can bet they are going to bring guns to protect said drugs.

BUT the OP is half right.. yeah guns do exist up here, but ya know, unlike the gun nuts you see everywhere, here, most people who use a gun here is for sports and hunting. Its not seen as a weapon. Sure people have hand guns but unlike the gang bangers who carry it around because its a status symbol, few up here do. (most stay in a gun rack).

And most around here, just don't threaten with a gun in that manner. Sure you have a few 'protection nuts" with 4092374023 guns. And yes there is the occasional shooting (its rare tho with the non-drug gun owners), but its usually, like all shootings, someone with mental health issues.

But most people here use a gun for hunting. Its just not that big of a deal up here

PS - I'm actually IN NH visiting friends in my home town, and we've had this discussion regarding drugs and guns coming to the area.

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However, those were the old days - back when guns were a tool and not a fetish object and phallic totem.

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Part 1: Please allow me to do a better job of reporting than the reporter did here. Stratton Elementary has been home to Principal Hanna for the past two years, after Hanna was summarily ousted from Marblehead and passed over at Balmer because of his obsession with student behavior over academic performance. If that sounds like a mischaracterization, then please see here ( http://www.wickedlocal.com/article/2...News/302089828 ), where Hanna was clearly let go because he refused to conform to newer, more rigorous academic standards, and also see here ( http://northbridge.dailyvoice.com/sc...-principal-job ), where in Hanna’s own words, he is willing to toss an entire six weeks of academics in favor of ensuring a system of robotic student behavioral compliance. Mr. Goodwin’s son is no different from any other fourth-grade boy. He loves his little brother, Minecraft, and his friends. However, this school year, Hanna has systematically singled out boys at Stratton and urged their parents to have the boys medicated to ensure docile compliance in school. Mr. Goodwin has steadfastly refused to subject his son to addictive, brain-altering medication and has instead on numerous occasions asked his son’s teacher and principal to focus on developing more challenging curriculum for the classroom. To be continued...« less

Part 2: A few weeks ago, Hanna approved a showing of the popular movie “Despicable Me” at Stratton for a whole-family event. On Wednesday, June 4, Mr. Goodwin went to Stratton to pick up his son after dismissal and was playing basketball with his sons and other students when Hanna approached Mr. Goodwin on the basketball court. He gave Mr. Goodwin a sketch his son had drawn in class of a scene from “Despicable Me,” depicting the minions firing ping-pong balls from a gun at each other. Hanna insisted, verbally and off the record, that Mr. Goodwin’s son was drawing penises. He then told Mr. Goodwin that his son was a sexual deviant and threatened Mr. Goodwin, stating that if he did not have his son medicated over the summer, his son would be subject to even harsher disciplinary action in the next school year, retaliatory action in clear violation of federal law. Hanna then abruptly left, and Mr. Goodwin, understandably angry, went to Hanna’s office to confront him there, touching off the “argument” mentioned in the article. Mr. Goodwin explained to Hanna that his son had drawn a sketch from the movie, not a ***, to which Hanna responded that both are the same and that both are dangerous. Mr. Goodwin then showed Hanna his gun license and said that he could tell the difference between a gun and a ***, because he legally owns a gun, which he did not have with him, and the sketch clearly showed an innocent scene from a school-approved movie. To be continued...« less

^^^^^The last of this bit is where the dad made a fool of himself^^^^^^^^^

Part 3: He explicitly told Hanna that he would not medicate his son and that he did not want the issue brought up again but that he did want Hanna’s illegal medical recommendations submitted in writing for documentation purposes. Then, Mr. Goodwin left, and instead of providing written documentation of his illegal actions, Hanna had the police confront Mr. Goodwin the next day (Thursday, June 5) with a no-trespass order barring Mr. Goodwin from school property, insisting that he had felt threatened despite the fact that he had instigated the argument by telling a parent, in full view of all of the students, that his child is a pervert. The police also informed Mr. Goodwin that he was to transfer his son to another public school next year. Mr. Goodwin agreed and was reassured that the issue was settled. On Friday, June 6, however, police showed up at Mr. Goodwin’s residence to confiscate his gun license and the rifle he legally owned. Mr. Goodwin then went to Stratton to withdraw his son and called to have his son brought to him, per the no-trespass order. Hanna took the phone and told Mr. Goodwin that he, Hanna, would try to legally bar his son from leaving, which he was unable to do. To be continued...« less

