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The gloves come off in Allston - long enough to write this note

Mean note on an Allston space saver
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At least it appears that they actually shoveled the spot. I can't stand seeing space savers out BEFORE a storm, or after one where they clearly spent no time shoveling.

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Is then justified??!


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The appropriate revenge is shovelling the offending car in, when you clear the space next to it, where everyone else has dumped their snow.

Mean, but appropriate.

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To buy a clunker and park it there for the winter.......

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To leave a note saying that I'd key any car parked in that spot within the next 48 hours.

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"I agree! So, if I see *anyone* move this chair, I'll break out their windows after they walk away too. Glad to help, neighbor!"

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Get an undercover cop to park there and then arrest her for extortion when she comes out to key the vehicle.

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If we want to combat vandalism, why don't we run sting ops?

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Because the city certainly has the resources to stake out a single parking space in Allston on the off-chance that they might bust someone for attempted vandalism.

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According to city laws it can be reported as abandoned after 7 days and towed.

There are far better things you can do with your money, such as donating it to me so I can take lessons on how not to take message board comments so seriously.

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A nice big snow sculpture hosed down with hot water would do nicely.

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I'm not against saving spots, but preemptively being such a douche about it really sets you up for potential legal or extra-legal trouble.

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Marty said space savers are fine to use, so....

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Out of her mind, and deserves what she gets. If it doesn't happen this time, then it'll be the next.

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to be painting a majority of people in the Boston area, wouldn't you say?

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Further proof that people who use space savers are violent losers who think its ok to damage private property because they don't want to share public property.
Also, bookmark this photo for next time car drivers say cyclists are the worst.

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This was in Allston so the person behind the note was probably a millennial, who, being the most narcissistic and self absorbed generation yet, were too doped up on ADHD medication to learn how to fight so they have to put all their cowardly rage into mean words for attention.

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Oh god, two posts in a row that pretty much exemplify what's wrong with the internet. A nice big broad toxic tarbrush. Way to go!

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Would you say the toxicity is problematic?

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Maybe you ought to grab a few barrels and head over to Milton?....

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i think its perfectly justified to key the car of some yuppie puke who has the Hillary Clintonesque "you are less than me, do my work", spoon fed, elitist attitude, and balls enough to park in a spot that someone else just shoveled out. You must be one of those yuppie condo owners who would NEVER think of shoveling the sidewalk in front of your condo or the stairs either, huh? Leave that for the peons. Yucky yuppies. So self centered.

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Hey, peon, less typing more shoveling. My sidewalk still isn't cleared.

I'm also docking you 10 circus peanuts for even suggesting that we'd ever park the tesla on the street.

Chop chop.
-your imaginary fabricated enemy neighbors

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... why is it that in the winter, spending half an hour shoveling out a space justifies the use of a space saver, while in the summer, spending half an hour driving around looking for a space does not?

Or do you believe that justifies space savers, too?

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As I like to point out, even though we live in the same city, we live in different places. There are people in JP, Dorchester, and probably other parts of the non-core areas that in fact do put space markers out on a nice June day. And even amongst those of us who have no problem with the practice when 40 inches of snow are on the ground, 95% properly call BS on the practice.

I suppose that the car owners could just not shovel out at all, leaving that extra 18 inches in the roadway, but they do.

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Can't one of these turn deadly soon?

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I thought only people from Southie put out savers ??? Finally the truth is coming out. Spot saving happens in neighborhoods all over this city. This wouldn't be such a big problem if everyone did their part to clean the snow. If we all cleaned our spots down to the pavement there would be no need to put the spot savers out. It's the jerks that don't do any work and just pull out of the spot that create all of this drama. My suggestion to solve this issue is after a storm such as this : make the residents move their cars for an hour so the city can clean the snow right against the curb or load into trucks to dispose of it. Then the next day do the other side of the street. (like street cleaning)

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Typically, the only people who bring up Southie space savers on UHub these days are fourth-generation South Boston residents with persecution complexes who think the rest of the city hates them for no damn reason except that they suck and only wish they could have been lucky enough to have been born in Southie. The rest of us know space-saving has been going on in the rest of the city (looking at you, JP) for years and years now.

Yeah, Southie, come at me!

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Typically, anytime someone mentions South Boston in a comment you take that opportunity to attack them. At least you are consistent.

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Vicious cycle, for the win!

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This person offers a valid suggestion to our snow parking problem but all you see is that they mentioned Southie? Why all the hate Adamg? It's very typical of you .

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This spot should be the designated snow farm for all the other spots on the street.

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I've been pleasantly surprised by the performance of Bill "Mousey" Evans as PC. Here's a ground ball. If someone is willing to be the victim/complainant of that threat to commit a felony (willful and malicious damage to a motor vehicle), why not have one of the world's best handwriting examiners, right here in Boston, identify the culprit and make sure the media is at the arraignment? The prosecution and front page shaming would send a strong message to the space-savers and perhaps end this annual nonsense.

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I'd love to see someone do something about this. In the winter of 1995, I got home from a trip at 4:00 AM. There were no spots on my street or any of the adjoining streets in my neighborhood in JP. I moved a space saver. That was early on Saturday morning. On Monday I went to go to work only to find all four tires had been slashed and two cans of trash dumped on the car (Criminal genius: want me to move? slash my tires...).

I went down to the BPD E13 and reported it. The sergeant on duty told me "You shouldn't have done that" -- so yeah, I'd love to see the BPD actually give a crap about this kind of thing, but I'm not holding my breath.

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That sergeant should have been busted down to cleaning toilets with his tongue.

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In the intervening 20 years?

