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In Somerville, the war is over and the yuppies have won

Die Yuppie Scum

Becca Fitz spotted this relic out with the trash on Winter Hill yesterday:

I'm guessing the yuppie-haters gave up?

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They are following their traditional pathways to new roosts in Billerica, Dracut or Methuen.

The shallow ostentation of materialistic dipshits will never be favored in some realms.

At the end of the day no amount of rebranding will help.

But there's always transformation, mind changing and what have you.

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not a serious statement by some bitter old-timer. That thing probably first got fished out of the trash in 2002 when it was 15 years old and given that decorative paint job.

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Sometimes people grow up; it can quite suddenly anywhere between the ages of 18 and 49, when "spraypainted boombox and empty Pabst can ziggurat" go from being seen as home decor to being seen as garbage.

You know, yuppies.

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Hippies without money and anti establishment became yuppies naturally. They worked and fixed up the broken down houses they bought. It's easy to criticize.....

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And a bit of interior upscaling is happening.

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of the wagon-wheel coffee table.

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..chain link fence owner.

It looks like it's illegally parked on a sidewalk.


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from cassette and FM to the latest iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android, and speakers, Grado headphones, or premium Sure ear buds. In other words, yuppies and hipsters won.

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Given that the average 1980s cassette boombox produced much better sound quality than an iPhony or similar MP3 player with cheezy earbuds ever will.

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imagination tells you cassettes had over later media for the ability to carry my entire home music library (>36K tracks, 99 days worth of continuous music) around in my pocket. Cassettes sounded horrible, full of tape hiss, and were extremely fragile. Good riddance.

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the days of seeing cassette tapes by the roadside with tape hanging out of them, discarded after getting jammed inside someone's player. Thanks for that nostalgic reminder.

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Weird enough that Buggin Out shows up transformed into Gus Fring but now this??

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This looks like some sort of punkity rockity decoration job straight out of 1988. But regardless it still looks better than the new boston.com homepage.

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What do you think they paid for the house they bought in 1970 , and what did they get for it recently , before moving to , say North Carolina ? Maybe that ghetto blaster has one more song left to play....

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Sorry, you're all wrong. I happen to know that this was not being thrown out. I saw this recently at an upscale home furnishing shoppe in Davis Square priced at $785.00. The item description was "antique music box, some damge, as is". I just called the shoppe, and sorry kids, a couple of newbies got into a bidding war. The final sale price was $1800.00. Such is life in the Ville.

Now who's smarter.

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I don't believe you.

What is the upscale home furnishing shoppe you speak of in Davis Sq.?
Sunshine Lucy's ?!?!?! With shite re-upolstry & "Somerville estate sale" items?

D-Squared has no furniture.
The Antiques store across on Highland has only Nana's stuff.
Must be Goodwill. or the Davis Flea.

What store praytell, oh smart one.

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Can you still get a glass at the Coronet ?

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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...hyoooo-mah!!

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What exactly is wrong with yuppies? Is there something wrong with young adults who live and work in the city? Not sure why there is so much hatred directed at this group.

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Yuppies were reviled in the 1980s because they made cocaine very expensive. I don't know why the hate lingers; we've got crack now.

...And something something gentrification.

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The ignorance on this page is sickening, also if I might add when was it ever a war, not one yuppie brat has ever put there hands on me and got away without getting layed out, face ityour like locust, you do this to every town basically, its facts, and every city the yuppies have been to will get the same response I'm giving, you can keep the overpriced condo's, the backstabbing friends, tough guy attitude, and sense that you know more then others for all I care, god is your final judgement, "In response to the atheist, who made this post", you especially, ik your one of the people who will be judged harsh in the end, ik your one of those corrupt people, goodluck to you buddy your gonna need it, Thank you god, may his will, and retaliation to all those who break his will, be swift to his enemies.

p.s watch them ignorantly try to tell me, or riderect this convo so that they aren't pricing people out of their homes, or the fact that their greed means more to them, then anyone around them, family, and friends you got it, their that corrupt.

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