Part 4: Who is the real perpetrator here? Why is there no investigation of a principal who lacks any medical accreditation and who is hellbent on vengefully forcing parents to medically lobotomizd their children? Why is the headline not about a concerned father trying to protect his son from a wolf-in-pleated-khakis determined to see sexual imagery in children’s doodlings? Why is the article focused on a man who broke no laws but not the educator who has definitively violated federal law and infringed upon children’s civil rights? Yes, Mr. Goodwin has some unusual music videos on YouTube, but he is a music artist, and true artists respond authentically to the ills of society. Why did the reporter not mention the videos where Mr. Goodwin is shown being a loving father to his sons? Please be careful of the “facts” you read in the “news,” because this article is a quintessential example of how journalism has collapsed under the weight of disingenuous clickbait propaganda, and you may unwittingly find yourself its next victim.« less

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Maybe you ought to wait for the case to play out in a real court and not in the pages of UHub.And as far as being a"true artist", one would think that as a rap "artist" you would be focusing on the verbal statements and not the ridiculous imagery of you with butcher knives. You're a fool and a poseur. I feel for your children.

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To understand why the parent was upset and the principal made an accusation about him. The Globe tried speaking to teachers at the school and "Two teachers at Stratton, who spoke under condition of anonymity because they were concerned over any consequences from school officials..." There is a whole culture of retaliation in school administration and town government. Teachers know this, and now the same message to parents is being reiterated. Anybody who disagrees with a school over the education/medication of their children can be claimed as a potential threat to school safety, with full-blown response.

This is a he said, he said case unless there is a recording of the conversation, or witnesses.

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There is a whole culture of retaliation in school administration and town government.

Welcome to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut ... and anywhere that cities and towns are run by people who never ever leave town for any reason.

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..it's what's for dinner..

But it seems to be part of a broader national landscape.

The Puget Basin has its forms that were observed over my decade there.

What, after all, was Ted Bundy, beyond a kind of white hot vindictiveness channeled through extreme sadism against an entire gender? I knew one of his Tacoma neighbors.

We are one shaken and stirred culture bloated from the bullshit sugar rush of market parasite things telling us how wonderful and unique we are that our wallets may stay readily open.

Then, along comes mean old Mr Reality to reduce all the cotton candy to some small grease spot and whatever occasioned the disillusionment is likely to be in for a world of hurt as we frenetically spin the spite webs well festooned with shriveled hopes and shattered conceits.

It probably grows like some black mold spore wherever rubber meets wrong roads a few too many times.

I wonder if there is a social anthropology of vindictiveness with different modes of expression in the differing regional cultures.

Is Puget Vindictiveness baked while that of its alter ego, Maine, broiled?

Is Georgia spite more fattening than the Vermont variety?

How does the bouquet of LA passive aggressive enmity contrast with the more explosive and bombastic New York version?

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How many times have you seen "The Grand Budapest Hotel"?

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I don't even know what it is as I find movies to be a bloated waste of money and the idea of sitting in some dark room to watch expensive fabrications to be repulsive.

I think of all the dead Jazz people I could have helped with the just the catering budgets of the things and I seethe.

It's like concentration of wealth applied to the arts.

And I haven't watched TV since "Bonanza and Combat" were around. I discovered life beyond the vicarious and liked it too much to attend to such flimsiness.

Hell, today I was in Dover and saw a raptor parent and offspring rehearsing the hawk routine and it was pretty impressive, just there and free.

Hope it helps.

It looks pretty promising and all but naaah ..I don't really give a shit about style.

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Grand Hotel Budapest is an interesting and fun movie. ;-}

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..I could convince my self to give a shit about movies.

I'm sure I'll have time after I'm dead.

Be secure in your preferences while being able to accept that others aren't you.

Works for me.

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Instead of the modern opiate of the masses?

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..on trying to get sophomoric college women to take me home and that had to be 30 years ago.

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That was up there with poetry as pick up cliche's go...

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..it's for the really ridiculous weasels.

Caring about poetry was disgusting enough.

I had a saxophone but gave it away.

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is the fact this guy is a father to that child. Who knows what kind of shit he has put in the mind of the child?

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Read the comments in the article about the principal. The father isn't the only crazy party involved. The principal is apparently a giant authoritarian loon being bounced around from school to school.

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Why bring up Arlington? What not refer to all the "Gun Nuts" in Roxbury or Dorchester? Things that make ya go hmmmm.

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The "gun nuts" in Roxbury and Dorchester aren't picking fights with public officials.

Also, did you miss all of the "person shot dead" stories here, pretty sure you can just search for the subject "Crime" and go back and read about all the gun-related crime in any city.