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Not enough to get cops/city employees/whoever to pick up the space savers.

I will give the e13 some credit. When my scooter was stolen last year they were nothing if not professional and courteous. Not like the time one of my neighbors (a cop) had me towed for being parked legally in front of his house, which he didn't like because he preferred that spot for himself. And this was in the middle of the summer, no space savers involved (also back in the 90s in jp). The cop on duty at the e13 that time got mad that I was implying the guy who had me illegally towed was acting in an extralegal manner. He was so mad when I called them on it he was sputtering spitting into face while he berated me and basically kicked me out of the station.

But yeah, they've gotten better over there in the intervening 20. We're cool now.

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A good friend of mine had her plates stolen and car marked up with lipstick etc 2-3 years ago after parking in "someone else's spot", also in JP.

We took the car to E-13 headquarters, and multiple police laughed at us for even attempting to file a police report.

They ultimately did take down the info, but were laughing at us throughout and told us there was zero chance they would investigate further. They were firmly on the side of letting the space-saver people do whatever they want, it was pretty absurd.

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I wonder if they would have been equally disinterested if you actually came to them with a suspect.

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You came home from your trip at 4 am and moved the space saver and thought not to return until Monday morning.you must hold a PHD in ignorance. You didn't have the decency to make an appearance with a shovel after getting some rest. You are a card carrying member of the for me and screw you generation.

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How are you so certain that he's a baby boomer?

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justice, this problem isn't going away. He grew up in Dorchester; he knows how people "defend" their saved spaces: with vandalism and battery.

It seems inevitable that this will lead to someone getting killed in a space-saver dispute before long; we had a near-miss on that score barely a year ago, in the wake of a much more modest snowstorm that consumed far fewer precious spaces than our recent pileups.

Whose head will that be on, Mr. Mayor?

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His predecessor, who came up with the 48 hour rule.

And the guy before that, who allowed the practice.

And the guy before that, who was mayor when the practice began.

I'm 45, so there is no history before that guy.

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Obviously that involves more than just doing what your predecessors did.

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Sorry, I confused you with one of those "enjoy your single term" yobs.

Still, that's a lot of lack of backbone from 3 mayors who were (in order) almost a Vice Presidential candidate, an Ambassador, and a guy viewed as a demigod by many in the city.

But as you say, unlike the rest he has probably actually shoveled out a car parked on the street, so he has an idea what that is like.

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pot that is now ready to boil over. The issue is increasing pressure on resident spaces, many more permitted cars chasing a finite number of spots than in Menino's early days or before that. It obviously gets a lot worse when plowing piles up four-foot snowbanks that eliminate half the public spots, as appears to be the case at the moment in the South End.

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St. Thomas of Readville presided over a city where the pot was boiling, as far as parking space issues go. You remember why the "48 hour rule" came about? Same crap we are dealing with now. And I cannot remember the year and I'm too lazy to look up the details, but back in the 1990s, a guy shot a neighbor in a spat over a parking space in Brighton. Of course, it was September, so we just chalked it up to "road rage," and coverage after the fact centered on the fact the two guys didn't even know each other but lived something like 5 doors away. I suppose nowadays we will chalk it up to "parking rage."

I will say this, the Globe nailed in on the head when the noted the insanity of parking permits per household in some parts of Boston. Now, if you think I'm thinking about the article a month ago, you're mostly right. I also remember reading about the issue in the Back Bay back in Flynn's era.

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The cheerful "thanks!" at the end of this person's little rant is some solid passive-aggressive work.

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If he started the note with "My friend."

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How about "Dear friends" or "Hello buddy?"

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I think opening that note with "Sorry..." and closing with the "Thanks!" would have been an absolute triumph of passive aggression

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Random stranger moved the cone out of the way and put a new note stating "Hey, just moved your cone because I wanna see someone get his car keyed..." (or some variant of "I moved this cone because some men just want to watch the world burn")

Think Mr. Space Saver would oblige if he found that note, understanding the next one to park there didnt know?

I will not advocate either way, just a case of "what would you do if...?"

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Following the first storm, I shoveled out a couple of spots. I was leaving town on Saturday for a few days, I noticed someone had placed a space saver in one of the spots I shoveled out. While I wasn't saving it for myself, I'll be damned if someone else tries to save it. So I tossed the saver into the trash.

It occurred to me later that a third, completely innocent person, might park there, and that I may have inadvertently made that person a target. The creep that tries to save a spot they made no effort to shovel probably isn't above keying a car.

I wonder what I'll be returning to when I get back on Wednesday.

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Would she like a free car wash? Couple of buckets of warm water once she returns?

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I make that suggestion and I'm called a thug and a child.

I guess it's in the way you phrase it. No harm, but definitely a sanction for the foul.

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self admitted vandals such as you and several others here have suggested pouring warm water on a car in an act of retribution for something or other? Does the warm water cause more damage to a vehicle than cold water might?

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Look, I am thinking of maximum trouble, minimum damage. Warm, but not hot, water will with a generous helping of soap will make sure they have to do something to "earn" the space while not causing lasting damage.

You have to buff a keyed car. You have to replace slashed tires. For frozen soapy windows you just have to wait until the temp goes above freezing, which it will. Eventually.

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Kind of a strange way for an adult (supposedly) with children to act. But hey, to each her own....

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But thanks, for saying that someone else is childish for thinking of the same thing. Still, better than adults slashing tires.

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Shall we look through your brief posting history and calculate a percentage?

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The truth is finally out Adam. You secretly wish you came from Southie. Wouldn't waste my time 'comin at you'. GROW UP

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