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Punch in the face proves learning experience at Brighton bar

The Boston Licensing Board decides Thursday what to do about a one-punch fight at Lincoln Bar and Grill - the former Hogan's Run - on Lincoln Street in Brighton.

A patron who says he objected to the way a couple of other patrons were harshing on an "elderly" gentleman on the evening of Jan. 18 spoke up - and promptly got punched to the ground - bar owner Francis Thomas, a bartender and police agree.

What happened next - and why the guy got punched in the face - however, proved subject to interpretation.

The man's account, as recited by a BPD detective, was that he was knocked unconscious and that he awoke to find the other two men kicking him right before his wife managed to drag him outside. But the bartender on duty at the time said, um, not quite.

"He was never unconscious on the ground," she told the board. "He was punched in the face, he got knocked down, but he got right up, bleeding. ... Nobody kicked him."

She continued that the man he left of his own accord after both he and his wife refused an offer to call 911.

The bartender said she has learned from the experience. She told the board she now knows she should have called 911 herself after witnessing the face punching and the bleeding.

Thomas then introduced as a witness the "elderly" man, who, despite some gray hair, does not consider himself anywhere near elderly. And he said the guy who got punched should take something away from the whole thing as well: To keep his nose out of other people's business.

He said there was nobody mistreating him before the fight. In fact, he said, he knew one of the two guys because they work together. If words got heated, it was "just a barroom discussion" and it was over before his putative champion tried to come to his supposed aid, he said.

"The fellow went out of his way to get in (the puncher's) face," he said. "There was no reason for him to get in anybody's face ... In no way, shape or form was he involved in the discussion."

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the puncher should still go to jail for being a bad attituded ass

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By police.

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Stay classy Brighton.

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bucket of blood

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Since the late 1800s this spot has hosted a bar,and it has always had a reputation for being rough around the edges. I'm not surprised this happened at all. If you want a drink go to the Boyne or the Bus Stop. If you want to get punched in the face,go to the Stinkin Lincoln.

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I've been to the Lincoln aka Hogan's many many times and still have never even been threatened with a punch to the face. If you have that problem it must stem from something else.

All three of those bars are great for having a drink and watching the game, although the bus stop sometimes gets hipster overflow from other places in allston on the weekends.

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Thomas then introduced as a witness the "elderly" man, who, despite some gray hair, does not consider himself anywhere near elderly. And he said the guy who got punched should take something away from the whole thing as well: To keep his nose out of other people's business.

Yep. Wanna know why so many losers get coddled? This townie b.s. is why.

Oh, but the people in Dorchester do "stop snitchin" and get in fights over nothing.

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"Yep. Wanna know why so many losers get coddled? This townie b.s. is why.

Oh, but the people in Dorchester do "stop snitchin" and get in fights over nothing.


What are you talking about?

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Townie victim is condoning behavior of his abusers because some "yuppie" didn't know his place. Even if said "yuppie" was trying to help the townie.

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We've had enough of your annoying meddling. We can take a few words without considering it "abuse" or ourselves as a "victim."

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Do we know that the victim is in fact a yuppie and not a local? Standing up for a stranger is more consistent w/ local behavior.

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The victim did not attend the hearing and police did not describe him. But, seriously, a yuppie at that bar on that street?

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are known to venture into places like Hogan's that are known to be rough. It's a bar, you're a paying customer, and that usually works out just fine. But it helps to understand that in such places, a stranger, someone who is not a regular, might be on their own in an unpredictable situation. I'm hardly condoning violence, but awareness of who you are and where you are can be useful in most situations in life. You might be in the right, but if you can't deflect a swift right, maybe you should consider alternative options to sticking your chin out.

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We called it the eraserhead neighborhood.

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From Adam's story it could be a bunch of knucklehead yeah-dudes beating up on a townie.
I'm using irregardless here b/c it's twice as strong: mind your own fucking business and be congenial in a pub.
I've done it in more buckets of blood than you can shake a stick and haven't been sucker punched nor even threatened.

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The correct nomenclature is YAH DOOD.

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I can't believe it's not Hogan's Run anymore. That Hogan guy must have been waiting since 1976 for a chance to give his bar that name.

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For an awkward early beer in a bar. I still live across the Pike, but haven't returned.

As for the story, of course the bartender didn't call 911, because THE BAR GETS WRITTEN UP FOR ALL POLICE INTERVENTION. Does Ferrer have Asperger's? I mean, really?

Fix this, Walsh.

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MYOB. anyone turning this into a townie or yuppie thing needs to stay home.
This is gospel worldwide: be friendly and congenial and stand up for you and yours if necessary. Don't start or join unnecessary trouble.

Quiet word to the bartender may have sufficed. If not and you need to to confront, do it right so you're not a on the wrong end of a stiff shot and on the floor. If you're not ready for all that a barroom intervention entails sit the fuck down and enjoy your beer. Leave it to the hard men. No shortage of them.

WTF? This stuff was sorted out generations ago, Smarten up!

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How many bars in how many places have you been to, anotheranon?

Just curious as to your information gathering methodology. (As in "how did you get this gig"?)

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Just old and always fond of a drinker two. I can't personally claim worldwide experience, unfortunately, but I travelled a fair bit when I was younger and was never afraid to head into a dodgy bar.

Only threat threatened with violence twice in my travels, and neither time in a bar. Robbery attempt in Jacksonville, FLA and attempted assault (by an American) in the Tijuana jail.

Usually ended up on good terms with the bar staff and clientele by following my own advice.

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I'm appalled at the number of people condoning thuggery here. A place being a bar is no excuse.

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If he had moved the old guy's space saver without introducing himself to his neighbors first, they'd be calling for him to be tied to the car and dragged around the neighborhood.

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And the townies just went to town on him, so to speak. You know, just on GP.

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in a bar. I'm shocked....shocked.

face palm

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