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Stratton Elementary has been home to Principal Hanna for the past two years, after Hanna was summarily ousted from Marblehead and passed over at Balmer because of his obsession with student behavior over academic performance. If that sounds like a mischaracterization, then please see here ( http://www.wickedlocal.com/article/20120208/News/302089828 ), where Hanna was clearly let go because he refused to conform to newer, more rigorous academic standards, and also see here ( http://northbridge.dailyvoice.com/schools/two-interviewed-balmer-school-... ), where in Hanna’s own words, he is willing to toss an entire six weeks of academics in favor of ensuring a system of robotic student behavioral compliance. Mr. Goodwin’s son is no different from any other fourth-grade boy. He loves his little brother, Minecraft, and his friends. However, this school year, Hanna has systematically singled out boys at Stratton and urged their parents to have the boys medicated to ensure docile compliance in school. Mr. Goodwin has steadfastly refused to subject his son to addictive, brain-altering medication and has instead on numerous occasions asked his son’s teacher and principal to focus on developing more challenging curriculum for the classroom.A few weeks ago, Hanna approved a showing of the popular movie “Despicable Me” at Stratton for a whole-family event. On Wednesday, June 4, Mr. Goodwin went to Stratton to pick up his son after dismissal and was playing basketball with his sons and other students when Hanna approached Mr. Goodwin on the basketball court. He gave Mr. Goodwin a sketch his son had drawn in class of a scene from “Despicable Me,” depicting the minions firing ping-pong balls from a gun at each other. Hanna insisted, verbally and off the record, that Mr. Goodwin’s son was drawing penises. He then told Mr. Goodwin that his son was a sexual deviant and threatened Mr. Goodwin, stating that if he did not have his son medicated over the summer, his son would be subject to even harsher disciplinary action in the next school year, retaliatory action in clear violation of federal law. Hanna then abruptly left, and Mr. Goodwin, understandably angry, went to Hanna’s office to confront him there, touching off the “argument” mentioned in the article. Mr. Goodwin explained to Hanna that his son had drawn a sketch from the movie, not a penis, to which Hanna responded that both are the same and that both are dangerous. Mr. Goodwin then showed Hanna his gun license and said that he could tell the difference between a gun and a penis, because he legally owns a gun, which he did not have with him, and the sketch clearly showed an innocent scene from a school-approved movie. He explicitly told Hanna that he would not medicate his son and that he did not want the issue brought up again but that he did want Hanna’s illegal medical recommendations submitted in writing for documentation purposes. Then, Mr. Goodwin left, and instead of providing written documentation of his illegal actions, Hanna had the police confront Mr. Goodwin the next day (Thursday, June 5) with a no-trespass order barring Mr. Goodwin from school property, insisting that he had felt threatened despite the fact that he had instigated the argument by telling a parent, in full view of all of the students, that his child is a pervert. The police also informed Mr. Goodwin that he was to transfer his son to another public school next year. Mr. Goodwin agreed and was reassured that the issue was settled. On Friday, June 6, however, police showed up at Mr. Goodwin’s residence to confiscate his gun license and the rifle he legally owned. Mr. Goodwin then went to Stratton to withdraw his son and called to have his son brought to him, per the no-trespass order. Hanna took the phone and told Mr. Goodwin that he, Hanna, would try to legally bar his son from leaving, which he was unable to do. Who is the real perpetrator here? Why is there no investigation of a principal who lacks any medical accreditation and who is hellbent on vengefully forcing parents to medically lobotomize their children? Why is the headline not about a concerned father trying to protect his son from a wolf-in-pleated-khakis determined to see sexual imagery in children’s doodlings? Why is the article focused on a man who broke no laws but not the educator who has definitively violated federal law and infringed upon children’s civil rights? Yes, Mr. Goodwin has some unusual music videos on YouTube, but he is a music artist, and true artists respond authentically to the ills of society. Why did the reporter not mention the videos where Mr. Goodwin is shown being a loving father to his sons? Please be careful of the “facts” you read in the “news,” because this article is a quintessential example of how journalism has collapsed under the weight of disingenuous clickbait propaganda, and you may unwittingly find yourself its next victim.

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Mr. Goodwin, you should get used to the fact that you will more than likely never hold a handgun in your moronic little hands again. Myself, and more than likely the entire population of Arlington and most likely your own wife and children are more than thrilled at that fact. Now scurry off to your corner and sulk.

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..people still ineptly try and plead cases through pitifully obvious personas in these kinds of quasi obsolete public forums.

This is stuff you'd run into on the Noise Board or Craigslist rants and raves circa 2004 or something.

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Not that you could really do that much to help your case now, but writing under your own name, providing proof for your assertions, and using a paragraph break or twelve would at least be a start.

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